You help make my point. I know more about gun laws than many. All I said was that Right Wing Propaganda is scaring people into believing that their guns are in danger of being taken away and that the 2nd Amendment is weak. The Supreme Court decesion in the DC case proves my point. The NRA is doing the same thing. They want to scare people into thinking the same thing. Why? Money. The more people they can con into that shit the more members they get....the more $$$$$.
And were did I say I worship the main stream media? Now you're making shit up. Hippy? Hardly, and I'm guessing if you saw me in person you wouldn't say that. Lucky you.
seriously, smoke a bowl, make some tea, and smoke another bowl. what a lot of us old skool bush hating republicans, REPUBLICANS not "neoconservative" most folks get em confused..
what we are worried about is the return of clintons assault rifle ban. it goes against 2nd amendment rights becuase if you read the whole amendment and not just the guns part, we have the right to maintain a well regulated militia, so that when a time comes that the tyranny is no longer tolorated by the people that they may stand up and fight to overthrow said tyranny.
now how do plan to achieve this with rifles that hold only 5 rounds, semi auto, shotguns and handguns with no more than 8 rounds? you can't it isn't possible. Iraqi's did an alright job while i was there fucking us up with ak's so there fore we should be allowed to buy ak's to defend ourselves from our own government.
corruption has spread a long way, and more and more americans are waking up from there complacent slumber, the fact is our government democrats in particular, fear any uprising from the people so they try to control our guns and say it's for crime, when in truth the only people gun laws hurt are LEGAL GUN OWNERS
i live in an open carry state, anything anytime in the open or unloaded concealed. thank god new mexico didn't become a state until 1912, otherwise it would have tight wad laws like new york.
limiting our access to posses military grade assault rifles takes away our ability to stand any chance should we fight back.
the pharmaceuticals, ssri's antidepressants, flouride in everyones water, flouride=prozac take away our access to military assault rifles, put pointless numbing dumb television on instead of decent entertainment.. reality tv, american idol, most of this country was glued to greys anatomy till the writers strike.
everything they do is just one more way to control you, hell Catholicism was concocted by rome once the country grew too large to control by conventional standards, don't you think it strange that they went from feeding christians to lions ( not that it isnt funny) to worshiping their god with some minor adjustments, now look how many crazy catholics there are world wide unawares that they're nothing more than tools in the remnants of the roman empire..
however our dollar says in god we trust and every president has been a "seemingly" good christian, but from what ive seen very few christians are in any way good..