RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

How many Americans are collecting welfare,food stamps & healthcare for multiple wives ?

the answer is exactly zero because bigamy is illegal in america,Obama & Hillary Clinton have been paying tens of thousands of " Muslim " familys for up to 6 wives,which breaks constitutional law on 3 different levels but Obama does it anyways & Hillary plans on increasing these illegal pay outs by 500%

Absolutely deplorable .

America will decide. I trust the free election process. You don't have the votes.

Too fucking bad.
Voting for the most corrupt politician america has ever seen because she has a vagina is sexist,racist,bigoted & down right ignorant,that's why we see Hillary losing badly in all polls that follow an impartial bipartisan blueprint .
Are you just playing the gender card, or do you really believe genitalia determines who will make a good president?
Maybe you could demand a genital inspection before the election. It would reveal the dick hidden under her potato sack pant suit.

"truth" is a gender card? it's not. Your interpretation is the work of an uneducated juvenile mind.

Truth actually is what it's all about. Trump lied, he lied about lying and continues to lie. He's counting on his supporters to prize fear and hate above rationality, truth or honor. and it's all documented. It has ZERO to do with gender and everything to do with character and conscience. He's a loser, a liar, a fraud and a dolt. He's no POTUS, never will be. it's the opinion of the american people no matter how many conspiracies, rigged elections, law suits whatever excuse. He's a POS and he's attracted other desperate, fearful and ignorant folks to his wretched cave.
"truth" is a gender card? it's not. Your interpretation is the work of an uneducated juvenile mind.

Truth actually is what it's all about. Trump lied, he lied about lying and continues to lie. He's counting on his supporters to prize fear and hate above rationality, truth or honor. and it's all documented. It has ZERO to do with gender and everything to do with character and conscience. He's a loser, a liar, a fraud and a dolt. He's no POTUS, never will be. it's the opinion of the american people no matter how many conspiracies, rigged elections, law suits whatever excuse. He's a POS and he's attracted other desperate, fearful and ignorant folks to his wretched cave.
Anybody who cares about the truth and doesn't want a liar to be president would never vote for Hillary.
But if you are willing to equate the gender card as a truth card,
then maybe you're just not smart enough to see who the woman really is
"truth" is a gender card? it's not. Your interpretation is the work of an uneducated juvenile mind.

Truth actually is what it's all about. Trump lied, he lied about lying and continues to lie. He's counting on his supporters to prize fear and hate above rationality, truth or honor. and it's all documented. It has ZERO to do with gender and everything to do with character and conscience. He's a loser, a liar, a fraud and a dolt. He's no POTUS, never will be. it's the opinion of the american people no matter how many conspiracies, rigged elections, law suits whatever excuse. He's a POS and he's attracted other desperate, fearful and ignorant folks to his wretched cave.
All politicians especially at the federal level are liers and crewks
Anybody who cares about the truth, has a functioning brain, and doesn't want a liar to be president would never vote for Drumpf.
But if you are willing to degrade the female gender and grab 'em by the pussy,
then maybe you're just not smart enough to see who women really are.
