as for GARY you live in texas, gw's state... great good for you,
i lived in the south for years, both Carolina's, Louisiana, and georgia.. and if anyone i knew from the dirty south heard anyone calling texas the south, they'd get the shit slapped out of em for talking shit about the south..
no one respects texas, not even your gov.. onlything there are steers and queers, i don't see any horns in your picture, and your views are very questionable.
straight up your case of complacency makes all of us returning from iraq feel like none of you are woth protecting, you live in the lies, believe there words, telling everyone else they're wrong. and that every friend i had returning in a bag died in vain because the american people are too stupid to understand.
your shitting on the constitution, which i swore to uphold, and if i have to strap bombs to my chest to defend it i will do whatever is nessecary. you lack that intestinal fortitude to do what is neccesary, your weak hiding behind your computer with big words trying to make people feel small.. want intimidation? pull your lil gun on me i'll take it from you and beat you like my step child with it, your not man enough to use one so you have no place talking shit to those of us who care about whats going on How would you feel if i shoveled shit all over your house? i bet you wouldn't like it. your posts read like the atf telling us "it's ok, you've all got the wrong idea" wtf?
and as for martial law and militant takeover, it's all very possible, and fema camps are like nazi work camps... you know nothing about this country and i'd like it if you'd shut the fuck up when you feel like speaking about something you don't understand.