Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

my 12 jars started to colinize lastnight and they are growing really fast now, I cant wait
mine are starting to take off, the cakes are getting smaller, and almost completely colonized, one jar does apear to be contaminated with some brown fuzz. and two of the jars are only inoculated in one or two places, so do i wait for them to take the whole cake or what? some will be ready in a few days some a week, should i leave them all in the dark till they are all ready for a more uniform flush or take them individually to the cooler???
most people say to let them compleatly colinized then wait 3-5 days so the inside fully colinized also, good luck!
Yes, you need to wait for the jars to completely colonize then wait a few days. The network of mycelium won't be strong enough to fight off bacteria until the cake is completely colonized.

I didn't read the whole thread but incase anyone didn't reply about the automated humidifying chamber I'll tell you how I used to do it. I tried with the hand spaying only technique first and it was a pain in the arse.

Get 2 clear rubbermaid tubs, some geolite rocks (hydroton rocks) and some coffee filters (I used some teddy bear stuffing - anything that is clean and filters air will do). I think you said you already had pumps and airstones.

You will need to wash the rocks off to get all the dust and crap off them. Give them a good rinse or 4 because you don't want all that red stuff in with your mushies. On the last rinse I always poured boiling water over them to help kill germs and stuff, plus they make a good noise.

Set up your airline and airstones in the bottom of the first tub. Make a hole up near the lip of the tub for the airline to go out of and into the pump. This hole should be air tight. Once you have the airline sorted fill the bottom of the tub with the rocks, about 2-3 inches worth should be ok. Fill with clean water to just under the top line of rocks.

With tub number 2 we are going to make some holes in all four sides. The holes should be about one inch, I used to put a hole on each end and two on each side of the tub. Cover these holes from the outside with the coffee filters and tape them down so that it's airtight. This is the lid.

At this point you get your fully colonized cakes, remove them from their jars (wearing gloves of course) and take off the excess verm from the bottom. I then made a little dish for each cake with damp verm on to hold them in the chamber but keep them off the rocks. You can use this to water the cakes without having to spray directly on them also.

Put the cakes on their little dishes and into the tub and turn on the pump. Put the other tub upside down on top of tub number 1 and tape it shut. Hey presto! You have a fully automated chamber thingy. If your pump is strong enough you can just leave it shut for the rest of the grow.

Good luck! Fresh, clean but really moist air is the key. Keep everything clean.
Could you guys let me know when you have completed a grow? I would love to document this in FAQ (especially if pics were included). I just know nothing about this subject. So a step by step tutorial would be awesome. We don't have anything like this in FAQ. It would be a first. Could ya help me out? I's sure there are a lot of people out there that would love to learn from your experience.
yeah i would love too, ill be taking pics of the whole process and ill even write it up nice for you. this would be my second faq contribution and i would like to make more.
well they are starting to come along, at least one is contaminated, and i don't like the looks of the dry vermiculite on the top of one in this pic... what do i do about the water droplets??? there are a lot and i think thats what caused the contamination in the one jar, cause there is a ton in there.
The water droplets shouldn't be a problem, they are normal and everything should have been sterilized by the steaming/pressure cooker. If some jars have an insane amount of water droplets in them you can loosen the jar lids VERY SLIGHTLY to help them evaporate. Personally I would leave them alone but I can't see how much of a problem it is. Also I see tape on the top of those jars, I always found it better to leave the holes uncovered to let the cake breathe but some people will say this lets in bacteria. It's your call on that but it would probably also help to get rid of the excess water.

That orange bit on the dry verm definitely looks like contam, not much you can do about that apart from wait and see.
very nice looking growth there! The orange could just be Myc. piss and nothing to worry about. The other thought is the verm could be soaking up coloration from the substrate white and brown makes a rusty color.

keep an eye on it.
i was wondering, could i take jars that i know to have contamination out of the jars, cut off the contaminated part and break the rest up into some good manure and compost outside, to see if i get any mushrooms, do you think that would work? well should be another week till im ready for the germ chamber... they look about the same, still growing fine.
i was wondering, could i take jars that i know to have contamination out of the jars, cut off the contaminated part and break the rest up into some good manure and compost outside, to see if i get any mushrooms, do you think that would work? well should be another week till im ready for the germ chamber... they look about the same, still growing fine.

Don't cut anything out, just throw the whole contaminated cake in the manure. Contams don't work the same outdoors as they do inside because they have constant fresh air and UV rays from the sun to help them out. If the cake isn't completely contaminated you stand a good chance of getting some mushies from an outdoor grow, especially if you keep throwing your contammed cakes from future grows in the same place.

I think I should say this incase you haven't ever read it or been told - never open a contaminated cake indoors or smell something that has obviously gone bad. Some moulds and stuff are really dangerous and you could get hurt.
thank you scissors, your a big help as always! im going to bring the contaminated jars to my outdoor weed plot and make a mushy plot as well, there are tons of other shrooms about, no morels yet...:-( but i think all the rotten trees and leaves will be good for them. should i water the dirt at all?
No probs mate!

Yeah, I've never grown outside myself but from what I can remember you want the dirt to be moist but not soaked. If you can get hold of some straw to mix up with your manure and stuff that would be good for drainage and shrooms love straw.

Your best bet is probably to dig a small hole and put rocks or gravel on the bottom to help drainage. Fill the hole with your manure, straw and magic cake mix and keep it light and fluffy. Use a plastic bag to crumble the cakes in and mix it all up as you don't want to touch horrible contams. Then put about an inch of dirt on top and cover with leaves, that should help keep the top layer of soil moist. I'd say only water it enough to keep it nice and damp without drowning the mycellium.

Slugs, snails, mice, squirrels and loads of other creatures will love to eat your shrooms though so make not to eat anything like that if some shrooms do pop up.
lol i don't take mushrooms anyway, i have bad trips, this was just a for fun grow...i didn't know animals ate mushrooms, i was told they have no calories or nutrients in them? well ill see what i can do, maybe ill cover the area in clear plastic so it stays warm and moist. lots of dead grass for use as hay so that wont be a problem
well i am taking 2 jars outdoors with me, one was almost completely colonized, with just some rust colored dry virmiculite on top, so i cut off a few large chunks from the oposite side, and stuck them in a tuppaware with a few spritzes of water, leaving them in the light, we will see what happens, the real pinset wont be for another week, down to 5 jars do you guys think these chunks will put out any pins? how long will it take? i was thinking i would put it in the fridge for a few hours but no light in there so i am just going to leave them out.

p.s. the cake i cut open was really firm, is that normal? it seemed kinda dry too, i always thought it would be a moist sponge inside, not hard and kinda dry.
Also if you catch a contamination early enough I've heard a 3% hydrogen peroxide exposure to the effected area will nuke the contam and the mycelium but the myc should come back.
okay well here are the pics, i found a nice rotten decomposed darkish part of the swamp and fluffed up the soil with hay and rotten wood crumbs, then i broke the two cakes up , and covered with more soil and junk, tomorow im going to stretch a little tarp over it to make it nice and warm and moist, so are the mycelia going to have to start over or am i going to see mushrooms soon?




