How about what KKhizr Khan has said himself:Sorry but you lose all credibility the moment you cite breitbart or infowars. I don't give a shit what propagandists and conspiracy theorists have to say about anything.
Soooo...... You hate gays, Muslims, immigrants democrats and Hillary. You trash the most moderate, well prepared Republican candidates. You are spewing nothing but nastiness and can't even find anything positive to say about your own psychotic candidate. Can you imagine how hard it was for those avid Republican top security experts to abdicate their party to warn about how truly dangerous Trump is? Their fear of Trump and how devastating he would be as president is REAL, and they know far, far more than you or I about international relations and national security. No thinking person without severe racist/bigoted viewpoints (or a career tied to the Republican Party) is supporting Trump anymore. Your hatred of Hillary is obviously meant to mask the true motivations behind your Trump support. It isn't working, we all know what you must be retarded if you think litltle marco or that faggot kasich would be a good president, they are both weak-spined corporate sell-outs.
Clinton helped arm isis, do some research. remember the little thing called the arab spring that clinton helped promote. you know, where all the secular countries were toppled for radical muslim oriented government based on sharia? awesome choice over there, sir
How about what KKhizr Khan has said himself:
“The Shari’ah-was completed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed, in the Quran and Sunnah. This brings up an important fact which is generally overlooked, that the invariable and basic rules of Islamic Law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah), which are few and limited,” Khan continues to write. “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”
In the journal article, Khan goes on to explain the importance of Islamic laws and interpretations to Muslim followers. He writes that: “The present form of the Quran is one and the same in every part of the Muslim world, and it has been so all through the centuries. This, Muslims believe, is due to the fact that the compilation and arrangement of chapters was completed-under divine instructions-by the Prophet himself.”
It is due to this that Khan writes, “to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”
You must not realize this isn't a republican democrat type of election. the people who claim to be the party of lincoln are more corrupt than the party of pc culture. All these people claiming all these things are working for a much higher purpose and agenda than what little bullshit topics you are focusing on here. The global agenda toward a one world government and one world currency is rapidly moving forward, so take the blinders off.Soooo...... You hate gays, Muslims, immigrants democrats and Hillary. You trash the most moderate, well prepared Republican candidates. You are spewing nothing but nastiness and can't even find anything positive to say about your own psychotic candidate. Can you imagine how hard it was for those avid Republican top security experts to abdicate their party to warn about how truly dangerous Trump is? Their fear of Trump and how devastating he would be as president is REAL, and they know far, far more than you or I about international relations and national security. No thinking person without severe racist/bigoted viewpoints (or a career tied to the Republican Party) is supporting Trump anymore. Your hatred of Hillary is obviously meant to mask the true motivations behind your Trump support. It isn't working, we all know what you are.
Ummm... Trump says he is a republican, according to you he must be more corrupt than Clinton? Well, at least you got that right.You must not realize this isn't a republican democrat type of election. the people who claim to be the party of lincoln are more corrupt than the party of pc culture. All these people claiming all these things are working for a much higher purpose and agenda than what little bullshit topics you are focusing on here. The global agenda toward a one world government and one world currency is rapidly moving forward, so take the blinders off.
We are tired of sending all of our money, resources, and army men over seas in order to not be repaid. Trump wants to focus on the problems we are having here by providing the economic means to do so. Hillary attacked his tax plan because it "gives breaks to the top 1%", but fails to mention how a large percentage of small businesses are in that group - paying huge taxes and barely breaking even. Hillary's tax plan is going to continue to contribute to the wealthy moving all their money over seas to keep free of the taxation she proposes on them. They can afford to do that.
If you want to talk policies and quit trying to spew the racist, bigotry, bullshit rhetoric you get from the cable news channels and party bosses then be my guest. But if i want to hear more of the bullshit you are talking here, i'll just turn on cnn or msnbc.
By the way - top security experts can lie just as well as top state department employees (ie: secretary's of state), take some time to sift through the shit so you can find some truth.
i wouldn't call you retarded, unless you actually believed that bullshit...
Since your quote mentioned "Gold Star Family" man Khizr Khan, let's learn a little more about his actual beliefs...
The father of Omar Mateen, the gay nightclub mass murdering terrorist, supports Hillary Clinton. He was pictured sat right behind Clinton during her rally in Florida last night.
Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump,” Seddique Mateen later told a news station in broken English as he held a pro-Hillary sign and revealed that he had been “invited by the Democratic Party”.
Seddique Mateen also supports the Taliban and exterminating gay people.
As CBS News previously reported, Mateen said that, “God will punish those involved in homosexuality”.
He also hosts a TV show on a California-based satellite Afghan TV station that is “nationalistic, pro-Taliban slant; full of anti-U.S. rhetoric and inflammatory language.”
When former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke endorsed Donald Trump, the media hounded Trump for weeks asking him over and over again whether he disavowed David Duke.
Despite Trump vehemently disavowing Duke on several occasions, the media just wouldn’t let go of the story.
Given his past statements and the fact that he is the father of the man who carried out the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, Seddique Mateen is far worsethan David Duke.
However, despite the dreadful optics of Mateen enthusiastically appearing at a Hillary Clinton event, the media will drop this like a hot potato.
That’s why everyone must keep asking the question; When will Hillary Clinton disavow Seddique Mateen?
those sources are about as reliable as that bible you keep thumping.
Try the local NBC affiliate you poverty inbred piece of shit
Don't worry, he also endorsed Clinton following the rally as well. Using your logic, this not only makes Hillary a homophobic bigot who supports terrorism, but also all of her brain dead, uneducated followers like are still running away from a simple question like a coward you fucking cuck.
you already gave up on your original infowars conspiracy theory claim, no surprise there.
but you complain about being called a racist and then you can't even try to claim that you aren't one. that is mega-pussy territory there.
your wife's vagina smells like smegma. my smegma.
Katrina Pierson's long-awaited explanation: Trump was saying an assassination "could" happen, not that it "should" happen.Trump on Clinton: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks." Adds, "Though the second amendment folks, maybe there is..."
I'm all about forgiveness. So if you can get him to apologize, I'm willing to forgive. Just let me know when you get that apology. Good luck.So, if David Duke apologizes he's forgiven too, LOL, not likely.
conservative history 091 (remedial - not for credit)
So, if David Duke apologizes he's forgiven too, LOL, not likely. The left is quick to forgive and forget with the left, but no one else. Also, talking about the influence of David Duke, there is none, get real... The circle of people that feel David Duke has any influence wouldn't fill a high school gym. Mr. Byrd recruited people for the KKK, he had influence, he tried to make it bigger and better, then he's endorsed by the NAACP, that makes sense.... This just goes to show that anyone that is for the advancement of bigger government more programs and more handouts has no prior sin too great....
liberal logic 101
Wow, wait until the voters see that! Oh, they did? And your candidate is still far, far behind her. Wow, he must really suck. How is he campaigning - by telling people to shoot elected officials and judges?