RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i agree that it destroyed faith in polygraph tests...

but he got off with just two months served 'tee hee'...

i wouldn't be laughing about it....like she did.
Getting 'likes' from the choomer thing? (wince) Tsk tsk tsk, sad, man....I never saw you as a Drumpf drone, you appeared fairly sane in other posts I've read.
Ah well, 'birds of a feather', as they say...
she's as responsible as Kiichiro Toyoda. have you noticed all those white trucks ISIS uses are Toyota Hi-Luxs??
Interesting just think your tax money is being use properly thank Hillary or is that photo chop how many you just left behind on purpose ??? with a full tank of gas to boot Yeah Yeah its not true and photo chop save money not bringing home your vehicles 1_isis_415078711558.jpg

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.
Accurate description.

In the womb.. Out of the womb..


Well-Known Member
Did you ever notice that if a liberal ever refutes what you have to say, they quote no sources for their "information" and (or lacking even that ability) usually have nothing of substance to refute what was posted but think that the size or color of the font they use to insult you or a "clever" meme is all the farther they have to think in the matter.

It explains so much.


Well-Known Member
On May 21, 1975, Tom Taylor rose in court to demand that Washington County Judge Maupin Cummings allow him to fire his male court-appointed lawyer in favor of a female attorney. Taylor, who earned a meager wage at a paper bag factory and lived with relatives, had already spent 10 days in the county jail and was grasping for a way to avoid a 30 years-to-life term in the state penitentiary for rape.

Taylor, 41, figured a jury would be less hostile to a rape defendant represented by a woman, according to one of his friends. Cummings agreed to the request, scanned the list of available female attorneys (there were only a half dozen in the county at the time) and assigned Rodham, who had virtually no experience in criminal litigation.

Hillary told me she didn’t want to take that case, she made that very clear,” recalls prosecutor Gibson, who phoned her with the judge’s order.


retarded pathological liar.

go tell your retarded girlfriend @roseypeach that trump isn't going to do anything to increase her food stamp allowance. welfare mooches.
You're using this to try to refute an actual recording of Hitlery talking about the case AFTER the judgement???

That's some desperation there.


Well-Known Member
Come on now. Trump isn't the Devil. That bitch Hilary is. That women would stomp across new born babies in 6 inch stilettos just to get to the white house ..Trump is just a business man and you don't make the money he has by being a nice guy. You get eaten alive in the business world by being the nice guy. The Democratic party doesn't give a fuck about blacks whites or anyone else for that matter. Both parties are scum , trump is a good candidate , first off because the president doesn't really have all that much power without Congress behind him , and second he hasn't been in politics so long he's a puppet to biget corperations ..fuck Hilary , she's a know liar and she's a slime ball to the 20th degree , trump might not be perfect but he isn't beholden to anyone and he says what everyone is thinking. And trump has a point. Hilary has been in a position of power for almost 30 years. She's had plenty of time to make a difference , all she's done is make shit so much worse.