Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
didn't you say the same after the his angry yelling immigration hate speech? and then his slow-mentum in the polls stopped dead?

wait until it is revealed that he was committed to a psych ward in 1990 after his divorce with ivana and subsequent stalking, harassment, rape, and OCD.
Hillary polls are dropping across the nation; with blacks, hispanics, military, and women.

I'm ecstatic.

Trump will be the greatest president of the past 30 years. Uniting across aisle, gender, and color.

Proud of his performance the past couple weeks with his numerous speeches, interviews, and detailed outlines of how he is going to accomplish his campaign promises.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents.
• The deduction is available for taxpayers who take the standard deduction as well as itemize deductions, and will be capped at the average cost of care for the state of residence. Individuals earning more than $250,000 (or $500,000 if filing jointly) will not be eligible for the deduction. For a family earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses, the deduction would reduce taxes by $840 per year.
• The plan will offer child care spending rebates to lower-income taxpayers through the existing Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This could mean almost $1,200 per year per eligible family.
• Mr. Trump’s plan will ensure stay-at-home parents will receive the same tax deduction as working parents, offering compensation for the job they’re already doing, and allowing them to choose the child care scenario that’s in their best interest.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan would create new Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSAs) so that families can set aside extra money to foster their children’s development and offset elder care for their parents or adult dependents. These new accounts are available to everyone, and allow both tax-deductible contributions and tax-free appreciation year-to-year-unlike current law Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), which are available only if it is offered by an employer and does not allow balances to accumulate.
• When established for a minor, funds from a DCSA can be applied to traditional child care, after-school enrichment programs and school tuition-contributing to school choice. To help lower-income parents, the government will match half of the first $1,000 deposited per year.
• When established for an elderly dependent, a DCSA can cover a variety of services, including in-home nursing and long-term care.
PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump’s plan will provide regulatory reform to promote new family-based and community-based solutions, and also add incentives for employers to provide child care at the workplace. The ability to set aside funds will be particularly helpful to women, low-income workers and minorities, who are statistically more likely to reduce time working outside the home in order to provide unpaid care.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave by amending the existing unemployment insurance (UI) that companies are required to carry. The benefit would apply only when employers don’t offer paid maternity leave, and would be paid for by offsetting reductions in the program so that taxes are not raised. This enhancement will triple the average paid leave received by new mothers.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Trump Child Care Plan
Q: How Will The Plan Be Paid For?
• The child care plan is part of the comprehensive tax, trade, energy and regulation reform plan proposed by Donald Trump at the Detroit Economic Club. More details about his tax plan will be discussed later this week at the New York Economic Club. The child care plan itself can more than be offset by additional growth. About two-thirds of the entire Trump tax reform program will offset by the increases in economic activity that accompany pro-growth tax reform, better trade deals, regulatory and immigration reform, and unleashing American energy. The remaining one-third will be offset by minor changes in the current trajectory of spending for federal agency operations, excluding Defense, Veterans, Social Security and Medicare.
Q: Will The Benefits Already Provided For Child Care Expenses, Like The Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account And Child Tax Credit, Be Eliminated Under The Trump Plan?
• No, the benefits provided by the Trump child care plan are in addition to the benefits available under current law. Current programs do not serve the large numbers of families that would benefit from the Trump plan, but if a family finds that it benefits more from existing programs, they would still be available. The only restriction would be that the same child care spending cannot be used for multiple benefits programs—no double-dipping.
Q: Will Same-Sex Couples Receive The Benefits?
• The benefits would be available in the same way that the IRS currently recognizes same-sex couples: if the marriage is recognized under state law, then it is recognized under federal law.
Q: Will The Maternity Leave Policy Cause Employers To View Women As Less Desirable Employees Because Of Paid Leave?
• No. The cost to an employer of hiring should not be affected by this fully-offset policy, so the employer should not view hiring women as adding to their costs of Unemployment Insurance. Further, employers in a competitive marketplace should not eliminate existing maternity care benefits to instead take advantage of the UI system. The UI benefit would only equal what would be paid to a laid-off employee, which is much less than a workers’ regular paycheck. This should prevent abuse while providing a safety net for the sake of the health of mother and child.
Donald J. Trump’s Plan Is More Complete Than Hillary Clinton’s Plan

Point One: Hillary Clinton does not have a plan to provide relief to most Americans faced with high child care costs. She claims she wants to cap a family’s child care expense at 10 percent of income, but provides no details. The Trump plan would provide relief to every working- and middle-income earner who has child care expenses. For example, the Trump plan would reduce taxes by $840 per year a family for earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses; Hillary Clinton’s plan would provide no relief to this family.

Point Two: Hillary Clinton prefers institutional child care that does not meet the needs of workers in rural areas or who have schedules that require working on a night shift or on call. The Trump plan would give states the flexibility to establish standards that fit the needs of state residents without compromising quality.
Point Three: Hillary Clinton would force businesses to pay for 12 weeks of fully-paid family leave at their expense. The Trump plan proposes 6 weeks of partial pay through the existing Unemployment Insurance system, fully paid for within the program.


Well-Known Member
Hillary polls are dropping across the nation
factually incorrect.

Screenshot 2016-09-13 at 8.10.14 PM.png

in fact, the slight bit of momentum trump had has stopped.

Trump will be the greatest president of the past 30 years. Uniting across aisle, gender, and color.
calling mexicans rapists and telling black people their lives are hellholes accomplishes this how?

you are fucked in the head, pie.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hillary is going to short circuit under this stress.

I mean, now she has to come up with plans to beat trump's on education.

Okay okay, bernicrats, 8 years of free college vs. 18+ years of credits, deductions, tax free savings for all enrichment/childcare/school, 500 for every 1k with the poor savings, fully tax deductible childcare/schooling, roll over of savings carries to higher education.

Trump wins! Thanks for playing Hillary.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
His is better. Higher value across the board. Hillary is just more government and higher taxes to accomplish.

Trump plan puts education AND choice first. Increases demand for PRIVATE schools. Creates jobs outside government. Stimulates economy. Puts the parent in control.


Well-Known Member
I mean, now she has to come up with plans to beat trump's on education.
his plan of sending kids to shittier, underperforming charter schools that don't even do as well as public schools?

legendary retard status.

btw, she also already has a plan on education too.


did you forget that ll of trump's policy advisers quit on him because, like everyone else who has ever worked for him, they did not get paid?

Screenshot 2016-09-13 at 8.21.43 PM.png

you're gonna need a helmet and drool pad at this pace, pie.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Hillary is going to short circuit under this stress.

I mean, now she has to come up with plans to beat trump's on education.

Okay okay, bernicrats, 8 years of free college vs. 18+ years of credits, deductions, tax free savings for all enrichment/childcare/school, 500 for every 1k with the poor savings, fully tax deductible childcare/schooling, roll over of savings carries to higher education.

Trump wins! Thanks for playing Hillary.
Doesn't all Hillary have to do is show up and she wins? I not a big political thinker, but thats what everyone is saying.


Well-Known Member
His is better. Higher value across the board. Hillary is just more government and higher taxes to accomplish.

Trump plan puts education AND choice first. Increases demand for PRIVATE schools. Creates jobs outside government. Stimulates economy. Puts the parent in control.
you're gonna have a tough time convincing non-retarded people that trump's plan is better.

latest poll puts hillary ahead on education policy by 27 points, 61-34.



you're gonna have to really start googling. and asking people if they even watched the video.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
factually incorrect.

View attachment 3780207

in fact, the slight bit of momentum trump had has stopped.

calling mexicans rapists and telling black people their lives are hellholes accomplishes this how?

you are fucked in the head, pie.
Their not they're. Makes a big difference.

Are you saying that detroit and chicago AREN'T hellholes? 25% in poverty across nation and some cities have 50% of blacks in poverty.

Blacks have it bad compared to whites. By design. Thank LBJ and so many other powerful racist democrats for that. Clinton for example.

Their men, jobs, schools, and security are being taken from them through racist policies.


Well-Known Member
Their not they're. Makes a big difference.
what in the fuck are you even talking about?

Are you saying that detroit and chicago AREN'T hellholes?
that's a unifying message right there. tell the largest population centers in the nation that they are hellholes.


Blacks have it bad compared to whites. By design. Thank LBJ and so many other racist democrats for that.
another unifying message.

you're fucking lost, pie. stop even trying. you're not smart enough to debate anything in politics. sorry.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they can prop her up on a cement post. It worked so well.
maybe that's the unifying message you were talking about? mocking someone for getting sick?

it might work a little better than calling mexicans rapists and telling black people how much their lives suck and having a white nationalist run your campaign.

seriously, just stop trying.


Well-Known Member
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents.
• The deduction is available for taxpayers who take the standard deduction as well as itemize deductions, and will be capped at the average cost of care for the state of residence. Individuals earning more than $250,000 (or $500,000 if filing jointly) will not be eligible for the deduction. For a family earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses, the deduction would reduce taxes by $840 per year.
• The plan will offer child care spending rebates to lower-income taxpayers through the existing Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This could mean almost $1,200 per year per eligible family.
• Mr. Trump’s plan will ensure stay-at-home parents will receive the same tax deduction as working parents, offering compensation for the job they’re already doing, and allowing them to choose the child care scenario that’s in their best interest.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan would create new Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSAs) so that families can set aside extra money to foster their children’s development and offset elder care for their parents or adult dependents. These new accounts are available to everyone, and allow both tax-deductible contributions and tax-free appreciation year-to-year-unlike current law Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), which are available only if it is offered by an employer and does not allow balances to accumulate.
• When established for a minor, funds from a DCSA can be applied to traditional child care, after-school enrichment programs and school tuition-contributing to school choice. To help lower-income parents, the government will match half of the first $1,000 deposited per year.
• When established for an elderly dependent, a DCSA can cover a variety of services, including in-home nursing and long-term care.
PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump’s plan will provide regulatory reform to promote new family-based and community-based solutions, and also add incentives for employers to provide child care at the workplace. The ability to set aside funds will be particularly helpful to women, low-income workers and minorities, who are statistically more likely to reduce time working outside the home in order to provide unpaid care.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave by amending the existing unemployment insurance (UI) that companies are required to carry. The benefit would apply only when employers don’t offer paid maternity leave, and would be paid for by offsetting reductions in the program so that taxes are not raised. This enhancement will triple the average paid leave received by new mothers.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Trump Child Care Plan
Q: How Will The Plan Be Paid For?
• The child care plan is part of the comprehensive tax, trade, energy and regulation reform plan proposed by Donald Trump at the Detroit Economic Club. More details about his tax plan will be discussed later this week at the New York Economic Club. The child care plan itself can more than be offset by additional growth. About two-thirds of the entire Trump tax reform program will offset by the increases in economic activity that accompany pro-growth tax reform, better trade deals, regulatory and immigration reform, and unleashing American energy. The remaining one-third will be offset by minor changes in the current trajectory of spending for federal agency operations, excluding Defense, Veterans, Social Security and Medicare.
Q: Will The Benefits Already Provided For Child Care Expenses, Like The Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account And Child Tax Credit, Be Eliminated Under The Trump Plan?
• No, the benefits provided by the Trump child care plan are in addition to the benefits available under current law. Current programs do not serve the large numbers of families that would benefit from the Trump plan, but if a family finds that it benefits more from existing programs, they would still be available. The only restriction would be that the same child care spending cannot be used for multiple benefits programs—no double-dipping.
Q: Will Same-Sex Couples Receive The Benefits?
• The benefits would be available in the same way that the IRS currently recognizes same-sex couples: if the marriage is recognized under state law, then it is recognized under federal law.
Q: Will The Maternity Leave Policy Cause Employers To View Women As Less Desirable Employees Because Of Paid Leave?
• No. The cost to an employer of hiring should not be affected by this fully-offset policy, so the employer should not view hiring women as adding to their costs of Unemployment Insurance. Further, employers in a competitive marketplace should not eliminate existing maternity care benefits to instead take advantage of the UI system. The UI benefit would only equal what would be paid to a laid-off employee, which is much less than a workers’ regular paycheck. This should prevent abuse while providing a safety net for the sake of the health of mother and child.
Donald J. Trump’s Plan Is More Complete Than Hillary Clinton’s Plan

Point One: Hillary Clinton does not have a plan to provide relief to most Americans faced with high child care costs. She claims she wants to cap a family’s child care expense at 10 percent of income, but provides no details. The Trump plan would provide relief to every working- and middle-income earner who has child care expenses. For example, the Trump plan would reduce taxes by $840 per year a family for earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses; Hillary Clinton’s plan would provide no relief to this family.

Point Two: Hillary Clinton prefers institutional child care that does not meet the needs of workers in rural areas or who have schedules that require working on a night shift or on call. The Trump plan would give states the flexibility to establish standards that fit the needs of state residents without compromising quality.
Point Three: Hillary Clinton would force businesses to pay for 12 weeks of fully-paid family leave at their expense. The Trump plan proposes 6 weeks of partial pay through the existing Unemployment Insurance system, fully paid for within the program.
Feedback on Trump's child care plan: It's not a conservative plan. It throws bones mostly to people who make much more than average income but has some good elements for many low income families, such as:

additional spending rebates through the Earned Income Tax Credit, expanded deduction opportunities for stay-at-home parents, and revised federal savings accounts to set aside funds for child development and educational needs.

Another policy proposal will be guaranteeing “six weeks of paid maternity leave” through an amendment of current unemployment insurance policies.

Some snark: "Trump aide says 6 weeks of guaranteed paid maternity leave will be paid for by eliminating fraud in unemployment insurance. I don't think I probably need to tell you that the math involved here is absolute horsecrap."
from: http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2016/09/13/trumps-child-care-plan-latest-cheap-joke-slapstick-comedy-2016/

Who doesn't like a juicy deduction for something that has to be paid for anyway? An example of a bone thrown to people who are well off financially.

Trump’s plan “will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child-care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents.” That deduction would be capped at the “average cost of care” in the state of residence, and it would not be available to individuals earning more than $250,000 or a couple earning more than $500,000.
On the not so good side:
Tax deductions don't help people who have low income. I know that families making more than $100k are feeling pressed but really, the child care deduction and expanded deductions for federal savings accounts for college is bacon to pander to fairly well off families. Donald's tax plan doesn't pay for his tax cuts. Any benefit from these tax deductions is not worth adding to the national debt. This measure is a net loss to the country.

Also the income tax credit would only be helpful for low income families where one parent works and another stays home. Benedict Donald's plan does nothing to help low income single mothers. Along with families that bring in a substantial income I'd like to see something that helps low income single mothers pay for child care .

What's good in this plan:
Financial aid going families with low income where one spouse (or SO) stays at home presumably to raise their kids gets no complaints from me. It is basically welfare payments in the form of a tax credit. The earned income tax credit is a clumsy instrument for distributing that aid. But, OK, if this method for redistributing wealth to help low income families is the only one that can make it through a hostile republican audience in Congress then so be it.

Also, six weeks paid maternity leave for every working mother gets no complaints either. I'll let the site conservatives to pan this measure.


Well-Known Member
"Trump aide says 6 weeks of guaranteed paid maternity leave will be paid for by eliminating fraud in unemployment insurance. I don't think I probably need to tell you that the math involved here is absolute horsecrap."
putting pregnant women and new mothers on unemployment instead of paid leave is a load of shit that pie has also swallowed. she hears that shovel slice into the shitpile now and just opens wide for whatever is coming.

hillary's plan does not fire women for being pregnant and it gives them twice as much paid leave, more in line with the rest of the world.

pie will defend it though.
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