Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

Man Threatens Suicide, Police Kill Him

"Denise Way, Justin’s mom, said the detective relayed to her that “they told Justin to drop the knife and he didn’t—so they shot him because ‘That’s what we do.’”

Anybody else feel like something is stirring?

Yes, something is brewing. The cops and government will be surprised when they see the military personnel support the people.

You asked me to spill it.

This guy had try to force himself on this girl I was dating, I married her, at a party one night. It was stopped and I was informed. The guy and I had an argument and he threatened to get me.
Fast forward and I wake up to find beer cans all over my yard. It was the guy and the neighbors drinking the night before. I walk outside and the guy pulls out and stops in front of my house. The guy gets out and charges at me. His hand was in his jacket. I had a 9mm in the table next to the door. I pulled it and shot twice in the dirt and told the guy one more step and he is dead. He gets in the car and leaves.

A couple hours later my girl and I walk outside and like 15 squad cars swarm the place. The guy and his sister called and lied and told them I had them held at gun point. The cops interview me and decided I was in the clear.

The guy went with the neighbors and swore out warrants. I was charged with multiple counts of terroristic threatening and wanton endangerment.

The DA told me because they filed warrants first I was guilty and proceeded to tell me if I didn't take a plea that he would try to get the max. It was a scare tactic.

A lot of money and months later I got it dropped. I hate the crooked system.
How long would a citizen like this last in your town? In Chicago, about 5 seconds. Gotta love his spirit, thought. And hats off to this officer for being reasonable and taking it like a man -

I am really white so I would have just gotten a beating if I did that in Denver.
Brown or black would get shot for that.
When I was 14ish I came back to the salvation army with my ma and we was trashed on four locos they breathalyzed her and asked to do me so I took of to my room grabbed a few things and told my mom to dip out, then we left on our bikes about 10 minutes later troll shows up behind us flashing lights (of course they show up so quick when I don't need them, but when someone steals my bike I gotta go hunt em down myself.... My ma shouts for me to take off, they get her for child neglect/abuse contribute to a minnor and resist arrest... I was the one who baught the four locos from a street bum so she didn't give me any!! I ended up staying with her ex for a week until they somehow figured out where I was(snitches)! Then the two old ass cops were chasing me down and couldnt catch me so they call in backup about 5 minutes later a cop car fly's up in front of me so close to hitting me I fell over and when I got up the driver jumped out and shoved me to the ground hard as fuck and was smooching my face into the pavement, they was like you lucky we didn't taze you then you would have busted your grill out on the road...they ended up doing all this to take me to a foster home that I later ran away from then I stole vehicles and they pulled me over for not having on a turning signal woah! So they found the jar of weed I had about 82gs in it after he weighed it no lie the piggy licked his fingers ahahah that's some shiit! So hell yeah fuck them good for nothing doughnut eating, glazed eyed, bastards! Gotta do something about this madness they think there invincible and run shit but really they ain't no better than you or I. Without that suit and gun they are worthless piece of shits!
The sanction to use force, even deadly force, without accountability is fascism.

Until police are held accountable for their actions like everyone else, we live in tyranny.

I wonder how much longer the American People will tolerate it?

Right up until they start abusing rich and powerful people.

Funny how that never seems to happen.
The sanction to use force, even deadly force, without accountability is fascism.

Until police are held accountable for their actions like everyone else, we live in tyranny.

I wonder how much longer the American People will tolerate it?

Right up until they start abusing rich and powerful people.

Funny how that never seems to happen.

Yeah, shit is only going to get worse until 'NIMBY' becomes a reality for coddled white pussies. When "THOSE communities" become "YOUR community" certain mindsets will quickly begin to wake the fuck up.
Unfortunately, the situation is going to continue to devolve into wholesale slaughter so long as we permit militarized bullies to continue to do whatever the hell they please with ZERO consequences.

Yeah, shit is only going to get worse until 'NIMBY' becomes a reality for coddled white pussies. When "THOSE communities" become "YOUR community" certain mindsets will quickly begin to wake the fuck up.
Unfortunately, the situation is going to continue to devolve into wholesale slaughter so long as we permit militarized bullies to continue to do whatever the hell they please with ZERO consequences.

Yep. Impunity for the oligarchs, fascism for the poor/black/muslim.

Himmler would be proud. We should not be.