RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

you'll drop dead from a heart attack before election day, fat stacks.



Casting for a new film: 'The Virgins Three'!
Some sample delights from breitbart

US Cities With the Highest % of Republican Voters

Rexburg, ID
Population 25,749
93% of Voters Voted Republican in 2012

The stats below were not presented together with the above

"Total Population

17257 100.00%
Hispanic or Latino(of any race) 697 4.04%
Mexican 541 3.13%
Puerto Rican 9 0.05%
Cuban 4 0.02%
Other Hispanic or Latino 143 0.83%
Not Hispanic or Latino 16560 95.96%
White alone 16183 93.78% "


Frank Bruni: Media Faces ‘Moment of Truth’ on Whether to Ignore Trump After the Election

Was he ridiculous? Beyond measure. Relevant? Beyond doubt. As long as the reporting about him was skeptical — and, after a certain point, the bulk of it was — there was more reason to train the spotlight on him than to pull it away.

That’s about to change — bigly. He is bound to lose the election, and we in the media will lose the rationale that his every utterance warrants notice as a glimpse into the character of a person in contention for the most consequential job in the world.

But he will remain the same attention-whoring, head-turning carnival act that he is today. And we will face a moment of truth: Do we care chiefly about promoting constructive discussion and protecting this blessed, beleaguered democracy of ours? Or are we more interested in groveling for eyeballs and clicks?

Pretty sad when the evil cunt can't even win the vote on a hippy weed growing forum.
Just goes to show you that there are a whole lot of sexually deviant, airhead Nazi burnouts on this site (wow, what a shocker) excluding myself of course, but then again I am a college educated white male with an IQ above 70 and has a little common sense. which apparently leaves a lot of RIU members out. It,s very sad to see that many morons here, but in 2 weeks they will all have go and crawl back into their holes, or their mothers basements or whatever dark place they exist in out of shame that voted for that loser, and shut the fuck up. That will be nice to see.
Some sample delights from breitbart

US Cities With the Highest % of Republican Voters

Rexburg, ID
Population 25,749
93% of Voters Voted Republican in 2012

The stats below were not presented together with the above

"Total Population

17257 100.00%
Hispanic or Latino(of any race) 697 4.04%
Mexican 541 3.13%
Puerto Rican 9 0.05%
Cuban 4 0.02%
Other Hispanic or Latino 143 0.83%
Not Hispanic or Latino 16560 95.96%
White alone 16183 93.78% "


Frank Bruni: Media Faces ‘Moment of Truth’ on Whether to Ignore Trump After the Election

Was he ridiculous? Beyond measure. Relevant? Beyond doubt. As long as the reporting about him was skeptical — and, after a certain point, the bulk of it was — there was more reason to train the spotlight on him than to pull it away.

That’s about to change — bigly. He is bound to lose the election, and we in the media will lose the rationale that his every utterance warrants notice as a glimpse into the character of a person in contention for the most consequential job in the world.

But he will remain the same attention-whoring, head-turning carnival act that he is today. And we will face a moment of truth: Do we care chiefly about promoting constructive discussion and protecting this blessed, beleaguered democracy of ours? Or are we more interested in groveling for eyeballs and clicks?

Clear voter fraud. Did you know that several precincts in Rexburg did not cast a single vote for Obama?
image (59).png

I'm so glad I don't live in a 'diverse' area. Bunch of savage beasts.

If you're white and you don't look for white areas to reside, you're doing it wrong.

Who are white taxpayers supposed to support?

If you're a white citizen and you're not angry, then you either haven't been paying attention or you've already given up and become part of the welfare class. You're god damn right whites are mad, it actually makes me depressed to see how far the country had to fall before whites started getting pissed off.

You think we enjoy losing jobs and college opportunities to people less qualified just because they are the politically correct tone of brown?

dindu nuffins

ooga booga

Whatever will I do without a new self-hating white friend?

@Flaming Pie

that awkward moment when you are in full throated agreement with an avowed white supremacist neo-nazi.

birds of a feather, pie.