Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
@Fogdog , it looks like david is drunk off his ass way too early tonight.
Well then, David should avoid going up or down stairs and drink lots of water before turning in. One rule of thumb I have when getting that way is "don't press send". (or reply)

But really, what I've seen from Dave is a deterioration throughout the day. He starts off with reasonable if wonky conservative statements but at least they are formed into thoughts. Later on he forms sentences that sometime don't hang together. By the end of the day he deteriorates into one line non-sentences full of expletives. Tragic but he seems content. I say let it be and hope he finds a reason to get better.


Well-Known Member
His is better. Higher value across the board. Hillary is just more government and higher taxes to accomplish.

Trump plan puts education AND choice first. Increases demand for PRIVATE schools. Creates jobs outside government. Stimulates economy. Puts the parent in control.


Well-Known Member
putting pregnant women and new mothers on unemployment instead of paid leave is a load of shit that pie has also swallowed. she hears that shovel slice into the shitpile now and just opens wide for whatever is coming.

hillary's plan does not fire women for being pregnant and it gives them twice as much paid leave, more in line with the rest of the world.

pie will defend it though.
The devil is in the details. If a mother works for a company currently with no paid maternity leave can go onto unemployment for maternity leave and have her job waiting for her when she comes back -- with non-termination guarantees for a period of time after returning -- then I'd say it's not bad. If it means effectively quitting in order to receive the benefit then it is not a benefit whatsoever. Right now, a burger flipper at McD's has nothing if she takes time with the child. So, again, this is just a plan. I don't like it because it is unfunded and as you point out, still isn't very good for low income people. Also Benedict Donald can't be trusted. The silver lining to all this is that Trump is destroying any idea that the GOP voting base is actually conservative. Also Chump has no chance of winning.

LOL about Pie's claim that Benedict Donald is surging in polls of likely black and latino voters.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I never believed Trump was conservative. I knew he was a moderate from the beginning. He is conservative on many issues but takes a more moderate approach to social issues concerning providing for the welfare of the country.

Education is the #1 concern with parents. I like his plan. I like most of his other policies as well.


Well-Known Member
I never believed Trump was conservative. I knew he was a moderate from the beginning. He is conservative on many issues but takes a more moderate approach to social issues concerning providing for the welfare of the country.

Education is the #1 concern with parents. I like his plan. I like most of his other policies as well.
No malice intended, just curious: Are you in your 20s? Would you say that you live in a very rural area?


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the sentiment, but honestly, their contempt just makes me laugh.

I know who I am and the people who matter know it.
I realize you are fine holding your own. They are actually rather funny...just wish they were more original. In any case, keep up the good work. The 8-1 odds just makes it fair.


Well-Known Member
Straight up, BD.
You should feel honored that I didn't need to go back and read any of your posts to know you as the fat kid trying to fit in. Your suck up personae was noted early and often. You are not even worth my time. Run or waddle along.


Well-Known Member
You should feel honored that I didn't need to go back and read any of your posts to know you as the fat kid trying to fit in. Your suck up personae was noted early and often. You are not even worth my time. Run or waddle along.
Is your droopy pussy still chafed about "where the line is/mods"? Tsk tsk tsk.....shame, man....you'd probably have actual friends and get along better in life if you weren't such a mean-spirited, abrasive bore.

So, what do you do when you aren't spouting hate and ignorance via the internet?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
it gives them twice as much paid leave, more in line with the rest of the world..
u mean in lne with the parts of the world that aren't $21 trillion in debt,thanks obunghole & bush, all you hipsters demanding free shit just glaze over the national debt,at best drool out some stupidity about military cuts or the cost of war,free college,free medical,paid maternity & no real plan to pay for any of it like idiots:dunce:

pie will defend it though.
I bet she will,unlike yourself she's outgrown the phase your in where " I was born therefore deserve the best in life",while her man is looking for new ways to work n make more money your ilk is expecting new programs to increase your comforts

and come November your all fucked,unless Kill em all KK Klinton has more brain attacks,or fucking dies like she deserves
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