RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Agreed,vinyl is a more dynamic medium than most CD & digital recordings due to compression ratios,digital has the ability to surpass the dynamics of vinyl over the full audible spectrum but due to bad engineers compressing too much dynamics get lost,I still buy new vinyl for that reason .

Here's a pic of my vinyl system,I've swapped TT's for a McIntosh MT-10 turntable since this pic was taken,the line arrays are Tri Amped with all solid state amps & a tube output stage preamp.

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This pic is of the tube preamp in the vinyl system above.View attachment 3802621

Here's our main digital system & the system I'm listening to now,the line arrays here are biamped with a pair of 1,000 watts @8 ohm monoblocks on the eight 12" woofers,then a single 2 channel 600 wpc @8 ohm stereo amp powering the 24 5" mids & 48 1" silk dome tweeters,this system will crack a window it thumps so hard ;)View attachment 3802637

here's one of the dual line arrays from the digital system above.
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and lastly here's a shot of our 4,800 watt @8 ohm home theater that uses no subwoofers & still hits well below 20hz.
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the monoblocks above will push 1,200 watts continuous @8 ohms with dynamic peaks of over 4,800 watts @8 ohms,its a goofy angle so your seeing the side of where the screen projects.
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pic above is of 1 of 4 of the dual line arrays in the home theater.
Here's a pic you'll get a kick out of since you mentioned Frank Zappa,here's a complete mint set of postages stamps from 1993 commerating Zappa's death still intact sitting atop one of the 4,800 watt monoblocks.
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Double wide full of expensive audio equipment...

Who could've guessed?

Heard Trump urging people to vote "on Nov 28th" today.

You hear that Trump-tards? Get out to vote on the 28th Nov.

How could I ever have doubted the superior sense of public service that Hitlery embodies?

I mean just look at all her accomplishments!
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Masculine physical touching, huh?
Some people rely on the urban dictionary. Some people rely on it to help them with their predilections.
Some of them post entries therein are made in vain hope of touching my masculinity.
I'll take a pass, but I'm sure Buckold would appreciate your "rub down".

.....and it's argyle trying for a comeback!
You 2 kids enjoy!
I'VE SEEN whose stupid!
I mean you can do anything!
Some people rely on the urban dictionary. Some people rely on it to help them with their predilections.
Some of them post entries therein are made in vain hope of touching my masculinity.
I'll take a pass, but I'm sure Buckold would appreciate your "rub down".

.....and it's argyle trying for a comeback!
You 2 kids enjoy!
you are, without a doubt, a fucking stammering idiot. your "masculinity" is far down the line when prioritizing your deficits.
Your posts read like an idiot who is very fucking stoned and trying to use unknown words and concepts to communicate,
You were all I could hope for in a <insert favorite gender classification here> and then I saw the @tyler.durden sig post from you and I knew my hopes were dashed as your pledge proved you were destined for another, yet you keep stringing me along.

Sure, it's all flowers and candy at 1st, but the incessant requests to be called "bitch" and, "Let me see it again" showed me you'll say anything to get close to my manhood much like a democratic candidate pandering for the vote.
If I were to let you, you'd just use me and toss me aside later calling me a "hanging chad".

You are a cruel, heartless, DEMOCRAT!
You were all I could hope for in a <insert favorite gender classification here> and then I saw the @tyler.durden sig post from you and I knew my hopes were dashed as your pledge proved you were destined for another, yet you keep stringing me along.

Sure, it's all flowers and candy at 1st, but the incessant requests to be called "bitch" and, "Let me see it again" showed me you'll say anything to get close to my manhood much like a democratic candidate pandering for the vote.
If I were to let you, you'd just use me and toss me aside later calling me a "hanging chad".

You are a cruel, heartless, DEMOCRAT!
Lol. You suck.
Lol. You suck.
Buckold will hear and if he even thinks someone got something I deny allowing him to do, well, you know how he is.
your fantasies about actually winning this thing are as laughable as your delusional racist lies about obama being a kenyan muslim homo.
Damn...it's too late.

Buckold, will you calm down if I start calling you "wookie cookie" again?
I guess Trump is winning in the poll because Democrats cannot vote twice in it ;]

give it a few more days & watch the +clinton votes pop out of the woodwork by newbs :lol:

Hillary's already been implicated in rigging the early votes cast by mail,the scams are endless with her & her flock of criminals.