RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

was she laughing? if so then so. she couldn't care less about deplorables, don't you know they are irredeemable?

You ever here her screaming in Joy when they killed Bin laden holy shit i cannot find the video but wow who with any respect for them selfs would scream in joy for any death..

Who am i kidding a democrat after false flag and blame it on someone else

Any first year student in building construction could clearly see even 911 was a false flag event
was she laughing? if so then so. she couldn't care less about deplorables, don't you know they are irredeemable?
The strangest thing is that I do not particularly care for Hillary. I fucking loathe Trump though. I do not see this tape as in any way supporting the right's claims about it.

Lately time I have come to respect her though. She has conducted herself with dignity despite a low, untruthful opposition. I think she will make a good President.

I think Donald would be the worst President ever. He is a dangerously narcissistic man.
Getting 'likes' from the choomer thing? (wince) Tsk tsk tsk, sad, man....I never saw you as a Drumpf drone, you appeared fairly sane in other posts I've read.
Ah well, 'birds of a feather', as they say...
they say a lot of stuff. as i'm seen as 'sane' in all other walks of life, you would think my opinion would have merit. at least to other sane individuals who can discuss and debate without condescending and belittling... you know, like adults? i realize there aren't very many of us on this forum, most here are under thrity years old...
The strangest thing is that I do not particularly care for Hillary. I fucking loathe Trump though. I do not see this tape as in any way supporting the right's claims about it.

Lately time I have come to respect her though. She has conducted herself with dignity despite a low, untruthful opposition. I think she will make a good President.

I think Donald would be the worst President ever. He is a dangerously narcissistic man.
lmao your kidding right with dignity ???? she lies has lied and will continue to lie
TBH she is at wits end her days are really numbered if Anonymous does release some hacked emails or wiki leaks

all they an fight now and say Russia is the cause of this blame deny deny its all going to come out truth is what emails or any stuff done on the internet is stuck on you like shit stuck to the hairs of your ass
it remains some where in the dark web waiting to be found or someone knowing where to look
The strangest thing is that I do not particularly care for Hillary. I fucking loathe Trump though. I do not see this tape as in any way supporting the right's claims about it.

Lately time I have come to respect her though. She has conducted herself with dignity despite a low, untruthful opposition. I think she will make a good President.

I think Donald would be the worst President ever. He is a dangerously narcissistic man.
yes, but if hillary dives, you get kaine, a pro abortion, pro death penalty catholic.

if trump is elected and fails, you get pence. he seems caring enough to give a shit, kaine doesn't, nor do our candidates.
How many syrian refugees are moving into your city?

Not your problem right?

syrian refugees are responsible for killing exactly zero jews.

right wing, white males however, well, that's a different story.

in other words, us jews have much more to fear from the likes of you than we do from any number of syrian refugees.

what is sad is people saying they are voting for hillary so they don't get attacked. this has become DANGEROUS for anyone not 'with her'. they say nc is a split state, but i have not seen one hillary sign anywhere in anyone's yard. fuck the bathroom thing, you shouldn't have to be afraid of your opinion in america. but if you don't agree with the mob, they kill you.

sounds almost like terrorism...
d-emo-crats are so peaceful!

Republican office firebombed in North Carolina, warning painted nearby: 'Nazi Republicans get out'
fficials in Orange County, North Carolina reported on Sunday that the local Republican Party headquarters had been firebombed.

Police said a bottle filled with flammable liquid was thrown through the building's front window, and the words "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else" were spray painted on a nearby building.

No one was killed and there were no injuries reported, but local Republican officials say there was substantial damage to the building.

“The office itself is a total loss,” Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of state party, told the Charlotte Observer. “The only thing important to us is that nobody was killed, and they very well could have been.”

A statement on the town website for Hillsborough, where the incident took place, described what happened:

"The flammable substance appears to have ignited inside the building, burned some furniture and damaged the building's interior before going out," it said

Tom Stevens, Hillsborough's mayor, said: “This highly disturbing act goes far beyond vandalising property; it wilfully threatens our community’s safety via fire, and its hateful message undermines decency, respect and integrity in civic participation."

Republican offices around the state have been warned to take extra precautions in light of the incident.

Local Republicans in North Carolina turned to social media to voice their defiance.

"They can firebomb our headquarters and they can call us Nazis," wrote Markeece Young on Twitter. "It won't stop us voting and fighting for the Conservative cause."

Hillary Clinton described the attack as "horrific and unacceptable".

from the uk press, so fuck media bias...


there is no evidence of who did that.

but we do know who raised $13,000 to rebuild the office: democrats did.
lmao your kidding right with dignity ???? she lies has lied and will continue to lie
TBH she is at wits end her days are really numbered if Anonymous does release some hacked emails or wiki leaks

all they an fight now and say Russia is the cause of this blame deny deny its all going to come out truth is what emails or any stuff done on the internet is stuck on you like shit stuck to the hairs of your ass
it remains some where in the dark web waiting to be found or someone knowing where to look
Have you even checked out the sex tape?
This is why people call democrats "cucks". The women, gays, and children will be the first to suffer under your "judgement" as evidenced in Europe.

These people will not integrate. They will build their numbers until they can replace our law with theirs or riot in the streets.

The koran demands they keep themselves separate and eventually force submission to their religious laws. Their religious laws are discriminatory, violent, and cannot coexist with our laws.

It is a cult.

you're projecting.

syrian refugees have proven themselves to be peaceful in our country. unlike your type.

you're especially projecting when you call islam a cult. a cult is how you describe the dying gasps of the trump campaign and his sycophant diehard devotees like you.