Greetings Growmau5, I ripped all your Youtube Content and watched in fragments over the course of a few weeks, re watched a few vids just for shear entertainment.
First I would like to say thank you very much for being so generous with your knowledge and not trying to capitalize on it the instant the thought of generating a revenue stream crushes the thought of just sharing information, your a rare Youtube Gem.
I plan to build a CANOPY ish type light, not because I think your design is not feasable but I have a Daughter in University so I should remain Budget conscious so as not to alert the Boss / accountant hee hee.
So I have taken a page out of your book of "Detailed Information" and uploaded some pics of a LED I bought 3 years ago on Ebay, it was not advertised as a 924 watt LED and I paid around $600 CAD.
I believe it has 308 of your typical garden variety (pardon the pun) spectrum 3 watt LED's
There are 9 drivers, as per the pics they are no name, Manufactured January 24 2013
100 - 240 Volts input
55 - 100 volts Output
500 - 550 ma
From what I gathered from your videos and pleas correct me if I am wrong I can replace the OEM LED array with COB's.
If I do how can I articulate the Ma Voltages to run reliably, I want reliability,
Whats your opinion on these? Anyone?
Ideally I would want the best Spectrum for essential oil production, I like my flowers more smelly than big, and I will be doing some Lab terpene extractions, or fractional distillation with the final product.