I have a 2 or 3 gallons water jog, honestly, like I said, I eyeball, I just sprinkle some powder in there, add water and use it to water mostly vegging plants. My girls go from 1 gal to 7-10 gallons pot, mostly 10s. Also when I water with the seaweed (only once every 7-10 days really) I also grab the plants with my left hand the best I can so that I can poor the seaweed water onto the leader(s) and onto most of the plant... like a hilly billy foliar spray... works great!!!I be down with WHF
Rock their kelp a lot myself, actually
Definitely something babies can handle more than other amendments
Do u know what percentage your at rn in your mix, roughly?
Of total volume
..That's what I prefer as a measurement
Once you start topdressing tho, it gets harder to measure
And harder to make it burn clean and ultra smooth
Not that you won't see great results meanwhile
It's fkn packed with great stuff
..what size pots are you flowering in?
The smaller, the higher I might recommend
(Harder to correct or weaken a big batch)
1.5% if doing over 20gal vs 2.5% total volume, if doing a 10 gal less, for example
Unsoaked, aka pre-expansion numbers shown
I measure then soak then sprinkle, then wait.
No topdress or foliar after, unless cloning
Kelp my fav amendment to add last, other than aeration of course
I have a 2 or 3 gallons water jog, honestly, like I said, I eyeball, I just sprinkle some powder in there, add water and use it to water mostly vegging plants. My girls go from 1 gal to 7-10 gallons pot, mostly 10s. Also when I water with the seaweed (only once every 7-10 days really) I also grab the plants with my left hand the best I can so that I can poor the seaweed water onto the leader(s) and onto most of the plant... like a hilly billy foliar spray... works great!!!
A question regarding "powder"!I have a 2 or 3 gallons water jog, honestly, like I said, I eyeball, I just sprinkle some powder in there, add water and use it to water mostly vegging plants. My girls go from 1 gal to 7-10 gallons pot, mostly 10s. Also when I water with the seaweed (only once every 7-10 days really) I also grab the plants with my left hand the best I can so that I can poor the seaweed water onto the leader(s) and onto most of the plant... like a hilly billy foliar spray... works great!!!
From a German producer called Makana, this stuff is "officially" for feeding to horses. but it's just 100% Ascophyllum Nodosum (at least thats what the label says) chopped up.That looks nothing like mine, if I mix half a teaspoon of the stuff I have in that glass of water, the wate r would be nearly black and I dont think u could see through. Where did u get it from?
Here's a link to what 'Coot' does..........https://buildasoil.com/blogs/news/11759569-diy-instant-kelp-meal-tea-coots-hydrated-kelp-meal-trickA question regarding "powder"!
I finally managed to source some kelp (whew haha) - it's not really "powder" but granulated.
I think it'll be great for topdressings - but not sure how I should be handling it for watering and foliars.
Here's how it looks dry, also I just mixed a teaspoon into a glass of water to see how it handles.
View attachment 3801118 View attachment 3801119
My hunch is that it may be good to let the granules soak a while before watering them in?
Question is, how much, how long, especially when it comes to foliars where I'd be straining the granules out.
Watering into the soil isn't a problem, I'd just dump all of it in, so whatever goodies didn't get leached will still be available for breakdown later...
Ah thank you soo much for ending my headscratching!Here's a link to what 'Coot' does..........https://buildasoil.com/blogs/news/11759569-diy-instant-kelp-meal-tea-coots-hydrated-kelp-meal-trick
The kelp meal I get looks similar to that, but it is a little darker. If it is Ascophyllum Nodosum it should be good to use IMO and Horse feed supplies are much more strictly regulated than soil amendments here in the EU. Feeds MUST list ALL ingredients, try finding any ingredients on fertilisers over here............no chance, no even on the MSDS's
Thanks Biz.. I'm all for Ful-Power if it helps!It would be applied per bottle instructions approx once a week?
Thanks for the nod to my choice of growing tools!![]()
can you do no till without the earth worms guys?
maybe a dumb question but i have to ask
I wouldnt veg. 12/12 from seeds, you must transplant as seedlings though. Thats what I would do. The other thing is 5 gallon can be enough with the living soil but you will probably need to feed teas.I've got another question if someone wouldn't mind answering.. I know 5 gallon pots aren't ideal for organic growing and bigger would be better but at least for now it is what i plan to use! That said, i understand i can't veg them for too given the size of the containers. Is 3 - 4 weeks veg reasonable when using 5 gallon pots with living soil?