North Carolina's Deliberate Disenfranchisement Of Black Voters


Well-Known Member
A federal appeals court finds the impact of the state’s voting law can only be explained by “discriminatory intent.”

DURHAM, N.C.—The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down key portions of North Carolina’s strict 2013 voting law on Friday, delivering a stern rebuke to the state’s Republican General Assembly and Governor Pat McCrory. The three-judge panel in Richmond, Virginia, unanimously concluded that the law was racially discriminatory, and it blocked a requirement that voters show photo identification to vote and restored same-day voter registration, a week of early voting, pre-registration for teenagers, and out-of-precinct voting.

“Faced with this record, we can only conclude that the North Carolina General Assembly enacted the challenged provisions of the law with discriminatory intent,” wrote Judge Diana Gribbon Motz . “Accordingly, we reverse the judgment of the district court to the contrary and remand with instructions to enjoin the challenged provisions of the law.”

North Carolina’s law, often described as the strictest in the nation, passed shortly after the Supreme Court struck down Section 5 the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v. Holder. That section required states with a history of voter discrimination to “preclear” any changes to voting laws with the U.S. Department of Justice. Freed from that requirement, the General Assembly passed a slate of changes, including the photo-ID requirement. Both sides effectively agreed that these changes disproportionately affected poor, elderly, and African American voters, who were less likely to hold the required forms of photo ID, more likely to move frequently, and more likely to take advantage of early voting. These voters also vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

“In North Carolina, restriction of voting mechanisms and procedures that most heavily affect African Americans will predictably redound to the benefit of one political party and to the disadvantage of the other,” Motz wrote. “As the evidence in the record makes clear, that is what happened here.”
in the time it takes the courts to strike down obviously discriminatory laws like this one, they can just cook up four new bills that are just as bad and sign them into law. this is why preclearance should have never been struck down. but apparently kennedy and roberts think racism in america is dead.

who should I put in a business card Im making for a grower.

this one

or this one

or this one

one side of the card says
Hard Dick Blues
#1 Strain Smoked in Prison
and the words melt together to look like George Jetsons Parking lot.
which of these pictures would look best in the corner.
who should I put in a business card Im making for a grower.

this one

or this one

or this one

one side of the card says
Hard Dick Blues
#1 Strain Smoked in Prison
and the words melt together to look like George Jetsons Parking lot.
which of these pictures would look best in the corner.

Sherman Hemsley is slang for PCP so no to The first.

The second dude looks pretty cool but no one knows black George Jetson so maybe no trust there.

I would put The picture of the skinny white guy. He's most likely to get passed around.
thanks bearcat. what about this one? is this picture of Obama even better then black george jetson. I thought so.... so I cut him out and he fits PERFECTLY right between the words
420 and THC
Obamas smoke goes up and melts into a huge pot leaf with a stoned eyes and stoned smile smoking a bowl.its kinda weird and different. good for an election year?
Thanks for the input bundee1
thanks bearcat. what about this one? is this picture of Obama even better then black george jetson. I thought so.... so I cut him out and he fits PERFECTLY right between the words
420 and THC
Obamas smoke goes up and melts into a huge pot leaf with a stoned eyes and stoned smile smoking a bowl.its kinda weird and different. good for an election year?
Thanks for the input bundee1
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I like this one too, but there's a simplicity about the black George Jetson that I'm drawn to.
jeez fuckin christ, that fuckin Nun again. You make it so clear Unclebaldrick.
Its like we all speak this alien tounge to eachother on here. Its so bizarre. No one can hear voices or see expressions. The only thing that binds are the hairy trichomes everyone loves.
I kept it simple like you suggested.
The black George Jettson is dreaming a big pot leaf with a misfit skull as the face.
To me it represents how racism makes people feel like misfits and how we use marijuana as a way to feel happier.:peace:
i dont have a camera yet but i will show you it when I do. :leaf:

black george jetson.jpeg
The government apparently thinks black people are too stupid to obtain a photo id. And Bearkat agrees with them. The quiet racism of low expectations. So sad.
He was the sherm in sherm? I never knew that.

I can guarantee you that pcp nick got the name FROM the Hemsley character.

I'm taking a black studies course this semester..70sblack sitcoms, prison drugs and you.

'We're moving on the east side..moving on that de-luxe apartment in the sky...'

Dear god- this can be a whole new thread.
I can guarantee you that pcp nick got the name FROM the Hemsley character.

I'm taking a black studies course this semester..70sblack sitcoms, prison drugs and you.

This is why a college education today is totally worthless....

Anyone want to bet how quick a class is developed on how to most efficiently collect pokemon?
Some form of state id should be required. My state uses id to check my name off the list.

You need state id for cigarettes, alcohol, driving, job applications...
And I'm still more successful than you. Now just imagine if I was motivated, and my expectations weren't so low.

I meant your expectation of your black brothers and sisters. Or are you claiming to be too poor or disabled enough to not be able to get a photo ID?