Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Good Morning. It's 78F and sunny at about 0915, with 99% humidity. Forecast high of 90F with 30% chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, and a low of 74F tonight.

We've had a smattering of rain just about every afternoon, with a little over an inch on Tuesday. That storm came with winds high enough to bend over all my 10 footers, and halfway break the stalk on a six foot GV1.

Like hundreds of folks have said the last few days, I sure wish La could send some of their rain to LA. This one goes out for the folks in both places who has weather fucking with them.

I'd have to check my garden thread on another site to get the exact dates, but last year we had a couple of spotty frost toward the end of October. Then it was halfway through November before we had a killing frost. Average first frost for Tallahassee is October 28th.

I wish.. average first frost for my area is September 12th. These last few years though we have made it into October without killing frosts. Last year I harvested my last plant on October 12th.
I wish.. average first frost for my area is September 12th. These last few years though we have made it into October without killing frosts. Last year I harvested my last plant on October 12th.
I had to pull a couple of mine early due to too much rain. Didn't write down the date, but it was late October I think. I'm glad I found RIU so I will have all the important dates recorded this year.
In Mordor it has been unreasonably hot and dry for months. The coolest day we've had in the last 60 days was 95F. We're about to get a little break. Wunderground is the best! Nice thread Larry.
LMAO Mordor eh :). Its been wet and windy here now for 2 months and a bit; ready for that shit to fuck off. Thought I had everything clear of rain yesterday and then it started blowing fucking 50 at the same time so it filled everything up afterall
In Mordor it has been unreasonably hot and dry for months. The coolest day we've had in the last 60 days was 95F. We're about to get a little break. Wunderground is the best! Nice thread Larry.
Whats the other guys name thats very similar to Tolkien writes along the same lines? I got into them 15-20 years ago and very creative stuff man; dude must have been on some serious trips in his life