trichomes in veg?

its normal don't feel to speical about it at all by week 3 of my vegged clones i have the center of the fan leaves covered in resin its just there getting ready to bud 24/0 light is a waste of time as well my friend there is no proven facts at all that 24/0 of light makes a better vegging plant and its a endless debate i go 20/4 as i find its a nice light periode for them as they will veg a tad bit quicker minuss the stress of 24

I might do 20/4 next time just to bring heat down a bit as its a small space. I started 6 bagseed they all sprouted and I flowered 3 that were some dank small ladies and the rest are still goin, none as big and its the only one doin this. So is it safe to say its a resinous pheno of whatever my bagseed was?
cannabis is a c3 plant and thats science, means she don't need dark cycle's to go to "sleep". I understand 20/4 will help with electricity bill, but nothing else., personally i run 20/4 but is for the electricity wise.. Go read about cannabis been a c3 plant, i don't want to start an argument., lets just agree to disagree.. Toke on bruh =====~~
pot plants don't read light they read dark that is why they flower when the light drops to12 hours. Pplant produces carbohydrates and sugars in light and in dark it goes to the roots where it is excreted to feed microbes and take in nutrients. Plant physiology. put it in your google man.
I here what your saying, but is there any science to it?


Read up on Photoinhibition, Photorespiration, Carbon Fixation, Compensation Point, Circadian Rhythms, ...

To save you the time, this clearly states that screwing with Circadian Rhythms (fucked up light cycle, lack of dark period, etc) negatively effects plant physiology and photosynthesis.

"Plant Circadian Clocks Increase Photosynthesis, Growth, Survival, and Competitive Advantage"


Read up on Photoinhibition, Photorespiration, Carbon Fixation, Compensation Point, Circadian Rhythms, ...

To save you the time, this clearly states that screwing with Circadian Rhythms (fucked up light cycle, lack of dark period, etc) negatively effects plant physiology and photosynthesis.

"Plant Circadian Clocks Increase Photosynthesis, Growth, Survival, and Competitive Advantage"


not to a signifighant enough degree or most people wouldnt grow 24 on..

Read up on Photoinhibition, Photorespiration, Carbon Fixation, Compensation Point, Circadian Rhythms, ...

To save you the time, this clearly states that screwing with Circadian Rhythms (fucked up light cycle, lack of dark period, etc) negatively effects plant physiology and photosynthesis.

"Plant Circadian Clocks Increase Photosynthesis, Growth, Survival, and Competitive Advantage"

I mean I do 12/1 didn't notice a slowing a growth but roots definitely grew faster
sorry but no they don't it fucks with the plants do some research.
It needs a dark period there's loads of science that proves it,but the post would become a book,so to cut it short it's like a human running for 24hour a day every day,it's needs time out .go onto you tube some of the seminars will explain it faster than a post,(even autos )
plants need a dark period to grow right 20 on 4 off at least.
science? you mean some book read, college educated ...baffle you with disertations that go nowhere? why?
Mother nature is your master. if you dont realize it's all been figured out for you long before your people started coming out a caves and such. do plants recieve dark in nature? I don't have to read, hear or be subjected to o
pdf's from anyone. mothernature did shit great before man interfered.

Read up on Photoinhibition, Photorespiration, Carbon Fixation, Compensation Point, Circadian Rhythms, ...

To save you the time, this clearly states that screwing with Circadian Rhythms (fucked up light cycle, lack of dark period, etc) negatively effects plant physiology and photosynthesis.

"Plant Circadian Clocks Increase Photosynthesis, Growth, Survival, and Competitive Advantage"

he is saying what in saying in a very precise informative way.
Yeah mother nature evolved the jet engine and subsequent space travel. Humans can improve on nature, not saying its better or worse but any damage is clearly not significant. Also in regards to my particular plant if this was happening due to stress then it would be the much more stressful defoliation and multiple clones im always takin from it lol
Yeah mother nature evolved the jet engine and subsequent space travel. Humans can improve on nature, not saying its better or worse but any damage is clearly not significant. Also in regards to my particular plant if this was happening due to stress then it would be the much more stressful defoliation and multiple clones im always takin from it lol
btw when in refering to circadian rythms and nature's role in plants flourishing in diff environments......please don't bring up man's achievements in flight/space......I wasn't referring to anything close to that. merely using it as an example........there's an earth is flat thread youd enjoy here
Also I said maybe its not better but its clearly not a major stress factor or most indoor growers would have figured that out and stop lol. Since most still do it...
btw when in refering to circadian rythms and nature's role in plants flourishing in diff environments......please don't bring up man's achievements in flight/space......I wasn't referring to anything close to that. merely using it as an example........there's an earth is flat thread youd enjoy here

lmao youre a test man. I thought of the most unnatural thing flying multi ton metal. The humans that came outta caves "messing" with stuff made that. Nature couldn't have. Nature also doesn't make the massive plants we do today, that'd be plant training and nutrients.. So while you're trying to sound smart and shit youre kinda just making a mountain out of a molehill. And I never claimed anything that wasn't true so idk where the connection to flat earth is but yeahh.. Good try bud.
Also I said maybe its not better but its clearly not a major stress factor or most indoor growers would have figured that out and stop lol. Since most still do it...

It is more detrimental than most believe it to be. I'm well aware of the poor habits of many, that does not make it anywhere near optimal.

Most do things because "I heard it from...", some do it because "I read something that said...", and few do things due to; 1. A greater understanding of the science, 2. Their own empirical knowledge, and 3. The application of the two.

Ask the vast majority of those growers why they expose their veg'ing plants to 24hrs of light. Not one will be able to produce an answer that disproves any of the known science. The common answer will be "more light is better", some may say "C3 plants have light dependent and light independent phases, so dark is not necessary in veg". The former is just misinformed, the latter incorrect. Though the light independent phase does not require dark (for SOME, not ALL metabolic processes), it is indeed compromised in the presence of light. There are processes that do not take place in the presence of adequate light.

Edit- "light dependent and.."
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I mean I do 12/1 didn't notice a slowing a growth but roots definitely grew faster

You noticed a change in root growth due to the increased duration of transpiration within a 24 Jr period and the lack of a decrease in the root zone temp at lights out (hinders root development).

"In contrast, the fluctuation of RER (Root Elongation Rate) became smaller through the day’night period at constant temperature (Fig. 3). RERs, however, ranged from 2n8 to 3n8 mm h 4. These observations indicate that the RER is strongly dependent on temperature."

"From these results, we conclude that the RER did not significantly differ between day and night for either species."


Trust me, your plants will do better with 18/6 if you can keep the lights out temps closer to lights on.
You noticed a change in root growth due to the increased duration of transpiration within a 24 Jr period and the lack of a decrease in the root zone temp at lights out (hinders root development).

"In contrast, the fluctuation of RER (Root Elongation Rate) became smaller through the day’night period at constant temperature (Fig. 3). RERs, however, ranged from 2n8 to 3n8 mm h 4. These observations indicate that the RER is strongly dependent on temperature."

"From these results, we conclude that the RER did not significantly differ between day and night for either species."


Trust me, your plants will do better with 18/6 if you can keep the lights out temps closer to lights on.
Eh it works good I know a lot of big names that do it it saves money and if I can't notice a difference in growth why not save the money and enjoy the fact the plants are able to do it well. Especially when you train them for it