• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ron Paul to Make Major Announcement Next Week


New Member
They'll never get the guns in my lifetime and probably not in my grandkids lifetime. I have no doubt the police would like to see every citizen disarmed, that way making unannounced frontal home entry,would be a piece of cake. Problem is, the criminals would have the same advantage on home invasion, they certainly aren't going to give up their guns. I must agree though that the 2nd amendment is being used by the right as a scare tactic, they're coming for you guns, they're coming for your guns, those stinkin liberal commies. I'm a liberal and I have plenty of guns and plan on passing them along to my grandaughters. I'll not be voluntarily giving up my guns to anyone.


Well-Known Member
If the Dems tried that with guns the same thing would happen. They would loose my vote.
What if they tried to strip us of our 4th Amendment rights, would they lose your vote too? Oh wait...You support the loss of our 4th Amendment rights, that's right.


Well-Known Member
Hardly. A missile launcher isn't a fire arm. Our founding fathers knew that or else every body would have had a canon and it would have said so in the Constitution.
dude, if people could afford cannons they could own them in the beginning there wer NO laws regulating. whats your deal? you a bleeding heart liberal?


Well-Known Member
Take this advice. Go out and purchase your AK/SKs now in case the dems get an assault rifle ban, it will only apply to new purchases. Trying to get a retroactive ban would be impossible. No-one I know is about to give up their assault rifles. The whole gist of the assault rifle ban is because those rounds can penetrate a cops vest, and they never want to be on even par with criminals, IMHO, cops are not brave, they are chickenshit adrenaline junkies, as long as the odds are on their side, they attack. The brave civil servants are the firefighters.
ive been dating a forensic psychologist for about a year now, she works in the prison, and says that the CO's are more scary and dangerous than any of the criminals, and they get off on torturing guys in gangs.. cops are just sick fucks who want to fuck with people, they are chickenshit to be a real man and join the military, so they bully people whom they know arent a real threat.. fuck cops, i'd like to see them stare down a wall at 100 armed iraqi's that want him dead..


Well-Known Member
as for GARY you live in texas, gw's state... great good for you,
i lived in the south for years, both Carolina's, Louisiana, and georgia.. and if anyone i knew from the dirty south heard anyone calling texas the south, they'd get the shit slapped out of em for talking shit about the south..

no one respects texas, not even your gov.. onlything there are steers and queers, i don't see any horns in your picture, and your views are very questionable.

straight up your case of complacency makes all of us returning from iraq feel like none of you are woth protecting, you live in the lies, believe there words, telling everyone else they're wrong. and that every friend i had returning in a bag died in vain because the american people are too stupid to understand.

your shitting on the constitution, which i swore to uphold, and if i have to strap bombs to my chest to defend it i will do whatever is nessecary. you lack that intestinal fortitude to do what is neccesary, your weak hiding behind your computer with big words trying to make people feel small.. want intimidation? pull your lil gun on me i'll take it from you and beat you like my step child with it, your not man enough to use one so you have no place talking shit to those of us who care about whats going on How would you feel if i shoveled shit all over your house? i bet you wouldn't like it. your posts read like the atf telling us "it's ok, you've all got the wrong idea" wtf?

and as for martial law and militant takeover, it's all very possible, and fema camps are like nazi work camps... you know nothing about this country and i'd like it if you'd shut the fuck up when you feel like speaking about something you don't understand.


New Member
as for GARY you live in texas, gw's state... great good for you,
i lived in the south for years, both Carolina's, Louisiana, and georgia.. and if anyone i knew from the dirty south heard anyone calling texas the south, they'd get the shit slapped out of em for talking shit about the south..

no one respects texas, not even your gov.. onlything there are steers and queers, i don't see any horns in your picture, and your views are very questionable.

straight up your case of complacency makes all of us returning from iraq feel like none of you are woth protecting, you live in the lies, believe there words, telling everyone else they're wrong. and that every friend i had returning in a bag died in vain because the american people are too stupid to understand.

your shitting on the constitution, which i swore to uphold, and if i have to strap bombs to my chest to defend it i will do whatever is nessecary. you lack that intestinal fortitude to do what is neccesary, your weak hiding behind your computer with big words trying to make people feel small.. want intimidation? pull your lil gun on me i'll take it from you and beat you like my step child with it, your not man enough to use one so you have no place talking shit to those of us who care about whats going on How would you feel if i shoveled shit all over your house? i bet you wouldn't like it. your posts read like the atf telling us "it's ok, you've all got the wrong idea" wtf?

and as for martial law and militant takeover, it's all very possible, and fema camps are like nazi work camps... you know nothing about this country and i'd like it if you'd shut the fuck up when you feel like speaking about something you don't understand.
Dear Van, ever heard of Viet Nam, the other fucked up war similar to Iraq. I'm a Viet nam veteran and I say the whole Iraq war is fucked up just like Nam, It's a political vortex that is sucking the life out of this country, And I love my country, I just dont like the current government and war. Don't tell me I'm a worthless piece of shit and I won't tell you you are a brainwashed idiot. I care plenty about what's going on and unfortunately, my only recourse is to vote. Instead of calling people that think differently from you worthless pieces of crap, Take your frustations out in the polling booth. If you like war, vote McSame, If you want to reduce war, vote Obama. The ruling elite that never have to send their kids to war make plenty of money on wars, so there will never be a time of no war. I figure you deserve a kudos for your military service, but it doesn't automatically make you the know all be all on Iraq. BTW, smart guy, it was us that went to Iraq and shoveled shit all over their house.


New Member
as for GARY you live in texas, gw's state... great good for you,
i lived in the south for years, both Carolina's, Louisiana, and georgia.. and if anyone i knew from the dirty south heard anyone calling texas the south, they'd get the shit slapped out of em for talking shit about the south..

no one respects texas, not even your gov.. onlything there are steers and queers, i don't see any horns in your picture, and your views are very questionable.

straight up your case of complacency makes all of us returning from iraq feel like none of you are woth protecting, you live in the lies, believe there words, telling everyone else they're wrong. and that every friend i had returning in a bag died in vain because the american people are too stupid to understand.

your shitting on the constitution, which i swore to uphold, and if i have to strap bombs to my chest to defend it i will do whatever is nessecary. you lack that intestinal fortitude to do what is neccesary, your weak hiding behind your computer with big words trying to make people feel small.. want intimidation? pull your lil gun on me i'll take it from you and beat you like my step child with it, your not man enough to use one so you have no place talking shit to those of us who care about whats going on How would you feel if i shoveled shit all over your house? i bet you wouldn't like it. your posts read like the atf telling us "it's ok, you've all got the wrong idea" wtf?

and as for martial law and militant takeover, it's all very possible, and fema camps are like nazi work camps... you know nothing about this country and i'd like it if you'd shut the fuck up when you feel like speaking about something you don't understand.
Yep, I live in Texas. The greatest place in the world and I would know, I have been literally almost everywhere. There are those that hate Texas and that's ok with us, you see....we don't want those folks here anyway. We don't like crybabies.

I'm not shitting on the Constitution. I'm just not going to believe the bullshit you choose too. Funny how people like you cry and moan about how Americans are stupid and acting like sheep when in fact its the babies who are doing it. You are not different, you just fall for a whole set of different lies. You have this need to feel superior so you walk around looking at everybody and thinking, "I'm better than you because the lies I believe make me that way".

LMAO Like you said I have nothing to worry about (in regard to guns I'm guessing) because I live in Texas....DAMN straight! We KNOW the Constitution and we know the "Constitution is in danger" argument is bullshit and very laughable. But hey at least it gives you and your ilk something to do. I'm just wondering when you guys are going to go back to "there are aliens abducting me in my sleep" mode.

....and the personal attacks? Come on, grow up. I know I'm whipping your ass, no need to show me.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I live in Texas. The greatest place in the world and I would know, I have been literally almost everywhere. There are those that hate Texas and that's ok with us, you see....we don't want those folks here anyway. We don't like crybabies.

I'm not shitting on the Constitution. I'm just not going to believe the bullshit you choose too. Funny how people like you cry and moan about how Americans are stupid and acting like sheep when in fact its the babies who are doing it. You are not different, you just fall for a whole set of different lies. You have this need to feel superior so you walk around looking at everybody and thinking, "I'm better than you because the lies I believe make me that way".

LMAO Like you said I have nothing to worry about (in regard to guns I'm guessing) because I live in Texas....DAMN straight! We KNOW the Constitution and we know the "Constitution is in danger" argument is bullshit and very laughable. But hey at least it gives you and your ilk something to do. I'm just wondering when you guys are going to go back to "there are aliens abducting me in my sleep" mode.

....and the personal attacks? Come on, grow up. I know I'm whipping your ass, no need to show me.
I don't see you whipping any ass.

The only thing I can take from your little incoherent rambling there is that Texas is the greatest and Texas is still the greatest.

You have zero points being made and you are still blind to see that even your little Texas is still part of the union and will have to obey federal law, if indeed liberals get what they want and revoke the 2nd amendment. Wonder how long it will take you to realize that..


New Member
I don't see you whipping any ass.

If course not. In these situations you are the last to know.

The only thing I can take from your little incoherent rambling there is that Texas is the greatest and Texas is still the greatest.

In coherent? Do I need to use smaller words for you? lol

You have zero points being made and you are still blind to see that even your little Texas is still part of the union and will have to obey federal law, if indeed liberals get what they want and revoke the 2nd amendment. Wonder how long it will take you to realize that..

Believe me, I really don't care about making any points with you. I know all about Federal law. But my point is that I'm not worried because the 2nd Amendment is safe. Now go give the NRA your hard earned cash. Sucker.


Well-Known Member
dude garry seriously you dont understand the power of special interest groups in this country. i really dont think you understand how shit works. ever heard of an iron triangle. know your shit man before you preach bs. just because of whatever world you think you exist in is it so hard to imagine that we are actually pretty close to getting fucked. i mean come on i can see the road to socialism ahead cough*fannie mae freddi mac


New Member
dude garry seriously you dont understand the power of special interest groups in this country. i really dont think you understand how shit works. ever heard of an iron triangle. know your shit man before you preach bs. just because of whatever world you think you exist in is it so hard to imagine that we are actually pretty close to getting fucked. i mean come on i can see the road to socialism ahead cough*fannie mae freddi mac
More and More fear tactics. Yeah, I know all about Special Interest groups and you can count the NRA as one too. Special Interest groups and the lobbyists who work for them are on this earth to make MONEY. Remember Abramoff? He just got 4 extra years. Don't sermon me on this shit, I'm light years ahead of you. My point IS.....the American people won't let their guns get taken away. Its that simple and Special Interest groups like the NRA are playing off your fears to attract new members and to collect more money.

Fannie Mae/ Reddie Mac has nothing to do with the Special Interests we are talking about. And you can blame Bush who's FATHER did the same thing almost 20 years ago with the Savings and Loan buy outs. Every heard of that little bit of history?


Well-Known Member
what did i say about being freddie mac and fannie mae being special interest...o wait nothing because I DIDNT. i merely suggested that in the government basically taking over these companies that we are on the road to socialism. Want me to spell it out for you.

honestly the more shit you spew out of your mouth the dumber you sound. when did i say nra wasnt special interest, o wait i didnt even mention them. and the fact that special interest are about making money is irrelevant because we arent talking about wielding money we are talking about wielding power. I dont even know where to start with you, you just fuckin say the same shit with no knowledge and then bring up irrelevant shit as if it applies to what we are talking about. And what makes you light years ahead of me or anyone else. But obviously your light years ahead of everyone because you say you are, but you say alot of other dumb shit too. you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. i have a bachelors in public admin and im in law school and your gonna sit hear and act like you know every thing. please keep talking. i want everyone to know how much a fuckin retard you are.

fear tatics....find another argument please youve worn that one out already


New Member
what did i say about being freddie mac and fannie mae being special interest...o wait nothing because I DIDNT. i merely suggested that in the government basically taking over these companies that we are on the road to socialism. Want me to spell it out for you.

honestly the more shit you spew out of your mouth the dumber you sound. when did i say nra wasnt special interest, o wait i didnt even mention them. and the fact that special interest are about making money is irrelevant because we arent talking about wielding money we are talking about wielding power. I dont even know where to start with you, you just fuckin say the same shit with no knowledge and then bring up irrelevant shit as if it applies to what we are talking about. And what makes you light years ahead of me or anyone else. But obviously your light years ahead of everyone because you say you are, but you say alot of other dumb shit too. you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. i have a bachelors in public admin and im in law school and your gonna sit hear and act like you know every thing. please keep talking. i want everyone to know how much a fuckin retard you are.

fear tatics....find another argument please youve worn that one out already
Jesus, Gomer Pile, do I have to show you how to wipe your ass too? Now read the posts before you jumped in with your Jr High bullshit or just back up a page. We were talking about guns, the 2nd Amendment and the NRA. Now get with the fucking program or start your own thread. Your tactics are worn out.


Well-Known Member
i just started and i dont have any tactics besides logic and it doesnt take a fuckin retard to connect the 2nd amendment getting stripped from us to special interest groups. Every thing im talking about is relevant because it has to do with us losing our rights or is this not what this thread is about. dude you seriously suck. you cant even come up with anything better than ending the thread the same way i did. its like me calling you a retard then you goin no your a retard. and please enlighten me on my "junior high bullshit" please im not kidding. i call a spade a spade. i identified everything that you were inconsistent on and yet your tellin me to get with the program....funny

im glad you keep posting because it really doesnt help your argument and i dont have to worry about people listening to you

keep posting


New Member
i just started and i dont have any tactics besides logic and it doesnt take a fuckin retard to connect the 2nd amendment getting stripped from us to special interest groups. Every thing im talking about is relevant because it has to do with us losing our rights or is this not what this thread is about. dude you seriously suck. you cant even come up with anything better than ending the thread the same way i did. its like me calling you a retard then you goin no your a retard. and please enlighten me on my "junior high bullshit" please im not kidding. i call a spade a spade. i identified everything that you were inconsistent on and yet your tellin me to get with the program....funny

im glad you keep posting because it really doesnt help your argument and i dont have to worry about people listening to you

keep posting
You started with the attacks. And the attacks themselves were at the Jr. High level. Example; "dude you seriously suck". That's pretty fucking lame.....DUDE. lol And you proved nothing except for the fact you have to attack because you have NOTHING. That's what people like you do. Don't worry, I'm used to it. In time I'll just ignore you.

Next time you want to jump into a discussion do some research.