Why Don't They Just Sell Seeds For 1$?

I mean, the plants produce thousands of seeds. Why charge 5-20$ PER seed when U can destroy the competition and just charge 1 or 2 dollars per seed? Seems dumb
If anyone should be reimbursed for their work its mother nature.....or did some colorado, northern california grower develop cannabis as a whole too? The reason is they are FUCKEN GREEDY! You pay attention since 92', step on whomever you gotta to get your needs met has been the american mantra since 1930's. Their just plain greedy, look at floompa farms and 250 a pack for "his work" jesus crist 200 bucks lmao!
anybody can chuck some pollen. I believe the best breeders are sourcing the best genes. Bodhi is the best I've seen so far. I haven't tried them all but, there is a difference from one breeder to another. Heck if you don't like the prices just chuck some pollen and make your own. I did and the seeds I got sucked lol. Waste of time even tho the pollen was from a great breeder. Just saying. I would rather pay more for quality.
Bodhi is def a SUPER DUPER breeder imho. However, I'm waiting for someone to bring back real deal Roadkillskunk. Thats the shizzznits right there.
See that honeywell fan...............things a beast in the gardens. BY far the best grow fan available.
yup, they are great fans for the money...but beware, there are two models that look very similar
model # HT-900C (25% quieter and more powerful) 8 inch fan

and the buck cheaper model # HT-809 - 7 inch fan
I live in a college town on the eastcoast of the united states which means(no matter what anyone tells ya i ve lived here 40 yrs) rich ,spoiled brats wasting their parents money in every facet possible. So when i learned of this i learned to get up earlyish 5-6am and go walking for free stuff piles up by the 1000-1800 a month rent for a 2 bedroom apartment(par for the course here) and find all sorts of great stuff. I found a honeywell that was the biggest they make i believe, it was almost 24 inch fanblade, some painters stole it tha pricks.
Outside of my sequoia strawberry plants, my "chucks" are by far outperforming my DNA, exotic genetix, and HSO strains. All strains by "elite breeders". Also most breeders spending decades to stabilize strains is absolute bullshit.

One of the few strains I grow that is very stable is female seeds c99, and they are comparatively cheap. Read postings by these breeders and it becomes quite obvious, they are no geniuses, nor do many even have a grasp of advanced genetics and botany.

TGA himself has stated he is no breeder, but crosses acquired cuts and "chucks" their pollen. Of course he then sells these seeds at a premium. No decades of breeding, no stabilization of plants, lots of hermies, no advanced knowledge of breeding. Just like most breeders, he has a skill at marketig his product. If you can create hype, you're golden, and charge hugely inflated prices for your "elite genetics".
I dont imagine your paying for the seeds as much as you are the genetics.
I dont see people looking high & low for a certain line of tomatoes ... But that does tend to be the case with cannabis. If im a top shelf breeder, with topshelf genetics.......then yeah your going to have to pay for those genetics to be in your garden. Gotta pay to play.....
This shit reminds me of breeding dogs a lot. You got top shelf stock that is show worthy. Sure you can get a pet @ the shelter for near nothing.......or you can get an elite show animal from whatever bloodline & that excels in any activity you put em in. For the second, your going to be paying some good money!

I think the problem lies with human nature, everybody wants something for free...
I mean, the plants produce thousands of seeds. Why charge 5-20$ PER seed when U can destroy the competition and just charge 1 or 2 dollars per seed? Seems dumb

your not buying the 'seed' your buying the genetics and time it took for the breeder to breed said strain. people will breed a strain many many times then cross it back with itself, add different crosses, fail on alot of the attempts to getting that perfect one. all this takes money time and knowledge
to get a real stabilized strain that you can confidently say will have these characteristics, you have to breed at least 5 generations of that plant, picking out the good ones in each crop and rebreeding them for true traits, picking out as many recessive genes as you can.
so each good established strain has at least one year, and maybe two years of careful work, insight, and luck behind it.
you do that much work, put in that much time and care, and then you sell the products of all that work for a fucking dollar
to get a real stabilized strain that you can confidently say will have these characteristics, you have to breed at least 5 generations of that plant, picking out the good ones in each crop and rebreeding them for true traits, picking out as many recessive genes as you can.
so each good established strain has at least one year, and maybe two years of careful work, insight, and luck behind it.
you do that much work, put in that much time and care, and then you sell the products of all that work for a fucking dollar

I think the cheapest seeds that were good stable genetics that i have run havn't been lower than 12-15$ usd. i have ran ones that are upwards of 50$, some people go even more expensive. if people only really knew the science and time and work it takes to get a stable genetic
I live in a college town on the eastcoast of the united states which means(no matter what anyone tells ya i ve lived here 40 yrs) rich ,spoiled brats wasting their parents money in every facet possible. So when i learned of this i learned to get up earlyish 5-6am and go walking for free stuff piles up by the 1000-1800 a month rent for a 2 bedroom apartment(par for the course here) and find all sorts of great stuff. I found a honeywell that was the biggest they make i believe, it was almost 24 inch fanblade, some painters stole it tha pricks.

Eastcoast college town ohh yeah.
Diddo bro.
I dont imagine your paying for the seeds as much as you are the genetics.
I dont see people looking high & low for a certain line of tomatoes ... But that does tend to be the case with cannabis. If im a top shelf breeder, with topshelf genetics.......then yeah your going to have to pay for those genetics to be in your garden. Gotta pay to play.....
This shit reminds me of breeding dogs a lot. You got top shelf stock that is show worthy. Sure you can get a pet @ the shelter for near nothing.......or you can get an elite show animal from whatever bloodline & that excels in any activity you put em in. For the second, your going to be paying some good money!

I think the problem lies with human nature, everybody wants something for free...

Yeah but in a lot of cases they are just a couple guys genetics re hashed and sold for profit....

I see it there are a couple breeders who put in the "genetic" work and many seed producers cashing in.

If they had to pay some kind of royalty or something some true breeders would be cashing in a bit more.
I live in a college town on the eastcoast of the united states which means(no matter what anyone tells ya i ve lived here 40 yrs) rich ,spoiled brats wasting their parents money in every facet possible. So when i learned of this i learned to get up earlyish 5-6am and go walking for free stuff piles up by the 1000-1800 a month rent for a 2 bedroom apartment(par for the course here) and find all sorts of great stuff. I found a honeywell that was the biggest they make i believe, it was almost 24 inch fanblade, some painters stole it tha pricks.
If we were to add up all the damn money i spent on jamaican and mexican herbs in high school that had viable good seeds i guess ive dumped quite a bit on beans, i only wish i knew then what i know now......
Yeah but in a lot of cases they are just a couple guys genetics re hashed and sold for profit....

I see it there are a couple breeders who put in the "genetic" work and many seed producers cashing in.

If they had to pay some kind of royalty or something some true breeders would be cashing in a bit more.
I rarely admit this..........
dude your insight blows me away.
I am serious as a heart attck.