Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Just spent a few minutes screaming at the sky. So fucking sick of the wind. Was breezy, but not too bad then all of a sudden it starts blowing 50 with a wall of clouds. Fuck off bullshit weather, sick of your shit!!!!
How long does your rainy season last? Is it like this every year just as you get your young plants going?
Good afternoon. It's sunny, 88F with 65% humididty. Much cooler than yesterday acording to weather underground. Still had a HI of 110F this afternoon. 50% chance of rain and a low of 72F tonight. That low keeps creeping toward the 60's. I camped last night, and about daylight it got down to 73F. Nice and cool.

Good afternoon. I just got in from the week's shopping. Ran through a thunderstorm and the car thermometer went from 95 down to 77F in five minutes. Hoping we got a little bit of it at the house. {I did a dry run to the GN patch this morning} 84F now in Marianna with 69% humidity. 20% chance of rain and a low of 73F tonight.

I heard these guys on XPoNential Radio, so I checked them out on You Tube. Interesting. The lady sang with Hayes Carll early on.

The mid 50s is the low temp. RH now 16% so it's a little more comfortable. I don't worry too much about powdery mildew.
Yea, I saw that. I was just trying to ignore it. I'm a week or two away from lows in the 60's. And at least a month from the 50's.

You do get used to the humidity in your area. When Sister moved to Colorado with BIL#2, she had to run a humidifier at night. A few years later when they moved to back NW Florida, BIL#2 had to run a dehumidifier.
What do you do for work Larry? If that lets on too much who you are dont worry about it, just curious.