Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Whitewash much? It's already hotter than at any other time in the last 400,000 years, inter ice age spikes included. We also have more- much more- co2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the same period. NOT a coincidence, a point atmospheric and climate scientists are all but unanimous on.

What we are living through is simply unprecedented. I'm not at all sure why people who have nothing to gain would continue to deny or minimise it. If you own stock in Big Oil or Big Coal, then you have a financial incentive to continue the ruse but that doesn't explain most of those who doubt the reality/severity of ACC (Anthropogenic Climate Change).
I wasnt minimizing it simply stating what it is. Its been rapidly accelerated because of human need to rip the environment (to make $$$$$), sad but fucking true. Only reason we still consider space travel is because we would like to suck dry as many planets as we can EXPLOIT. Humans fucked up when they came out of the woods, whether you like "technology" or not
The last ice age cut us down to something like 10K folks. That was cutting it pretty damn thin. I think as a species, getting through the hot climate ahead will be easier than fighting mile high glaziers. We might be growing our wheat in Canada soon though.

They've been growing wheat in Canada for a lot longer than our lifetime. Corn, now there's a new crop up there!

Fun fact; science is closing in on confirmation of the bottleneck of the human species occurring just 70,000 years ago, coinciding with the caldera volcano that blew up in Indonesia. Krakatoa in the early 1800s was a tiny pop by comparison- and that one caused the failure of summer for a couple of years.
I wish.. average first frost for my area is September 12th. These last few years though we have made it into October without killing frosts. Last year I harvested my last plant on October 12th.
We didn't get a frost until dec here on average. Though we didn't get one until Christmas last year! Frost from dec1-mar1 on average around here.
Good morning, we have a break in the heat! 50s in the morning and 80s during the day, mild westerly breeze and sunshine from here until the weekend.
I like Sanderson's work. I'm considering adding his stuff to my pile of books.
Sanderson is good, I agree, haven't got into much of his stuff, but he is a solid writer.
It was just such a long time between book 11 and 12 that I lost too many of the threads of the weave, so to speak. I would have had to go back to book 6 to refresh, probably, but I haven't. I read almost exclusively non-fiction, mostly books on software engineering, for the last 5 years.
Good morning all. Came a pisser here yesterday as usual. It was quite alot of piss in an hour. Was trying to paste some screenshots in but it wont even accept that now. Fucking pos server. Will try later. Have a good one

when does your rainy season typically run to?
Had a few sprinkles today, nothing heavy. A bit breezy, but it's hard to describe to someone living at sea level how the wind here just has less oomph than at lower altitude.

Right now it's in the low 70s, a light breeze and just perfect to nurse my bowl and my steak laden stomach, lol
I got btwn 4 - 5" in an hour yesterday and the wind was ripping hard enough that if I hadnt of pulled the bamboo shades all the way up it would have ripped them down; I have the few trees on the street in front of my house, one of which (bread fruit, xa kê) reaches to the 4th level (roof), and it was blowing sideways
Off topic, but as I pasted the VN translation I was reminded of something my 7 year old asked me last night as I was reading her homework, "ba, why can you read Vietnamese writing?" I laughed and said, "yes, isnt it funny that dad can read all this writing but have no idea what in the hell it says" (unless I know the context). The mind is a wonderful thing
Good Afternoon. At 1600 it is sunny, 93F {HI of 105F} with 51% humidity. 20% chance of rain this afternoon, and a low of 71F tonight. We had a big thunderstorm come through about 1930 last night while I was at the camp. When the thunder got so loud I could feel it in my chest, I decided prudence was the better part of valor, and spent a half hour in the truck. After all, my shelter is tarps hung from line stretched between two big oaks.

Good afternoon. At about 1500 it is 90F {HI of 95F} with 50% humidity in Marianna Fl. Forecast high of 92F with no chance or rain this afternoon, and a low of 70F tonight. Getting closer and closer to those mythical 60's. Can't wait to see them for myself.

It's been plain chilly all day here, hasn't made it OUT of the sixties, last night's low was 47! Raining off and on, mostly right when I need to check on something outside.
I did get cooled off the other night at the camp. I was changing the rain catching bucket when I tugged a little too hard on the line. Got a couple of gallons of rainwater dumped on my head. Luckily I was already in camp attire.