What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?

Here is how the food scam works. The person sells the food stamps to someone else for 50% cash. Those food stamps are then sold to a person with a grocery store, etc for 75% of the value and then they are turned in as supposedly legitimate sales to the government for 100% reimbursement. It does not matter what you restrict the purchases to if they still can be sold for a percentage of cash.
Shit stupid post that is free of facts. I bet you are so stupid you would deny that the earth is warming due to the elevated levels of CO2 from our burning fossil fuels.
Wow, you came back shit-stupid. Starving kids aren't an answer. Kids getting enough to eat is the foundation to raising them to be productive adults. Also raising healthy children that are well prepared to take on an adult world is necessary for a stable society. Food assistance is a good investment. Especially when the economy is managed so that 5% are unemployed and minimum wages are kept well below is below the poverty line for a family with children.

Forced sterilization of low income parents. Really. So anybody who makes less $2,000 per month and has a kid gets sterilized. Hey, @Flaming Pie, there's your right wing ideology at work for you. This guy would have had you sterilized rather than support tax dollars to SNAP.

Dude, go back to sleep.
Actually both ideas are left wing. The left used to forcibly sterilize people.
Actually both ideas are left wing. The left used to forcibly sterilize people.
So mixed up you are.

1970: Nixon Administration Funds Sterilizations
Through increases in Medicaid-funding and the passage of the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act of 1970, the Nixon administration widely offers sterilization of low-income Americans, primarily women of color. Independent reports would later indicate that many of the doctors performing these procedures do not follow informed consent protocols, deeming the sterilizations "involuntary as a matter of practice."

I did cherry pick this fact from others. There are plenty of examples from both sides, although the Republican party was in power most years that enforced sterilization legislation was made into law. Just saying that history is full of facts that are inconvenient to your thesis.

What is interesting is how you would think that what happened 100 years ago is as important as what happens today. What kind of shit stupid logic is that?
Yeah, cos the children should get a job and work...

Don't blame kids for their parent's fuckery.

I am blaming the parents for the parents fuckery. You apparently want to give them cash and prizes for it.... Which I have no problem with until you drag the government and my paycheck into it. I did not create the kids, why should I be forced to pay for them again?
So mixed up you are.

1970: Nixon Administration Funds Sterilizations
Through increases in Medicaid-funding and the passage of the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act of 1970, the Nixon administration widely offers sterilization of low-income Americans, primarily women of color. Independent reports would later indicate that many of the doctors performing these procedures do not follow informed consent protocols, deeming the sterilizations "involuntary as a matter of practice."

I did cherry pick this fact from others. There are plenty of examples from both sides, although the Republican party was in power most years that enforced sterilization legislation was made into law. Just saying that history is full of facts that are inconvenient to your thesis.

What is interesting is how you would think that what happened 100 years ago is as important as what happens today. What kind of shit stupid logic is that?
You are the dumbass. Democrats were racists and seen as racist until they started promoting welfare and the "choice" of sterilization.
I am blaming the parents for the parents fuckery. You apparently want to give them cash and prizes for it.... Which I have no problem with until you drag the government and my paycheck into it. I did not create the kids, why should I be forced to pay for them again?

You're as dumb as the day is long. Typical re-re wants free stuff (roads, bridges, sewer systems) but bitches about taxes.

When the fuck are you retarded morons going to bitch about the super rich sliding out of taxes while you pay more?

You are the dumbass. Democrats were racists and seen as racist until they started promoting welfare and the "choice" of sterilization.

Well we sure as fuck know who the modern racists are, don't we? The entire south flipped after 1964. Do you even remember 1964? 1974? 1984? where'd you get your expertise? Fucking Fox?
I am blaming the parents for the parents fuckery. You apparently want to give them cash and prizes for it.... Which I have no problem with until you drag the government and my paycheck into it. I did not create the kids, why should I be forced to pay for them again?

@Flaming Pie

he's talking about you.
You are the dumbass. Democrats were racists and seen as racist until they started promoting welfare and the "choice" of sterilization.
Pie, you are so stupid that insult just makes me laugh. Absolutely, right wing Southern Democrats were racist as all hell. And so was much of the country about 100 years ago. Eugenics to improve the gene pool by forced sterilization of retards was even declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Do you know who was head of the Supreme Court at that time and what his party affiliation was at that time?

I completely understand why you run away from acknowledging recent actions and statements by right wing southern Republicans. They are racist as all hell, just like southern Democrats a hundred years ago. But Racist Southern Democrats from a hundred years ago can't cause any more harm. Racist Southern Republicans are working very hard at denying voting rights to black people. And then there is @NLXSK1 and his right wing ilk that want to re-instate forced sterilization including on you, Because you are poor and having brown babies that require food stamps.

Yet you go on in your own stupid cum crazed haze thinking you have all the answers, that what they are planning to do won't affect you and bringing up what happened a hundred years ago as if that were more important than what is happening today.. Too funny this.
Pie, you are so stupid that insult just makes me laugh. Absolutely, right wing Southern Democrats were racist as all hell. And so was much of the country about 100 years ago. Eugenics to improve the gene pool by forced sterilization of retards was even declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Do you know who was head of the Supreme Court at that time and what his party affiliation was at that time?

I completely understand why you run away from acknowledging recent actions and statements by right wing southern Republicans. They are racist as all hell, just like southern Democrats a hundred years ago. But Racist Southern Democrats from a hundred years ago can't cause any more harm. Racist Southern Republicans are working very hard at denying voting rights to black people. And then there is @NLXSK1 and his right wing ilk that want to re-instate forced sterilization including on you, Because you are poor and having brown babies that require food stamps.

Yet you go on in your own stupid cum crazed haze thinking you have all the answers, that what they are planning to do won't affect you and bringing up what happened a hundred years ago as if that were more important than what is happening today.. Too funny this.
Democrats never switched to being republicans except for 1 or 2. You have been fooled. Just because the south became majority republican voters, does not mean that democrat senators and congressmen became republicans.

There were civil rights bills before the bill of 64. It was opposed because it greatly expanded the role of government and republicans were for state rights. Pubs were for voting rights for blacks. Voting rights for women. Ending slavery. Ending Lynching.
I am blaming the parents for the parents fuckery. You apparently want to give them cash and prizes for it.... Which I have no problem with until you drag the government and my paycheck into it. I did not create the kids, why should I be forced to pay for them again?
Because you can either help raise them or you can keep complaining that people are forced to commit crime to survive.

Best way to prevent children growing up to be criminals is to make sure they're looked after and do well in school...

You know what's crucial to school learning and concentration?

What would you like the government to do? Sterilize the parents that are irresponsibly popping out kids they cant even feed? I know, lets give them more benefits so they can pop out more kids the government can feed....

Maybe government isnt the answer in every situation.
What do you think about a Mexican husband who was kicked out of the military for rape and drug selling, then his wife went and applied for WIC and food stamps to feed her, him and the baby. Do you support this ?
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Here is how the food scam works. The person sells the food stamps to someone else for 50% cash. Those food stamps are then sold to a person with a grocery store, etc for 75% of the value and then they are turned in as supposedly legitimate sales to the government for 100% reimbursement. It does not matter what you restrict the purchases to if they still can be sold for a percentage of cash.

I've heard of and know for sure that they are being sold at 50% on the dollar. I never heard of the other stuff.
I am blaming the parents for the parents fuckery. You apparently want to give them cash and prizes for it.... Which I have no problem with until you drag the government and my paycheck into it. I did not create the kids, why should I be forced to pay for them again?

Quite simple, actually.

You're forced to, because Fortune 500s pay NO taxes, so the burden is shifted on to YOU.

These programs are NOT going away..only who PAYS for them, can be changed.

Wise up already.