Hillary can't be trusted

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Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
they deleted most of them, but here is one where you used the nazi parentheses.
that in no way references sound. at all. not even remotely.
fuck off, nazi.
yup that's mine & none were deleted because there is zero evidence its a racist term,but still I agreed not to use it,u & I both know I used the ((( stupidity to push your buttons for a few days n haven't used it since

all that means squat as to your morality,I've admitted I'm not up to speed on political correctness but I don't sit in judgement of others either,you 3 do, your comparison of my morality doesn't correct for your own morality,which at this point seems to be more of a weapon you 3 use vs a code u live by

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
so you had no idea what the nazi parentheses meant, yet somehow you used something you were completely unfamiliar with to provoke me.

that is the shittiest attempt at an excuse ever.

you're dumb, even by the lowered standards that i hold nazis to.
just fucking stop with the double talk buck,u know damn well my initial post using it was to denote (((sound))) and you fed me plenty of shit about it,for days we argued about its meaning when u finally offered up some "alt right" Jew conspiracy explanation,so u know full well I didn't know wtf u were talking about,and still don't truthfully,but since I have no wish to offend Jews while arguing with u I've stopped using the meme,as my current weeks posting shows.

once again my " admitted" ignorance as to an obscure meme's meaning in no way excuses your actions,my ignorance of the meme I no longer use,not from fear of u but for respect for the dead,no way absolves your demanding others live by a moral code not 1 of the 3 of you are willing to live by yourselves

as far as I'm concerned school is out for this lesson in hypocrisy,u can be men,learn from it & stop using a woman's sexuality as a weapon against her,or carry on without owning the morals u demand we live by

let the attacks begin cause I'm dropping the issue


Well-Known Member
and let's not forget "virtue signalling".

that phrase is the breakout favorite of the neo-nazi, white supremacist, alt right.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
so you didn't know what it meant, yet you claim you used it to provoke me?

that makes literally no sense whatsoever.

and you didn't use it to denote sound in any way. intent does not make a sound, retard.
quit playing like a child,u know full well the very 1st time I used the meme it was to denote (((sound))) exactly as shown,for which I was immediately attacked,labeled a Nazi etc and when I laughed saying your stupid then you posted you believed it to be an anti semitic meme,so at that point it was used to push your buttons & laughed about,which I still don't give a shit what u think about me using it,I stopped using it on the odd chance there was validity to your claims

once again my ignorance of the meme,or any of " my actions " do not release you from living the morality you 3 demand every member of politics blindly follow,I agreed to stop using it out of respect for the dead even though zero proof has been submitted,its a simple meme not to use so fuck it,there now my ignorance & insensitivity has been explained & corrections made.

now you do the same & remidy your own ignorance & insensitivity if your man enough,or continue talking the talk & never walking the walk

until you correct your ignorance your a hypocrite,end of story,good night !

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
and let's not forget "virtue signalling".

that phrase is the breakout favorite of the neo-nazi, white supremacist, alt right.
oh hell no don't even try that shit,I don't for 1 second buy into that shit,that term has an actual dictionary definition that has nothing to do with that shit u just posted,stop being a weasel & finding shit to try & excuse your cry bully tactics.

as long as the member In question follows 5 minutes behind your posts,never making a point,never commenting on the topic,never taking any part in the political discussion,for fear of putting himself out on a limb,keeping his posts in politics to nothing more substantial than" yeah what buck said" I will continue to call out his virtue signaling for what it is.

u will not control the English language and redifine words at will,virtue signaling is a bipartisan slam meaning nothing more than a yes man,and that's what he is,and u know its bipartisan capability to be used both ways

your only making yourself look like a petulant child with this shit buck


Well-Known Member
I never believed Trump was conservative. I knew he was a moderate from the beginning. He is conservative on many issues but takes a more moderate approach to social issues concerning providing for the welfare of the country.

Education is the #1 concern with parents. I like his plan. I like most of his other policies as well.
What you believe is unimportant. Your truthy, beliefs are devoid of facts and uninteresting too.

Benedict Donald isn't moderate. The uneducated white voting base of the Republican Party that support Trump have chosen to go the way of fascist ideology, based upon racism, belligerent nationalism and offerings of socialist programs. After Trump is done, they, including Pie, will look for another, probably more radical fascist leader. Their policies are radical, not moderate.


Well-Known Member
u know full well the very 1st time I used the meme it was to denote (((sound)))
what sound does intent make, neo-nazi?

that scam was created when the internet was new,hence laws were created to prevent future loophole escape,Hillary broke those laws & used ((( intent ))) to set the precedent .
fucking transparent neo-nazi.

now talk some more about "virtue signalling" and "white guilt".


Well-Known Member
You should feel honored that I didn't need to go back and read any of your posts to know you as the fat kid trying to fit in. Your suck up personae was noted early and often. You are not even worth my time. Run or waddle along.


Well-Known Member
wrong, most members don't " like " me,but being human never has anything to do with being me,and I am me.

Adolph Hitler was " liked " & we know the great leader he turned out to be, I'm cut from that cloth of Hitler,preaching morals to all while having my own niece squat & piss in my face.
You've got serious issues, man....


Well-Known Member
so you didn't know what it meant, yet you claim you used it to provoke me?

that makes literally no sense whatsoever.

and you didn't use it to denote sound in any way. intent does not make a sound, retard.
Actually it is called an "echo" and was originally put in use by the alt-right to denote sound waves. "All Jewish surnames echo throughout history". But what meaning seems a bit lost now.


Well-Known Member
What you believe is unimportant. Your truthy, beliefs are devoid of facts and uninteresting too.

Benedict Donald isn't moderate. The uneducated white voting base of the Republican Party that support Trump have chosen to go the way of fascist ideology, based upon racism, belligerent nationalism and offerings of socialist programs. After Trump is done, they, including Pie, will look for another, probably more radical fascist leader. Their policies are radical, not moderate.
Especially Pie.

Women nazis are the worst.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, hillary is dropping in the polls and new leaks about her health.

I've got to agree with you about this.

Poll: The Donald and Hillary Nearly Tied, Clinton’s Lead Drops to One Point over Trump


Forty-one percent of voters surveyed said they prefer Clinton while 40 percent said they prefer Trump. However, Clinton’s one point lead is within the plus or minus two percentage point margin of error.

The previous Morning Consult poll had Clinton leading Trump by five points. This is the best showing the billionaire has had against Clinton in a Morning Consult head-to-head matchup since the primaries ended
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