so many people swear by mighty wash, problem is, they have no idea that it works so well because it contains a banned pesticide in legal states, further more mighty wash is doing thier customers a diss service by including a product know to harm people ,, sadly, they should own up to thier ingredieants and list it

I recently used a little canola oil and Dawn in a gallon sprayer and it worked well.
Neem and a little Dawn too.

Green Cleaner, another wash, uses mostly soybean oil.

The authorities should get on the factory grows and cartels who use regular pesticides.
This is my understanding of cannabis.
I spray nothing in flower, soaps in veg, water and isopropyl in veg for mites (Keep it OUT of the root zone). I have a problem in flower? Guess what, it either completes without spraying or I tear down and start over.

In my book there is no *fixing* a problem in flower by spraying something on the plants or adding something to their root zone. I want clean cannabis. :)

SNS 209 is essentially Rosemary oil and you water the plant 5 times and the mites will pretty much starve or leave the plant.
This is my understanding of cannabis.
I spray nothing in flower, soaps in veg, water and isopropyl in veg for mites (Keep it OUT of the root zone). I have a problem in flower? Guess what, it either completes without spraying or I tear down and start over.

In my book there is no *fixing* a problem in flower by spraying something on the plants or adding something to their root zone. I want clean cannabis. :)

.I tried rinsing buds last year for the first time after years of freaking out if there was a chance they would get wet. Everything in me said I was nuts but it was a real eye opener because the crap that came off those buds was gross there was bug parts, weed seeds, lint, hair, UFO's and a lot of dust/dirt and after a couple of hours you couldn't tell they had been rinsed. The only thing that I found was a slight decrease in terps, the taste is fresh and clean and the ash is white it is getting close to a year old and still looks as fresh as it did when it was put in jars. the process: Three 5 gallon buckets filled with clean tepid water start in bucket 1 to get them wet and take the big stuff off, the other two in order are rinse. After the rinse use centrifugal force not shaking to get as much water off the hang in a well ventilated place. There was no mold. What is the name of your book?
.I tried rinsing buds last year for the first time after years of freaking out if there was a chance they would get wet. Everything in me said I was nuts but it was a real eye opener because the crap that came off those buds was gross there was bug parts, weed seeds, lint, hair, UFO's and a lot of dust/dirt and after a couple of hours you couldn't tell they had been rinsed. The only thing that I found was a slight decrease in terps, the taste is fresh and clean and the ash is white it is getting close to a year old and still looks as fresh as it did when it was put in jars. the process: Three 5 gallon buckets filled with clean tepid water start in bucket 1 to get them wet and take the big stuff off, the other two in order are rinse. After the rinse use centrifugal force not shaking to get as much water off the hang in a well ventilated place. There was no mold. What is the name of your book?
I hope you're talking about outdoor. Amazing amount of crud in the our outside, depending on where you're located.

I've had indoor with that much crud on it from other people, I've used HEPA filters since my second grow.

"Secrets to Trichome Dense Cannabis" You can find it on amazon and nook. Working on a print run within the next few months.

SNS 209 is essentially Rosemary oil and you water the plant 5 times and the mites will pretty much starve or leave the plant.
I might consider it in veg, I've tasted rosemary in the end flower before and don't care for it. I see why the mites leave it alone ;)

HEPA filters on intakes and clean grow room practices go a long way toward not having these issues in the first place. Shoot for solutions which leave no residue. Take into consideration that most "duration" times are not based on indoor crops, mainly outdoor.

Never did use mighty wash. Safer's 3 in 1 and an ounce of isopropyl to a gallon of water, takes care of anything with a breeding cycle.

I might consider it in veg, I've tasted rosemary in the end flower before and don't care for it. I see why the mites leave it alone ;)

HEPA filters on intakes and clean grow room practices go a long way toward not having these issues in the first place. Shoot for solutions which leave no residue. Take into consideration that most "duration" times are not based on indoor crops, mainly outdoor.

Never did use mighty wash. Safer's 3 in 1 and an ounce of isopropyl to a gallon of water, takes care of anything with a breeding cycle.


Can you link me some hepa filters for intake vents? I'm having trouble finding them maybe i'm just retarded
Can you link me some hepa filters for intake vents? I'm having trouble finding them maybe i'm just retarded
I make my own from from 3M furnace filters.
You can get premade ones in various sizes
Here's a link to a 6" PHAT filter that's HEPA rated http://www.shareasale.com/m-pr.cfm?merchantID=60409&userID=853992&productID=581938105" target="_blank
Yes, that's an affiliate link. A quick search of the keywords on that page will get you plenty of pages with non-affiliate links. :)

The DIY? Look up "Plenum" and then attach a furnace filter to one side and a 4-12" Ducting starter collar on the other. Make sure it's air-tight, aluminum tape works well for that.


I find this topic as being overblown !

1: Why would you use it past week 4 of bloom anyway? Before that? So fucking what!

2: Did anybody think to read an ACTUAL toxicity report? Why not? You'll find out everything you need to know about it there! Life/Half life and of course how toxic it is!

3: Did you know the amount used in the product (Mighty Wash) falls BELOW the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT amount requiring labeling! Now you understand why the guy drank it!

4A: Did you ever think that the state is using scare tactic's to get people to NOT use MM? Trust me here, YOU voted it in and THEY still don't like it!

4B: How many other things are on banned lists from this state - simply because it broke their Labeling law? I found that list @Tim Fox used earlier as having some things banned on it, that I find as being rather stupid for being banned!

5: Use FORBID 4F if you have problems with central nervous system toxins! It works better and is not found to have toxic levels to humans or animals AND does not get a tolerance by the mite = NO super mites! - READ THE TOX REPORTS - NOT THE LABELS!

6: For you Neem freaks out there. Did you know they are beginning to find NEEM to be far more toxic then was first thought! So much so that we DO NOT use it on our organic food farms! (come on kiddies! It's an oil! Those tend to stay in place longer! Same for any"spice" oils - effects the taste - yuucky!) If a product was found in testing to have ANY oils on the plant matter.....IT FAILED and I would not buy it for my shops! EVERYTHING coming in my shops got tested BEFORE any purchase for resale!

I understand using care in ridding yourself of bugs!
Knowing and UNDERSTANDING the facts of the products is so important!
unfortunately, there are far to many "preconceived" idea's about them !!!

Go out, research, and find the TRUTH!
the truth about mighty wash was posted here,, your welcome to your opinion
thank you for sharing said opinion ,
this thread was never about which mite products to use, but thanks for sharing your run down of products you like
the truth is no organic growers will be using this product in the future,
this thread was never about which mite products to use,,
this thread was about what is allowed to be used in Legal Rec states, hence the posting of official documents to that regard
and mighty was is OFF the allowed list until they fix thier labeling issue
And any grower using mighty wash risks failing inspections and will not be allowed to sale thier products in legal stores,
growers will be tested to make sure they are under the allowed limit
nobody read any toxicity reports concerning mighty was because mighty was never revealed what was in thier products,, it took the state legal testing labs to uncover the truth

and that is the truth, already researched, already found
@Dr. Who
Did you ever think that the state is using scare tactic's to get people to NOT use MM? Trust me here, YOU voted it in and THEY still don't like it!

who is "they" because everyone i talk to here loves the new law,, the only people who dont are the medical users who use the system to pay thier mortgage in the black market, , and now most of which are losing thier cash cow!!!,,
the state is trying to keep people safe, and pyrithrins if found in the finished product are banned, ( meaning they will throw the whole crop in the trash can) that is not a scare tatic, it is a fact,, I for one would like people to know
people want to know what is in thier products, and mighty wash hide this from thier customers, if they would have disclosed this fact from the start, many many many organic growers would not have used it,
funny how rec legal sales are shinning a light into the dark corners of this business,,and the cock roaches are running scared,
i grow pot for my personal use, if i want to put a banned product on my weed i will,, or maybe i wont?
the truth about mighty wash was posted here,, your welcome to your opinion
thank you for sharing said opinion ,
this thread was never about which mite products to use, but thanks for sharing your run down of products you like
the truth is no organic growers will be using this product in the future,
this thread was never about which mite products to use,,
this thread was about what is allowed to be used in Legal Rec states, hence the posting of official documents to that regard
and mighty was is OFF the allowed list until they fix thier labeling issue
And any grower using mighty wash risks failing inspections and will not be allowed to sale thier products in legal stores,
growers will be tested to make sure they are under the allowed limit
nobody read any toxicity reports concerning mighty was because mighty was never revealed what was in thier products,, it took the state legal testing labs to uncover the truth

and that is the truth, already researched, already found
@Dr. Who

I've seen you on your NO INSECTICIDE soapbox before TF...

I simply gave information you disagree with from lack of education!

BTW MR Fox - Pyrethrum is the extract from the flowerhead of the Chrysanthemum plant. The six esters known collectively as pyrethrins are found within the pyrethrum extract. The pyrethrins are the active ingredient in pyrethrum that kills insects.

The pyrethrins are a class of organic compounds!

Use it up to 3-4 weeks after the flip and it still won't register in testing !!!! It's degraded and gone!

I'm talking about tox reports for pyrethrins - so you know what your talking about when you talk about it being toxic :roll:

The TRUTH as you call it is that it's present in amounts that fall below the FEDERAL legal limits that would REQUIRE it to BE listed! These requirements are VERY stringent as per toxicity to humans! That's WHY the company rep DRANK IT! :shock:

Now then, as for listing other possible products for use - I gave an alternative - Others did too and you didn't blast them for it!

who is "they" because everyone i talk to here loves the new law,, the only people who dont are the medical users who use the system to pay thier mortgage in the black market, , and now most of which are losing thier cash cow!!!,,
the state is trying to keep people safe, and pyrithrins if found in the finished product are banned, ( meaning they will throw the whole crop in the trash can) that is not a scare tatic, it is a fact,, I for one would like people to know
people want to know what is in thier products, and mighty wash hide this from thier customers, if they would have disclosed this fact from the start, many many many organic growers would not have used it,
funny how rec legal sales are shinning a light into the dark corners of this business,,and the cock roaches are running scared,
i grow pot for my personal use, if i want to put a banned product on my weed i will,, or maybe i wont?

THEY is the state! Did you pass reading and comprehension? THE STATE doesn't like MM or rec either! YOU passed the law by vote! NOT the state house and senate! They are putting together laws to make it difficult to do business related to MM in the state and to discourage "not so bright" folks from using! It's a scare tactic, plain and simple.

You see the actual fact is plain and simple - The amount IN the product is so low it's actually safe to drink it!

Now then, considering what the facts are - You tell me why they "banned" it!

You're rhetoric on this is boring and you did NOT research pyrethrins for shit!

So then, Bottom line is that the statement MADE BY YOU IN THE TITLE LINE "spider mites, Mighty wash is very bad for you" statement is inaccurate at least and "basically" untrue in fact.
You have made a public statement, In writing!
Do you know that you have opened up your self to a defamation/slander lawsuit? Hell if I was the lawyer. All I would do is drink the stuff along with a company official in front of the judge!!

I tend to doubt they would even look twice because the statement has been refuted with facts.

Your welcome.
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It wasn't on the label mighty wash duped thier customer base
Simple as that

Strange that you are OK with this
I won't
Lose any sleep over your attacks on my character

It's more the fact that mighty wash duped thier customer into thinking it was safe for late flower when it's not in legal state pyrethrins are approved for early veg in when labeled correctly but since it is not mighty wash is on the banned lists or stop sale
Even if they correct the label many will stop using it because of the deception
Many more will stop because we don't want to use pyrethrins

But at least I chose the high road and did not call your character into question

Your right I should not have done that. I looked you up and found out you were a sex offender so I was taken back by your statements no matter what they were. I'm over it now...
Plenty of other pyrethrin based products out there that don't lie about any of the ingredients. I have nothing against pyrethrin but I don't like misleading marketing. They basically claimed it was magic water that contains nothing else.
Use it up to 3-4 weeks after the flip and it still won't register in testing !!!! It's degraded and gone!
I beg to differ, at least for indoor gardens.

It may not register in tests but the flavor is still there and it's nasty. Tastes like that one strain I'm unable to remember right now, only it tastes like straight chemical flowers, not the complex natural nasty flower cannabis flavor..

No need to spray anything in flower, and actually advise against it heavily.

Remember, 25% of the population has almost zero taste. 50% of the population has moderate/medium ability to taste. 25% has a heightened ability to taste. Pay attention to what level of awareness a person has, before you take their advice on what is ok, or not ok with cannabis flavors. :)

Agreed! Testing was the point. You make a good one too!

A clean and kept that way grow. Properly filtered and quick resolve to early infestations, along with keeping plants stress free is key to keeping pests away!

As far as Mighty wash goes,,,,,,amounts are so low,,,,,there is virtually no residue anyway! I am actually skeptical as to it actually containing it anyway. How was it tested? How many samples from different sources were tested? Cross contamination is a real possibility..

Anybody bother to contact the maker and ask about the issue?
It wasn't on the label mighty wash duped thier customer base
Simple as that

Strange that you are OK with this
I won't
Lose any sleep over your attacks on my character


After a quick call to the NPK industries and some rather pointed questions!
They DID know it was there and being listed as a plant WASH and not an insecticide - made it legal to not list it!
They are now again legal in Oregon by listing is as MIGHTY and putting the pyrethrin content on the label ! The content is .0075 That is 7.5ppm so you know.

That makes them bum's and cheats! ANOTHER bogus fert and supplement company! So then @Tim Fox, you are correct! They are dupers and hide the truth through sneaky legal mumbo jumbo!

I apologize for any discomfort you have felt! I'm sorry!

I would still use something like it properly BUT, not from this company!
You have done a service to the community for your exposure of this FRAUD!

Lets take a quick look at the use of pyrethrin just for info!

In powder form it is used at the concentration rate of 0.2 - 0.4 % (200-400 ppm)
In contact sprays it is the same, with things like Dr. Dooms mite spray at 0.2 % (200 ppm)

Why is Mighty(whatever) at such a low concentration of only 0.0075 % (7.5ppm) ?

In insecticide research it's been found that at such extremely low concentrations it acts as a strong repellent..
When you applied the product it made them leave and it slowly killed them at that concentration

FYI pyrethrins once applied and exposed to air and UV light. Degrade to GONE in 24 - 48 hrs. So it is not a persistent product in any case!

THE VIDEO of someone drinking it (Mighty Wash) is being MISTAKEN for an NPK corp. rep. drinking PM WASH!

While toxic levels to humans are very high in % levels. High exposure levels CAN cause asthma like reactions in breathing and swelling of skin.

This stuff in any form that a CAT could INGEST it is HIGHLY toxic to the cat! Cat's lack a liver enzyme that breaks it down!
DO NOT use sprays on house plants in homes with cats!!!!
It is used in very small NON ingestable forms in Cat and Dog flea and tick repellent!
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I might consider it in veg, I've tasted rosemary in the end flower before and don't care for it. I see why the mites leave it alone ;)

HEPA filters on intakes and clean grow room practices go a long way toward not having these issues in the first place. Shoot for solutions which leave no residue. Take into consideration that most "duration" times are not based on indoor crops, mainly outdoor.

Never did use mighty wash. Safer's 3 in 1 and an ounce of isopropyl to a gallon of water, takes care of anything with a breeding cycle.

Douglas - what other stuff will you use besides Safers and alcohol? Thanks for the good information.
Douglas - what other stuff will you use besides Safers and alcohol? Thanks for the good information.
Mother plants, which will not be having cuttings taken for a month or so, I'm willing to go with harsher methods.

I've used avid once, to clear up some mites in a hurry.

Safer's takes out most everything, as long as you properly break the breeding cycle. The Iso and water is very effective for mites, dissolves webs and destroys eggs. Used to break the breeding cycle, it's extremely effective. The only downside is the effect of iso on roots, very nasty.

Always turn plants sideways or catch runoff so it does not hit the root zone. Spray off plants with plain water to rinse, if dripping into the root zone is an issue.

The majority of 'products' out there for insect control are designed to fix infestations during flower or reduce work in veg. I don't believe in 'fixing' during flower, as previously stated. Proper work management keeps infestations in the veg room down and rarely do I have a problem in flower.
