This is war

To your stupid to reported its no wonder why its failing
Yes i agree Olive, but thank god congress is there for final say . One cannot deny Hillary will abolish the second amendment
lets face it even if your a Clinton supporter does it not bother you at all .
That she is a power hungry untrustworthy person.

What is happening right now is a revolution but with out guns
And thanks to the patriotic people from all areas of the Gov, Military, and the intelligence community.

They had enough, people should of caught on when the twin towers especially the 3rd tower dropped that was a test , and everyone bought it .
That opened the door the citizens have no say in anything never have and never will .
Death n taxes and a sec number is all you are to them .

Casualty of war is all we are

But i am telling you its going to be a Tie

You're not just standing on stupid, you bought property.