Look back in this thread.....
I called the makers of Mighty wash! I got the VP of sales/dist on the line. He say's they NEVER drank "Mighty" It was PM wash they drank!

Ya'all must be "mistaken"....
you may be correct . how stupid would you be to drink any thing like that . may of been baked at this trade show . you know the long walk in give you time to sample your goodies .
This was discussed at my local Hydro shop yesterday when a customer bought a bottle and I asked him how he likes it. Worker said active ingredient is same as avid or forbid f4. I forgot which of the two he said. I have a bottle of MW as well as avid and forbid f4 on hand for those "o shit" moments. Better to have and not need, vs need and not have. Hope I never need to use these nasty ass chems.
Forbid and done! You add too much work for anything over a cpl a tents.
Screw that b.s. Nuking with forbid is not an option in my book, not interested in using a huge cannon on a small problem. Got a shitload of rooms with mites? You need to take a serious look at how you're running things.

Both 3 in 1 and iso are relatively 'clean.' Unlike forbid.
Well when your done giving mites a bath, shampoo, and mouth wash gargle with iso and other garbage, when all you need to do is nuke em.and be done. I say nuke them and be done, vs playing around with something that might or might not work. Meanwhile the mites are laughing at you all the time.
This was discussed at my local Hydro shop yesterday when a customer bought a bottle and I asked him how he likes it. Worker said active ingredient is same as avid or forbid f4. I forgot which of the two he said. I have a bottle of MW as well as avid and forbid f4 on hand for those "o shit" moments. Better to have and not need, vs need and not have. Hope I never need to use these nasty ass chems.
Mighty wash is not that nasty at all. Nothing like forbid
Well when your done giving mites a bath, shampoo, and mouth wash gargle with iso and other garbage, when all you need to do is nuke em.and be done. I say nuke them and be done, vs playing around with something that might or might not work. Meanwhile the mites are laughing at you all the time.

Nuke em with what bro?
I used to get mites here and there. Had an outbreak just last summer actually. I look at my plants daily. Caught a small infestation on a couple plangs in the corner (always them corner plants - like they know that you know - lol) .Anyways...Mighty Wash has always got rid of them for me...everytime all the time. I repeat application 4 to 5 days apart 3 times. And they are gone. Spray bottles or pump sprayers work. Foggers - even better. Ive had mite problems maybe 3 times in 4 or 5 years at the most.
Well when your done giving mites a bath, shampoo, and mouth wash gargle with iso and other garbage, when all you need to do is nuke em.and be done. I say nuke them and be done, vs playing around with something that might or might not work. Meanwhile the mites are laughing at you all the time.
Sounds like you don't have much experience with mites. They're all slaves to their breeding cycle, do your shit right and they're gone safely.

Whatever though, anyone with a brain has already gotten the info they need from this thread. I'm out.
Smoke some pyrethrins....then come back to us with results please lmao


when you spray something on the buds you are going to smoke it in the end water excluded.

Same how "flushing" magically "cleans" your plant? This post is ridiculous. You people make it sound like it is radioactive slime. It is an organic compound derived from chrysanthemums. There is a lot worse shit out there, Take one of the most common products, Neem oil. That is more toxic to humans than that is. People in the growers world hear one thing and magically it is 100% true. Stupid. Just how dumbass cervantes says you "Need to flush".
Nope, never had a bug other than the ones that come via ffof soil (fungus gnats). But I have the hard core nuke em shit on hand for those oh shit moments.
I got to admit also....I got a bottle of Eagle 20 on hand i bought and used once in 9 years. Just in case. Never in flower. Always early veg and a long ass veg at that. But its there if i ever need it. Way back on the shelf...collecting dust.
The reps that drank that shit at them trade shows....even they did not know it contained pyrethrins (which is what actually has the most effect in mighty wash - next to the plant oils).Actually it was selling so good (because it works) that only a few (the owners) actually knew what was in it. Frequency water my ass. And i bet them trade show reps drinking that shit to show how "safe" it was are full of regret. Come to find out they were doing shots of diluted pyrethrin. Lol. Even they believed the what the higher ups (owners who had the ingredients) told them. I knew all along it had some kind of plant oil and pyrethrin in it. You can see and smell it. But in all truthfulness. ..its not that harmful to plants or to humans if you use it at the right time and spray off residuals. But as far as spraying rigjt into deep flowering...i wouldnt do it. And slamming shots the Mighty Wash at trade shows....some dumbasses is all i can say.
Pyrethrum will not harm you and you can drink it. Permethrin is what to be worried about.
Same how "flushing" magically "cleans" your plant? This post is ridiculous. You people make it sound like it is radioactive slime. It is an organic compound derived from chrysanthemums. There is a lot worse shit out there, Take one of the most common products, Neem oil. That is more toxic to humans than that is. People in the growers world hear one thing and magically it is 100% true. Stupid. Just how dumbass cervantes says you "Need to flush".
Ain't you a real sweetheart. How the fuck do you know it doesn't turn into radio active slime when you smoke it....you don't, dumb ass. I stand by what I said. Cervantes has forgot more about pot than you'll ever know you don't even know what flushing does. Love ya......
I never said they drank it, I said it is not allowed for use in Oregon and Washington, due t unlisted ingredients

Didn't say you did Mr. Fox! I quoted someone else....(since 1991) and he "liked it"!

Take a deep breath and OHMMM,,OOHMMMMM, OOHHMMMMMM.
Well when your done giving mites a bath, shampoo, and mouth wash gargle with iso and other garbage, when all you need to do is nuke em.and be done. I say nuke them and be done, vs playing around with something that might or might not work. Meanwhile the mites are laughing at you all the time.
Screw that b.s. Nuking with forbid is not an option in my book, not interested in using a huge cannon on a small problem. Got a shitload of rooms with mites? You need to take a serious look at how you're running things.

Both 3 in 1 and iso are relatively 'clean.' Unlike forbid.

Forbid is WAY less toxic then 98% of everything mentioned in this thread already! Go read an actual tox report!
Alcohol can kill you!
Besides, it dissolves tric's! Even light application rates does damage to them
It's being found that "NEEM" is way more toxic then they thought!
It's NOT nervous system poison!

You do your repeating spray work. I'll lightly mist my plants and be DONE! Breaks your "life cycle" argument.....As far as size of a grow goes.....How ever large my op is. I have never had even near, a full on infestation. last time I had to treat for mites was 6-7 years ago. Even the new building has not had a problem yet. I expect one at some point! Your stupid if you don't! They're a "when" not an "if"!
I just try like all hell to keep a clean growroom. I keep everything in house and when i do take in outside cuts...i have a tester tent i run at least.once before deciding on whether it goes onto the big leagues. I dont get mites often thank god. And whe. I do....i knock em out early. Mighty wash works for me. Other products work for others. I will say this....almost all of the pesticides we all commonly use are NOT nearly as bad as internet forum yappers make them out to be. Running a tight ship with your rooms amd techniques are the keys to a pest free growroom.But shit happens i know. In bigger warehouse and greenhouse grows...mighty wash is too cost prohibitive (and likely ineffective) to be of any use. MW is more for hobby and larger home operations. I heard of warehouse growers that lose whole crops in a matter of days to something thay started in a corner and they didnt catch it.