trump is literally stealing $130,000+ a month from his dumbass supporters


Well-Known Member
you ask a question then give an answer lol

um yes a new precedent was created by Hillary,a president of intent being the #1 consideration of prosecution,the law in question spelled out that mishandling secret info in any way,knowingly or unknowingly was a crime,it also states removing secret papers from secured areas was a crime weather intended or not,the exisisting law was modified ((in prosecutorial theory)) to make allowances for intent,hence a new precedent .

1st year law,intent.

That depends on what the definition of intent is.............Just like Bill said about "is".

What would we be without the Clinton`s ?


Well-Known Member
you ask a question then give an answer lol

um yes a new precedent was created by Hillary,a president of intent being the #1 consideration of prosecution,the law in question spelled out that mishandling secret info in any way,knowingly or unknowingly was a crime,it also states removing secret papers from secured areas was a crime weather intended or not,the exisisting law was modified ((in prosecutorial theory)) to make allowances for intent,hence a new precedent .

1st year law,intent.
the only precedent should be that W and Cheney did the same thing and nobody said therre was aproblem with them doing it. private server. millions deleted. no consequences.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
What would we be without the Clinton`s ?
I'll take Clinton's for a thousand Alex.

What is ((( a country of laws ?)))

and the buzzer sounds,the enema bandit has won the lightning round,back after important messages from these sponsors, screen breaks to a photoshopped brown baby sitting on Hillary's knee while she welcomes the sick n needy with open arms :spew:


Well-Known Member
and with this comment I place the nail in your coffin,you want complete narrative focus on an issue created by hyperbole & cannot back up your initial claim made to me
What does that have to do with the original post? You try to derail the thread but its so obvious.

Trump is literally stealing $130k per month from his own campaign. Yet the Trump supporters continue to give. Because they want a wall and don't care how much it will cost or how corrupt their chosen one is.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
the only precedent should be that W and Cheney did the same thing and nobody said therre was aproblem with them doing it. private server. millions deleted. no consequences.
boy that makes a lot of sense,just name drop 2 foul bastards who like Hillary have killed millions,then justify allowing a current criminal to get away because other criminals got away.

that scam was created when the internet was new,hence laws were created to prevent future loophole escape,Hillary broke those laws & used ((( intent ))) to set the precedent .



Well-Known Member
boy that makes a lot of sense,just name drop 2 foul bastards who like Hillary have killed millions,then justify allowing a current criminal to get away because other criminals got away.
very good. now you understand what precedent means.
that scam was created when the internet was new,
when was the internet new? 1990's. when was W president?

next!! no soup for you.


Well-Known Member
might be time for an enema cause you full of shit dude.

do you like the insertion, the retention, or the expulsion the best?


Well-Known Member
What does that have to do with the original post? You try to derail the thread but its so obvious.

Trump is literally stealing $130k per month from his own campaign. Yet the Trump supporters continue to give. Because they want a wall and don't care how much it will cost or how corrupt their chosen one is.

You do realize there is already a wall/fence don't you?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
very good. now you understand what precedent means.

when was the internet new? 1990's. when was W president?
correct and laws were created to plug that loophole of emails,Hillary crushed those laws and in doing so set a precedent.

now you still don't understand precedent.

I'll take corn bread with my soup if you please ,next


Well-Known Member
and hlillary literally stole the nomination from bernie,but its OK don't worry,the people responsible were harshly fired b4 being promoted 2 the Clinton foundation :lol:
And the average American continues to point fingers at the opposing political side instead of coming together and taking our country back from the oligarchs.

If we don't do it, no one will.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
And the average American continues to point fingers at the opposing political side instead of coming together and taking our country back from the oligarchs.

If we don't do it, no one will.
BINGO,too bad 90% are too busy supporting either #1 a scheming corrupt politician,or#2 a hair hatted hooligan who's capable of god knows what,its sickening .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
citation of what laws were created to plug that loophole please.

wasn't any law then, wasn't any law now. that's why this is just a GOP witchhunt.
I highly recommend you stop watching Seinfeld & click on C-Span once a week .
If you need cite of which laws trey gowdy did a fine job of explaining each law,in depth to Loretta lynch at the congressional hearings,she did a fine job of playing a complete idiot,all your cites are there.

you are welcome

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
And the average American continues to point fingers at the opposing political side instead of coming together and taking our country back from the oligarchs.

If we don't do it, no one will.
You seem the only sensible one here,the question is this,with people who've allowed themselves to become radicalized to one side or the other,and refuse to find an ounce of common ground between,how do we accomplish anything ?

A newsman at a news site I respect recently did a video titled (white america is doomed) using the exact examples you cited as the basis for his commentary,if you'd like a link I'd be happy to post one ?