"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"


Well-Known Member
so until we can do all 7 billion we do nothing but add insulation?....just step aside & don't get in the way of the rest of us trying to do something now......anything now
yeah thats excatly what i was saying....

god your either really dumb or really going to town with being intellectually dishonest.


Well-Known Member
much retard. so lol. wow.
No shit. There's a low level radiation dump locally here.

Cancer rates have gone up, property value has gone waaaay down there. A nice restaurant went belly up. Radiation kills.

Families wiped out. They finally decided to remove it. They made plutonium there in the '60's, but the waste is low level. Right.


Well-Known Member
i joined before the like system came in most of my posts are from then

that and i been here arguing against the racists and science deniers

never claimed im here to make friends

Tell us some more about why you are actually popular and why everyone likes you.


Well-Known Member
i get so tired of repeating this as i have done this already in this thread

fukishima was one of the worlds oldest reactors. a throw back to the nuclear arms race.

it was hit by one of the biggest earthquakes known in history, one that moves the entire island of japan 8 foot _----> that way

it was then hit by a frigging tsunami that killed tens of thousands of people and wiped out towns all along the coast

yet people still live by the sea

and fukishima hasnt killed anyone

those pictures you posted were bullshit too

we can build reactors now that not only burn up the waste so instead of hundreds of thousands of years its just radioactive for a few hundreds

we can also build reactors that are walk away safe (no run away meltdowns)

fukishima isnt the monster you pretend it is