My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Day 2 of 12/12
Kinda disapointed that it's not growing vertical as much your plant's toronto, but now that i can measure them im gunna keep track.
I haven't read all 45 pages, so I don't know you exact lighting configuration. But from what I can see, if you had more lights on the side of the plants, you wouldn't get height, but the plants would be a lot wider. I have 12 CFLs in a small box - 8 are on the sides (2 on each side of the box) and 4 above. I get great horizontal growth. I recently had a plant that was as wide as it was tall (unfortuneately, I killed it transplanting - quite a shame).

I recently switched to CFLs, so I don't have a ton of experience. But it seems to me that with CFLs you don't get as much height, but the plants are bushier (as compared to regular florescent or outdoor growing, which are what I have experience with).


Well-Known Member
Would you mind posting the specifics. i.e. amount of water/nutes, etc.
Ya sure. Vegitation i uses 1 Tspn of FF Grow Big Per Gallon + 4 Tbls FF Big Bloom Per Gallon. For flowering i am using 1 Tspn of FF Tiger Bloom/pg + 4 Tbls FF Big Bloom/pg. FF Open Sesame, FF Cha Ching, and FF Beastie Bloomz, all three only 1/8 Tspn/pg. And i will emergency flush 3 days before harvest. And i water until a little bit run's out of the bottom of the planter and then i stop immediately.

By the way, the plants look healthy.

great grow, read all pages. cant wait till more happens. lol

lookin good doc, things seem to be going great for you, congrats bro.

I love you guys. Now ill be back in a few minutes i gotta get my ladies ready for bed...


Well-Known Member
Not much just chillen watching south park smoking a joint. Im actually quite enjoying myself right now cause today is my day off and i got alot of work to do later...go figure lol.


Well-Known Member
Do you mix the trio Open Sesame, etc. with all the other nutes throughout the lifecycle or just during flowering. And is it mixed together with the flowering nutes or administered seperately?


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Schedule for 12/12
Week 5 -- day 1 of 12/12 -- 1 tsp Tiger Bloom + 4 TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Open Sesame
Week 6 -- same as above
Week 7 -- 2 Tsp Grow Big + 1 tsp Tiger Bloom + 4 TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 8 -- 2 Tsp Grow Big + 1 tsp Tiger Bloom + 4 TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Beastie Bloom
Week 9 -- 1 tsp Tiger Bloom + 4 TBS Big Bloom + 1/4 tsp Cha Ching
week 10 -- Same as above
Week 11 --1 tsp Tiger Bloom + 4 TBS Big Bloom + 1/2 tsp Cha Ching

At beginning of week 11--Check Trichomes-- Flush if ready.. otherwise, continue as with week 11 every week until you flush!

Do you mix the trio Open Sesame, etc. with all the other nutes throughout the lifecycle or just during flowering. And is it mixed together with the flowering nutes or administered seperately?


Well-Known Member
Day 3 of 12/12.

Growth under the canopy is getting out of control...

Im sure it's too early to look for preflowers...


Well-Known Member
Well im gunna start germing the Pure Power Plant tonight. Im only gunna do 1 seed. BUT IT'S FEMINIZED! I'm just gunna veg it under 1 maybe 2 (23) Watt 6500K Cfl's. Thing's are DEFINATELY gunna be different this time. The journal can wait till it sprouts, but now that i know what im doing that shouldn't be long. :weed: