RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

your fantasies about actually winning this thing are as laughable as your delusional racist lies about obama being a kenyan muslim homo.

wf is wrong with you & your social justice warrior pals ?

that fake racist shit you just pulled out of your ass is exactly why Americans have woken up & are flocking in record numbers to shut down sjw's,your fake hypocritical racist claims made most of america hate your fucking guts.

Look at the empty Hillary rally's where she has to hire child actors & college students to even seat 300 people,because everybody is sick of her shit & sick to death of the fake hypocrisy all social justice warrior idiots like yourself represent.

then look at any Trump rally & see 10,000 screaming mad Americans inside the building ,and another 10,000 Americans lined up around the block hoping to get it.

The people who are dillusional are social justice warrior morons,the only fucking way Hillary wins this is if she steals it,the popular vote for Trump will burry Hillary's ass,the only thing she has going for her is a government that's been corrupted like her that wants their slice of the pie.
wf is wrong with you & your social justice warrior pals ?

that fake racist shit you just pulled out of your ass is exactly why Americans have woken up & are flocking in record numbers to shut down sjw's,your fake hypocritical racist claims made most of america hate your fucking guts.

Look at the empty Hillary rally's where she has to hire child actors & college students to even seat 300 people,because everybody is sick of her shit & sick to death of the fake hypocrisy all social justice warrior idiots like yourself represent.

then look at any Trump rally & see 10,000 screaming mad Americans inside the building ,and another 10,000 Americans lined up around the block hoping to get it.

The people who are dillusional are social justice warrior morons,the only fucking way Hillary wins this is if she steals it,the popular vote for Trump will burry Hillary's ass,the only thing she has going for her is a government that's been corrupted like her that wants their slice of the pie.
Why do all your posts sound like some angry pissed off grandpa trying to make a disturbing point during his daughter's wedding reception? Everyone is having a blast, dancing, enjoying cake, and rocking out, except old pissed off Panhead...

Vote pinworm for Mayor.

@Illinois Enema Bandit

you are free to stay until december 8th on the grounds that you make a youtube vid of your neo-nazi tattoo.

I am "free to stay " lol

don't worry unclecarbuncle ,come the 28th I'll be here to pour salt on your gaping wounds & laugh in your face,I have AK
feeling hundreds of members who don't visit riu anymore will pop in on the 28th to watch you meltdown,if you even show your face,I'm betting a Clinton loss will cause you to become even more radical & take riu into radical areas its never gone before,maybe the new voice of black lives matter,or sjw's for jihadies :lol:
@UncleBuck if your not a paid pro Clinton troll you should be,here's a link you can follow to get paid $15 an hour to troll pro Trump members for George Soros .

With dozens of places paying $20 an hour for trolls nobody in their right mind should believe the half dozen of the worst trolls here are just random people .

even wikipedia has been taken over by trained trolls paid to spread disinformation .
you're really dedicated to your alternate reality.

do yourself a favor and don't look at any polls.

polls lmfao,you zombies are beyond pathetic,the " polls " are all fake & rigged as has been exposed dozens of times by real journalists not on corporate payroll,your rigged MSM polls & news is now Americas least trusted source & least viewed source.

I'm busy watching Trump fill entire stadiums with pissed off Americans while Hillary is forced to stage rally's with scripted child actors.,fuck your stupid rigged polls nobody believes,seeing CNN caught in the act feeding scripted responses to supposed " undecided" pollsters was the final nail in MSM's coffin .

in fact the corrupt media in america is a thread worthy topic now that its been so glaringly exposed as corrupt & criminal like Hillary .
wf is wrong with you & your social justice warrior pals ?

that fake racist shit you just pulled out of your ass is exactly why Americans have woken up & are flocking in record numbers to shut down sjw's,your fake hypocritical racist claims made most of america hate your fucking guts.

Look at the empty Hillary rally's where she has to hire child actors & college students to even seat 300 people,because everybody is sick of her shit & sick to death of the fake hypocrisy all social justice warrior idiots like yourself represent.

then look at any Trump rally & see 10,000 screaming mad Americans inside the building ,and another 10,000 Americans lined up around the block hoping to get it.

The people who are dillusional are social justice warrior morons,the only fucking way Hillary wins this is if she steals it,the popular vote for Trump will burry Hillary's ass,the only thing she has going for her is a government that's been corrupted like her that wants their slice of the pie.

I am "free to stay " lol

don't worry unclecarbuncle ,come the 28th I'll be here to pour salt on your gaping wounds & laugh in your face,I have AK
feeling hundreds of members who don't visit riu anymore will pop in on the 28th to watch you meltdown,if you even show your face,I'm betting a Clinton loss will cause you to become even more radical & take riu into radical areas its never gone before,maybe the new voice of black lives matter,or sjw's for jihadies :lol:

this buck dude is an obvious paid shill sucking dollars off media matters disinformation organization,who in their right mind spends 18 hours a day 7 days a week online,then to top it off spends all 18 hours arguing BS talking points the ink from main streem media & socialist pundint sites isn't even dry yet,the dude keeps a running list of links & member posts fer fucks sake.

I've been here since the site was a baby & watched this buck persona qouickly morph from a half way normal person,into the now extremely radical anti american jihadist we all know ,before the Trump vs Clinton race his favorite topics were anything negative about america, it didn't matter what as long as he could rant about how bad Americans are.

there is much more to the story of the unclebuck persona than just some random guy on the internet,but he's a " site leader " lmfao

@UncleBuck if your not a paid pro Clinton troll you should be,here's a link you can follow to get paid $15 an hour to troll pro Trump members for George Soros .

With dozens of places paying $20 an hour for trolls nobody in their right mind should believe the half dozen of the worst trolls here are just random people .

even wikipedia has been taken over by trained trolls paid to spread disinformation .

polls lmfao,you zombies are beyond pathetic,the " polls " are all fake & rigged as has been exposed dozens of times by real journalists not on corporate payroll,your rigged MSM polls & news is now Americas least trusted source & least viewed source.

I'm busy watching Trump fill entire stadiums with pissed off Americans while Hillary is forced to stage rally's with scripted child actors.,fuck your stupid rigged polls nobody believes,seeing CNN caught in the act feeding scripted responses to supposed " undecided" pollsters was the final nail in MSM's coffin .

in fact the corrupt media in america is a thread worthy topic now that its been so glaringly exposed as corrupt & criminal like Hillary .

Nice glasses, don't break 'em!

giphy (74).gif
give it a few more days & watch the +clinton votes pop out of the woodwork by newbs :lol:

Hillary's already been implicated in rigging the early votes cast by mail,the scams are endless with her & her flock of criminals.

you have 27 days left on this site. spend them wisely. such as by posting pictures of your neo-nazi tattoo.
Get a 1/8" jack to RCA and hook your PC to your stereo

that works well for smart phones & i-pads too,I've been using my wife's i-pad more & more for digital to analog conversion,I loop the i-pads output thru my external digital to analog convertor using the method you described,saves me from buying 1 hit wonder albums .
that works well for smart phones & i-pads too,I've been using my wife's i-pad more & more for digital to analog conversion,I loop the i-pads output thru my external digital to analog convertor using the method you described,saves me from buying 1 hit wonder albums .

you mean your illegal immigrant, terrorist whore muslim wife?
this buck dude is an obvious paid shill sucking dollars off media matters disinformation organization,who in their right mind spends 18 hours a day 7 days a week online,then to top it off spends all 18 hours arguing BS talking points the ink from main streem media & socialist pundint sites isn't even dry yet,the dude keeps a running list of links & member posts fer fucks sake.

Too true. I just looked @ his post count and longevity (I gave him since RIU's inception which still ranks 25+ posts a day, every day) and knew something was hinkey.
If that's the case it means us having this exchange proves he's doing his job and driving post/visit stats which justifies higher advertising charges and you have to admit that trolling is the only way to do that besides constantly providing new and insightful information.
We both know that's a little beyond his ken.

I've been here since the site was a baby & watched this buck persona qouickly morph from a half way normal person,into the now extremely radical anti american jihadist we all know ,before the Trump vs Clinton race his favorite topics were anything negative about america, it didn't matter what as long as he could rant about how bad Americans are.
there is much more to the story of the unclebuck persona than just some random guy on the internet,but he's a " site leader " lmfao
Been here MUCH longer than me, so I've only gotten to see the end product.

As to "site leader" it's pretty easy to see why/how:

1.) Have a bold statement at the top of the forum header forbidding crass behavior when visited
2.) Actually visit a few threads and notice there's this guy that flaunts those rules with impunity
3.) Notice that the people that agree with that guy tend to get away with it too
4.) A new member wants to be able to do that, so they emulate the guy that gets away with it
5.) They now are part of the "Nyah, nyah! What _he_ said!" army.

Not saying that everyone that can sympathize with his political beliefs is a sycophant by far, but ratios tend to stay the same no matter if the population is rising or falling and that's why the Bell curve stays a golden mean of human potential. ;)
Too true. I just looked @ his post count and longevity (I gave him since RIU's inception which still ranks 25+ posts a day, every day) and knew something was hinkey.
If that's the case it means us having this exchange proves he's doing his job and driving post/visit stats which justifies higher advertising charges and you have to admit that trolling is the only way to do that besides constantly providing new and insightful information.
We both know that's a little beyond his ken.

Been here MUCH longer than me, so I've only gotten to see the end product.

As to "site leader" it's pretty easy to see why/how:

1.) Have a bold statement at the top of the forum header forbidding crass behavior when visited
2.) Actually visit a few threads and notice there's this guy that flaunts those rules with impunity
3.) Notice that the people that agree with that guy tend to get away with it too
4.) A new member wants to be able to do that, so they emulate the guy that gets away with it
5.) They now are part of the "Nyah, nyah! What _he_ said!" army.

Not saying that everyone that can sympathize with his political beliefs is a sycophant by far, but ratios tend to stay the same no matter if the population is rising or falling and that's why the Bell curve stays a golden mean of human potential. ;)

nice meltdown.

tell us more about your straight-from-stormfront beliefs about how obama is a gay kenyan muslim homo though.
nice meltdown.
tell us more about your straight-from-stormfront beliefs about how obama is a gay kenyan muslim homo though.

Is there a reason why anything over 50 words is a "meltdown" in your opinion?

Personal belief or some sort of specialized dyslexia?
You know there are social services that can help, correct?

But as to the whole trolling thing, enjoy the shiny new quarter that insight has added to your days worth. :D
I am "free to stay " lol

don't worry unclecarbuncle ,come the 28th I'll be here to pour salt on your gaping wounds & laugh in your face,I have AK
feeling hundreds of members who don't visit riu anymore will pop in on the 28th to watch you meltdown,if you even show your face,I'm betting a Clinton loss will cause you to become even more radical & take riu into radical areas its never gone before,maybe the new voice of black lives matter,or sjw's for jihadies :lol:
The 28th yeah?

Fucking retard.
Lol I'm only 27 man
Explains alot.

Start a family yet? That tends to change a persons perspective as well.
wf is wrong with you & your social justice warrior pals ?

that fake racist shit you just pulled out of your ass is exactly why Americans have woken up & are flocking in record numbers to shut down sjw's,your fake hypocritical racist claims made most of america hate your fucking guts.

Look at the empty Hillary rally's where she has to hire child actors & college students to even seat 300 people,because everybody is sick of her shit & sick to death of the fake hypocrisy all social justice warrior idiots like yourself represent.

then look at any Trump rally & see 10,000 screaming mad Americans inside the building ,and another 10,000 Americans lined up around the block hoping to get it.

The people who are dillusional are social justice warrior morons,the only fucking way Hillary wins this is if she steals it,the popular vote for Trump will burry Hillary's ass,the only thing she has going for her is a government that's been corrupted like her that wants their slice of the pie.
I've seen videos of Hillary Staffers handing out "home made" signs for the "supporters".

It's sad.
Is there a reason why anything over 50 words is a "meltdown" in your opinion?

Personal belief or some sort of specialized dyslexia?
You know there are social services that can help, correct?

But as to the whole trolling thing, enjoy the shiny new quarter that insight has added to your days worth. :D

you should obsess about me some more. maybe make another obvious sock puppet account and spew some racism.

ya know, just neckbeard things.