"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"


Well-Known Member
sure yeah.....

you only need to cover an area bigger than Arizona with solar to do so

Arizona is a small state right?

Figure 30.3. The little square strikes again. The 600 km by 600 km square in North America, completely
filled with concentrating solar power, would provide enough power to give 500 million
people the average American’s consumption of 250 kWh/d.
This map also shows the square of size 600 km by 600 km in Africa, which we met earlier.
I’ve assumed a power density of 15 W/m2, as before.
The area of one yellow square is a little bigger than the area of Arizona, and 16 times the
area of New Jersey. Within each big square is a smaller 145 km by 145 km square showing
the area required in the desert – one New Jersey – to supply 30 million people with 250 kWh
per day per person.

again land useage is big problem to this planet and its eco systems



Well-Known Member
and wind......
Redoing the calculations for North America
The average American uses 250 kWh per day. Can we hit that target with
renewables? What if we imagine imposing shocking efficiency measures
(such as efficient cars and high-speed electric trains) such that Americans
were reduced to the misery of living on the mere 125 kWh/d of an average
European or Japanese citizen?

A study by Elliott et al. (1991) assessed the wind energy potential of the
USA. The windiest spots are in North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
They reckoned that, over the whole country, 435 000 km2 of windy land
could be exploited without raising too many hackles, and that the electricity
generated would be 4600 TWh per year, which is 42 kWh per day
per person if shared between 300 million people. Their calculations ass-
umed an average power density of 1.2 W/m2, incidentally – smaller than
the 2 W/m2 we assumed in Chapter 4. The area of these wind farms,
435 000 km2, is roughly the same as the area of California.
The amount
of wind hardware required (assuming a load factor of 20%) would be a
capacity of about 2600 GW, which would be a 200-fold increase in wind
hardware in the USA.

you really dont understand the magnitude of the problems we face


Well-Known Member
The shackles appear to be off. Climate change is a hoax, too huh? Coz it was cold outside yesterday..
i have spent years arguing on this forum against the AGW deniers

go back and look at my history........

my problem now is the people on the left who have their heads in the clouds about how we fix this


Well-Known Member
what steps have you taken to fix the problem?...
well insulated house, energy efficient appliances, light fittings, turn off when not using and i work in an industry that is a close to carbon neutral as you can get.

thing is i cannot fix this on my own even by some "feel good" solar panels on my roof (house isnt orientated in right direction for it to work anyway)

this needs to be done top down.

there isnt anything apart from nuclear that can provide the baseload needed to keep our countries going in the style we are used to

that and theres 7 billion people on this planet all of them have every right to expect the same energy luxuries that we in the west enjoy

gold lion

Well-Known Member
Nuclear is your solution?......really?.....have you ever heard of Fukoshima? I'd rather cover Arizona with Tesla solar panels
this. there's no reason we can't have wind/solar on every roof/yard, if you disagree then sorry but you're a victim of big oil propaganda. nuclear is insanely efficient but the potential risk is beyond bad and shouldn't be seen as the solution. if we invested more heavily in research of renewable energy we'd be set, but instead the trillions we raise in taxes will go towards military to gather more oil.


Well-Known Member
well insulated house, energy efficient appliances, light fittings, turn off when not using and i work in an industry that is a close to carbon neutral as you can get.

thing is i cannot fix this on my own even by some "feel good" solar panels on my roof (house isnt orientated in right direction for it to work anyway)

this needs to be done top down.

there isnt anything apart from nuclear that can provide the baseload needed to keep our countries going in the style we are used to

that and theres 7 billion people on this planet all of them have every right to expect the same energy luxuries that we in the west enjoy
You don't think nuclear energy is a dangerous and outdated form of power? Haven't more issues been caused than the opposite using that method? I think solar energy is badass. I have a stack of Sunruns covering my roof atm, and I have never been more impressed. Blown away with the kind of output they generate.


Well-Known Member
this. there's no reason we can't have wind/solar on every roof/yard, if you disagree then sorry but you're a victim of big oil propaganda. nuclear is insanely efficient but the potential risk is beyond bad and shouldn't be seen as the solution. if we invested more heavily in research of renewable energy we'd be set, but instead the trillions we raise in taxes will go towards military to gather more oil.
Smartest thing I have heard you say since you joined.


Well-Known Member
well insulated house, energy efficient appliances, light fittings, turn off when not using and i work in an industry that is a close to carbon neutral as you can get.

thing is i cannot fix this on my own even by some "feel good" solar panels on my roof (house isnt orientated in right direction for it to work anyway)

this needs to be done top down.

there isnt anything apart from nuclear that can provide the baseload needed to keep our countries going in the style we are used to

that and theres 7 billion people on this planet all of them have every right to expect the same energy luxuries that we in the west enjoy
so until we can do all 7 billion we do nothing but add insulation?....just step aside & don't get in the way of the rest of us trying to do something now......anything now


Well-Known Member
Nuclear is your solution?......really?.....have you ever heard of Fukoshima? I'd rather cover Arizona with Tesla solar panels
i get so tired of repeating this as i have done this already in this thread

fukishima was one of the worlds oldest reactors. a throw back to the nuclear arms race.

it was hit by one of the biggest earthquakes known in history, one that moves the entire island of japan 8 foot _----> that way

it was then hit by a frigging tsunami that killed tens of thousands of people and wiped out towns all along the coast

yet people still live by the sea

and fukishima hasnt killed anyone

those pictures you posted were bullshit too

we can build reactors now that not only burn up the waste so instead of hundreds of thousands of years its just radioactive for a few hundreds

we can also build reactors that are walk away safe (no run away meltdowns)

fukishima isnt the monster you pretend it is