Donald Trump

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If we ignore Trump's business experience then what have we left to assess his qualifications? His TV shows?

Tax cuts and spending increases are a death sentence to any idea of becoming less reliant on Chinese floating our economy by selling bonds to them.

I get it, you are a racist shithead and love Trump's racist policies. And so, you'll sell this country to China in order to get that wall built. That would put us in the same position Trump's businesses are in. Beholden to China. So, forget about that promise to bring jobs back to the US. One phone call from China Bank and it will be all over.

You are an idiot, oddball.
What a fucking troll you are and a one trick pony. Yeah, everyone is an idiot and a racist...looks like your job is done here., go away puke.
On another note... What did Trump have for lunch yesterday? Hillary's milkshake and a burrito. He then went to AZ and did what the Diamondbacks need to do more of. Hit it out of the park. Hillary looked tired, old, and greasy in her attempt at evening the score and had to fart in Obama's general direction in doing so.
On another note... What did Trump have for lunch yesterday? Hillary's milkshake and a burrito. He then went to AZ and did what the Diamondbacks need to do more of. Hit it out of the park. Hillary looked tired, old, and greasy in her attempt at evening the score and had to fart in Obama's general direction in doing so.

oh, poor stupid dave. the fact that you think trump did anything positive yesterday demonstrates very well that you don't know shit about the types of voters who decide elections.

an angry, screaming, xenophobic tirade is how it is being described. half of his hispanic advisory team is leaving him. now was when he needed to pivot and soften, lest he lose hispanics and college educated whites. instead, he went full-hitler with the scapegoating, lies, anger, and screaming.

indeed, what you witnessed last night was the pickett's charge of the campaign, which itself is the pickett's charge of white nationalism in GOP politics. trump's whole campaign is an angry, desperate last gasp of a demographically unviable set of ideas and policies, and the hate speech last night was the angry, desperate last gasp of the trump campaign.

when you are losing and need to gain voters, like trump does, you don't alienate the very people you need to come over to your side. but that is what trump did last night.

good luck winning florida with 14% of the hispanic vote. mccain and romney got about 30-35% and both of them still lost. trump is now pushing arizona and texas into swing state status decades ahead of schedule. hispanics are 31% of the electorate in arizona. there are not enough angry white racists like you to overcome that, dave.
Through August 25th, Trump has held 29 campaign events in August with an estimated 168,000 participants. Clinton on the other hand has held only 11 campaign events attended by an estimated paltry 10,000.

Trump averages 5,800 people per event in August while Clinton averages less than 1,000.

Trump is packing arenas and Hillary can't even fill a high school gym.
Having large crowds doesn't translate to votes, Bernie broke Obama's record crowd with 27,000 when he had his speech at Washington Square Park in know the rest.

BTW Hillary is kicking Donald's ass here in NY and he was born here (Queens).

What a fucking troll you are and a one trick pony. Yeah, everyone is an idiot and a racist...looks like your job is done here., go away puke.
Boring Dave, you just carp away and contribute nothing. You don't have anything to say other than admitting you are an idiot and a racist? I agree that you and Oddball are, so we agree on some things.
trump is having circuses and klan rallies while hillary is having actual discussions with voters.

did you forget that her strategy was deliberate, or were you simply unaware?

maybe instead of focusing on the inconsequential size of events, you can tell us all about how an infirm old lady is chasing "high energy" TRUMP! all over the electoral map. gonna be hard to flip PA and NH and OH and FL if you're having to desperately cling to states like AZ, SC, MO, IN, GA, and NC.

did the ass bandit call in sick today and leave you in charge of white supremacy outreach? somehow you suck at this worse than he does.
Discussions with voters? How? Telepathy?

Most of her attention the past couple months was focused on partying with the rich and famous who paid up to 50k attend!
Having large crowds doesn't translate to votes, Bernie broke Obama's record crowd with 27,000 when he had his speech at Washington Square Park in know the rest.

BTW Hillary is kicking Donald's ass here in NY and he was born here (Queens).

I thought we had established that the DNC turned the media against bernie and set the narrative for news of hillary.

@ttystikk @schuylaar

Isn't that right?
Discussions with voters? How?

as the article pointed out, it's through smaller, more intimate events. some of my family members attended one here in denver just a little while back. got to chat with hillary directly.

Most of her attention the past couple months was focused on partying with the rich and famous who paid up to 50k attend!


trump is doing the same thing you dolt.

he's just not as successful at it because people know he is going to lose and don't want to waste their money on a loser.
trump is having circuses and klan rallies while hillary is having actual discussions with voters.

did you forget that her strategy was deliberate, or were you simply unaware?

maybe instead of focusing on the inconsequential size of events, you can tell us all about how an infirm old lady is chasing "high energy" TRUMP! all over the electoral map. gonna be hard to flip PA and NH and OH and FL if you're having to desperately cling to states like AZ, SC, MO, IN, GA, and NC.

did the ass bandit call in sick today and leave you in charge of white supremacy outreach? somehow you suck at this worse than he does.
Looks like PA voters aren't listening to enough MSNBC and C(linton)NN
Trump starting to pull ahead in polls.

factually incorrect.

the la times poll has several flaws in it which puts trump about 5-6 points ahead from all the other national polling. one of these flaws is that it weighs its 2016 result based on how people claim they voted in 2012, it tracks the same loop of 3,000 or so people instead of tracking new respondents each week, and it allows the respondents to assign their own likelihood of voting for either candidate.

while that may make for a steady result, which is still useful in some ways, it does not make it an accurate one.

the average of all polls has clinton up 5-6 points nationally, and up by 8 points in PA, 10 points in VA, and leading every single swing state. she even has trump barely holding on to very red states.

cherrypicking two outlier polls is stupid, especially since the rasmussen poll you cited weights its results assuming the same turnout as they had in 2008 still. demographics have moved several points in the democratic direction since then.

go smash your bible, leave scientific polling to people who actually understand the methodology behind it.
If we ignore Trump's business experience then what have we left to assess his qualifications? His TV shows? Trump has been a failure at business and that's his only record. No wonder you want to ignore it.

Tax cuts and spending increases are a death sentence to any idea of becoming less reliant on Chinese floating our economy by selling bonds to them.

I get it, you are a racist shithead and love Trump's racist policies. And so, you'll sell this country to China in order to get that wall built. That would put us in the same position Trump's businesses are in. Beholden to China. So, forget about that promise to bring jobs back to the US. One phone call from China Bank and it will be all over.

You are an idiot, oddball.

The same can be said of Hillary, I can`t find her successes, I`m sure you will point some out,..maybe, can you ?

Dude, the spending increases are not Foreign. I don`t know about the tax cuts. Maybe you didn`t understand what Trump meant by saying he would be tough on China. Se you understand shit all wrong.

That phone call will cost China the S. China see properties they are building Islands on so they can drill into the oil underneath. I don`t think china is ready for that level yet.
Hilary`s exit tax is a joke, and Donalds taxes on imported goods from fleeing countries is the way to go.

So we can conclude that it`s better to be the idiot that understands, (Trump and me) than the moron with no clue and no successes. (Hillary and you).
Obama laughs off the idea of voter fraud, saying that states run the elections. The problem is that Obama's DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has made this election a special issue and wants to now run the elections. Not only that, but they have called in a department of the UN to help supervise the elections, 500 observers. What does any of this have to do with "Homeland Security" anyways?

Anyone who knows anything about Jeh Johnson knows that he is an Obama and Clinton supporter who has said that Trump should be disqualified for president in a CNN interview. How can someone who is so outspoken on the need to stop Trump be in charge of the elections? This is getting ridiculous.

factually incorrect.

the la times poll has several flaws in it which puts trump about 5-6 points ahead from all the other national polling. one of these flaws is that it weighs its 2016 result based on how people claim they voted in 2012, it tracks the same loop of 3,000 or so people instead of tracking new respondents each week, and it allows the respondents to assign their own likelihood of voting for either candidate.

while that may make for a steady result, which is still useful in some ways, it does not make it an accurate one.

the average of all polls has clinton up 5-6 points nationally, and up by 8 points in PA, 10 points in VA, and leading every single swing state. she even has trump barely holding on to very red states.

cherrypicking two outlier polls is stupid, especially since the rasmussen poll you cited weights its results assuming the same turnout as they had in 2008 still. demographics have moved several points in the democratic direction since then.

go smash your bible, leave scientific polling to people who actually understand the methodology behind it.


..... One day later.
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