Why Don't They Just Sell Seeds For 1$?


Well-Known Member
I mean, the plants produce thousands of seeds. Why charge 5-20$ PER seed when U can destroy the competition and just charge 1 or 2 dollars per seed? Seems dumb
the truth is because nobody would by a $1 seed,they'd think they were getting unstable strains,ditch bud,Hermie seeds etc

another reason is that one breeder selling his seeds for $1 would initiate an industry wide price war,with every breeder selling $1 seeds the industry would collapse,what was left of the industry would send you seeds for pumpernickel bread & cucumbers because they wouldn't give a shit at a dollar

seeds aren't expensive because they are rare or cost millions to create a strain,the seed market is artificially regulated like the diamond market
All plant breeders do that and yet none charge what weed "breeders" do.
Correct me if im wrong, but i don't think there exist any other plant species with more hybrid crosses then cannabis.

Also, when growing from seed you dont want to waste time with "random/unstable" genes but if they are actually stable and good genetics then id say a buck per seed is very good gamble but how would you know without running them first? That alone is a gamble
There actually was a seed seller out in Cali that sold super cheap seeds. Like $1. I think they are out of biz now and the reports from buyers were terrible. I've tried cheaper breeders like $5 a seed and I think you get what you pay for buying cheap seeds. I wouldn't mind if I had to pay even more as long as the seeds were worth it and viable.

It's a very small expense.
Correct me if im wrong, but i don't think there exist any other plant species with more hybrid crosses then cannabis.

Also, when growing from seed you dont want to waste time with "random/unstable" genes but if they are actually stable and good genetics then id say a buck per seed is very good gamble but how would you know without running them first? That alone is a gamble
Sure there is. Tomatoes for example. It's only expensive because it's illegal. There is no reason a weed seed should cost hundreds of times the cost of any other seed.
Sure there is. Tomatoes for example. It's only expensive because it's illegal. There is no reason a weed seed should cost hundreds of times the cost of any other seed.
anybody can chuck some pollen. I believe the best breeders are sourcing the best genes. Bodhi is the best I've seen so far. I haven't tried them all but, there is a difference from one breeder to another. Heck if you don't like the prices just chuck some pollen and make your own. I did and the seeds I got sucked lol. Waste of time even tho the pollen was from a great breeder. Just saying. I would rather pay more for quality.
Eventually they will give them away so much you'll get em for $1 each or less..

I know my last order I got them for like $2.55 each $2.01 if I count extra freebee's so it's coming...

Now I am just going to make my own seeds and pick and choose as sales happen when I feel like it.