Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
0915, clear, sunny and 61 in northern Colorado. Little chance of storms, forecast low 80s.

Good day for bird watching, I happen to especially like the various species of college girls found around my fair city.
I see a fair amount of that species tubing down the river. Some favor the Garnet and Gold plumage, while others deck themselves out in {very small} coverings of Blue and Orange. Sadly many of them are at less than their best because of large amounts of sun and suds.


Well-Known Member
I see a fair amount of that species tubing down the river. Some favor the Garnet and Gold plumage, while others deck themselves out in {very small} coverings of Blue and Orange. Sadly many of them are at less than their best because of large amounts of sun and suds.
Lots of blue and orange plumage around here. This IS Broncos country, after all.


Well-Known Member
The weather is cooling off at night a little less watering.Larry your plants seem to behind most as far flowering goes your area isn't effected as much by el nino it appears. Walking threw the san gabes i have noticed way more rattle snakes this year,they could be hard to spot in that type of jungle you are marching in.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
The weather is cooling off at night a little less watering.Larry your plants seem to behind most as far flowering goes your area isn't effected as much by el nino it appears. Walking threw the san gabes i have noticed way more rattle snakes this year,they could be hard to spot in that type of jungle you are marching in.
Not too much effect from this el nino. We are having a pretty normal summer, but had a cool spring. My two bag seed tester strains are 1 and 2 weeks into flower, but just a few of my seeds are starting to show hairs. I didn't take notes last year, but it seems to be about the same time. {13 hours 18 minutes of daylight today} I did have to pull some a week or so early because we had 7 straight days of rain in October. I'm going to do some crosses with the BST's to get an early start.

I haven't seen any rattlers this year. I live in great rattler country though. 8 or 10 years back there were something like 7 big ones killed within 200 yards of my crossroads. Strangers were coming up to the house and asking for a gun, and my wife would give them one. But it's Cottonmouths that scare me. Those fuckers don't give you any warning. I do a lot of my prep work at night when I'm camping, so I do worry about them. But we have more Copperhead this year than normal. Several folks have been bitten walking in their yards at night with open toed shoes. The guy who does the grounds here at work has killed 5 or 6 this summer.


Well-Known Member
Not too much effect from this el nino. We are having a pretty normal summer, but had a cool spring. My two bag seed tester strains are 1 and 2 weeks into flower, but just a few of my seeds are starting to show hairs. I didn't take notes last year, but it seems to be about the same time. {13 hours 18 minutes of daylight today} I did have to pull some a week or so early because we had 7 straight days of rain in October. I'm going to do some crosses with the BST's to get an early start.

I haven't seen any rattlers this year. I live in great rattler country though. 8 or 10 years back there were something like 7 big ones killed within 200 yards of my crossroads. Strangers were coming up to the house and asking for a gun, and my wife would give them one. But it's Cottonmouths that scare me. Those fuckers don't give you any warning. I do a lot of my prep work at night when I'm camping, so I do worry about them. But we have more Copperhead this year than normal. Several folks have been bitten walking in their yards at night with open toed shoes. The guy who does the grounds here at work has killed 5 or 6 this summer.
Must be honest country; your wife handing out loaded firearms to strangers would be a bad move in a lot of places, lol

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Must be honest country; your wife handing out loaded firearms to strangers would be a bad move in a lot of places, lol
She did call me at work to ask if it was alright, and which gun to give him. It was a 16 year old boy, but his daddy was up at the road keeping the snake coiled. She took a picture of the {dead} snake with the boy holding it up. It was just a hair under 6 feet.

And you do know most folks. Or at least their family. It is changing though. Lots more people than there used to be.


Well-Known Member
Not too much effect from this el nino. We are having a pretty normal summer, but had a cool spring. My two bag seed tester strains are 1 and 2 weeks into flower, but just a few of my seeds are starting to show hairs. I didn't take notes last year, but it seems to be about the same time. {13 hours 18 minutes of daylight today} I did have to pull some a week or so early because we had 7 straight days of rain in October. I'm going to do some crosses with the BST's to get an early start.

I haven't seen any rattlers this year. I live in great rattler country though. 8 or 10 years back there were something like 7 big ones killed within 200 yards of my crossroads. Strangers were coming up to the house and asking for a gun, and my wife would give them one. But it's Cottonmouths that scare me. Those fuckers don't give you any warning. I do a lot of my prep work at night when I'm camping, so I do worry about them. But we have more Copperhead this year than normal. Several folks have been bitten walking in their yards at night with open toed shoes. The guy who does the grounds here at work has killed 5 or 6 this summer.
Cottonmouths typically have a smell about them huh. I could always smell those cunts around. Had this wildlife refuge we used to grenel fish at chock full of them, soda lake.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Cottonmouths typically have a smell about them huh. I could always smell those cunts around. Had this wildlife refuge we used to grenel fish at chock full of them, soda lake.
I used to have a friend who lived by the creek swamps. We would hunt, fish and grow behind his house. You could see four or five a day when in the deep swamps. They get big as hell too.

But any time I was fishing, I would search out the moccasins. They do fish for a living.


Well-Known Member
I used to have a friend who lived by the creek swamps. We would hunt, fish and grow behind his house. You could see four or five a day when in the deep swamps. They get big as hell too.

But any time I was fishing, I would search out the moccasins. They do fish for a living.
Oh yeah, when we fished in that wlma we also snake hunted. No less than a dozen each trip there. It was absolutely full of mocassins as big as your forearm usually about 3' long, but with girth


Well-Known Member
I hunted and fished with Daniel Boone laughing my ass off. He got bit on the ankle while he was fishing, but he capped the snake and kept fishing...think he got tagged 3-4 times when we were in high school

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I hunted and fished with Daniel Boone laughing my ass off. He got bit on the ankle while he was fishing, but he capped the snake and kept fishing...think he got tagged 3-4 times when we were in high school
I only got bit once, and that was by a dead Copperhead, lol. When my Daddy was a boy, he got bit by a Ground Rattler. He was rolling over logs looking for fish bait, barefooted of course. When he was a kid, if you were too young to work in the field, you fished.


Well-Known Member
I only got bit once, and that was by a dead Copperhead, lol. When my Daddy was a boy, he got bit by a Ground Rattler. He was rolling over logs looking for fish bait, barefooted of course. When he was a kid, if you were too young to work in the field, you fished.
The good old days.....

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
The good old days.....
No shit. Daddy was five in 1928, when the depression started. They had lived in West Palm Beach and had three houses, one they lived in and two rentals. They lost all three and had to move back up to the farm. One of my Daddy's uncles had a job {and no kids}, so he went to live with them for a couple of three years. He used to talk about his uncle bringing home pork chops every Friday night. He realized he was eating better than his brothers back on the farm. When WW2 started and all the brothers went off to join the Army, they were glad to eat three times a day. The pay in hard money was just gravy.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
That should help with tomorrow's storms. 8-):bigjoint:

I didn't do as much mulch as I planned around my plants. Years past when I didn't have so many, I added leaves or pinestraw every time I went. I would scatter some ferts on the ground, then cover them up with leaves. By the end of the season, there would be 6-8 inches of mulch. The other day I checked on 5 or 6 patches in one day. No time to do much of anything other than food and water like that. {and some of them just food}


Well-Known Member
Just spent a few minutes screaming at the sky. So fucking sick of the wind. Was breezy, but not too bad then all of a sudden it starts blowing 50 with a wall of clouds. Fuck off bullshit weather, sick of your shit!!!!