
when you spray something on the buds you are going to smoke it in the end water excluded.
a smart grower after treatment would mist his plants with fresh water idk what i would do .any way the shit i see on the shelves at hydro stores tho to kill mites is just funny i seen one up to 110 doller mighty rid or sum shit garlic and chilli works the best and always has but i havent had spider mite in 6 years
lol i have seen mates open grow rooms and empty full cans of baygon in there so whats in might rid can't be all that bad
man were im from hydroshops would sell you petrol to get rid of mights we have zero standards for hydro chemicals
but we are not allowed to have or stock advanced nutes tho can't get it here at all reason been dew to him getting pinched for fucking kids not the nute itself lol
Hopefully more places will catch on. I sure was not defending Michigan for standards.
were i am growers are getting into this spray that mimics trichs u spray on after harvest and let dry which gives you a fake crystel there is chemicals on that bottle i have never heard off lol one bottle has butyrolactone which is a product of ghb
were i am growers are getting into this spray that mimics trichs u spray on after harvest and let dry which gives you a fake crystel there is chemicals on that bottle i have never heard off lol one bottle has butyrolactone which is a product of ghb

Well that sucks real bad. Glad I know my own meds.

I read in the UK. The gangs have sprayed crushed glass. Don't know if that one is true.
The very latest information from the Oregon Canna newspaper showing the very latest 14 products which just got banned,, and right there is mighty wash, front and center in the pyrithins

Most of these products were put on stop sale because of labeling and have nothing to do with active being banned. For example pyrethrin is most definitely not "banned". FYI, if you think before you speak you would sound less ignorant. Just sayin...
Most of these products were put on stop sale because of labeling and have nothing to do with active being banned. For example pyrethrin is most definitely not "banned". FYI, if you think before you speak you would sound less ignorant. Just sayin...
so here is me "just sayin"
here you go from the state of washington registered labs, showing a positive result of pyrithrins in mighty wash,,
, the legal states are backing this up with Bans or stop sales, or warnings of dangerous mighty wash

here is your STOP SALE from washington state

here is the washington state pesticide page, feel free to view,, and or course you can call them ignorant if you wish,, but you would look the fool mostly


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@OG Gardenz
and finally more facts,,
state testing labs in legal MJ states are certifying pesticides,,, many things that are in the closet will come into the light,, and many things you "thought" were true,, are going to be proven wrong

Unfortunately your still loosing the plot here... you are correct legal mj states have a list of approved pesticides for use on cannabis... and "Mighty" which is the registered label of "Mighty Wash" is on the list in WA, OR an CO. This is proof that it is only a label issue.

It is confusing enough for all of us real growers... we dont need more misguided information from you polluting our thoughts.
The links I posted are from the legal states, and are truth, and backed by fact
sorry if the "truth" polutes your thoughts???
but the information is straight as an arrow, and any plants sprayed with might wash late in flower will fail testing and cant be sold, further more all mj patients would not purchase such weed on the store shelfs here,,
once the "label issue" is corrected and pyrithrins are listed on the label ( as they should be),, then growers who are organic,, will be able to decide that mighty wash is dangerous,, as many of us feel it is,,
and I am a real grower also,, not like those who hide behind half truths,, sadly
@OG Gardenz
Unfortunately your still loosing the plot here... you are correct legal mj states have a list of approved pesticides for use on cannabis... and "Mighty" which is the registered label of "Mighty Wash" is on the list in WA, OR an CO. This is proof that it is only a label issue.

It is confusing enough for all of us real growers... we dont need more misguided information from you polluting our thoughts.
And now,, for at least 5 years, growers on here have been told by hydro stores and "Reps' that it is nothing more than "electrified water",, so much so, that hydro store owners and reps have been DRINKING THE STUFF in front of customers,, thats how far they dupped people,, talk about unsafe,, people in the buisness drinking the stuff,, lets check the pyritihins label on that one,, probably says to calll poison control,, but then again i would hate to pollute people
here you go ,, more evidence
so many people swear by mighty wash, problem is, they have no idea that it works so well because it contains a banned pesticide in legal states, further more mighty wash is doing thier customers a diss service by including a product know to harm people ,, sadly, they should own up to thier ingredieants and list it
Damn no wonder why mites never come back lol, first time i used it i was like nooo fucking way its just water, mites were melting and running away!. That crazy fucker from might wash drank the bottle though!
And now,, for at least 5 years, growers on here have been told by hydro stores and "Reps' that it is nothing more than "electrified water",, so much so, that hydro store owners and reps have been DRINKING THE STUFF in front of customers,, thats how far they dupped people,, talk about unsafe,, people in the buisness drinking the stuff,, lets check the pyritihins label on that one,, probably says to calll poison control,, but then again i would hate to pollute people
here you go ,, more evidence

I am simply speaking about pyrethrin being a banned substance... it is not... It is on all the cannabis approved pesticide lists. They use it in baby shampoo
I am simply speaking about pyrethrin being a banned substance... it is not... It is on all the cannabis approved pesticide lists. They use it in baby shampoo
It's more the fact that mighty wash duped thier customer into thinking it was safe for late flower when it's not in legal state pyrethrins are approved for early veg in when labeled correctly but since it is not mighty wash is on the banned lists or stop sale
Even if they correct the label many will stop using it because of the deception
Many more will stop because we don't want to use pyrethrins

But at least I chose the high road and did not call your character into question

when you spray something on the buds you are going to smoke it in the end water excluded.
This is my understanding of cannabis.
I spray nothing in flower, soaps in veg, water and isopropyl in veg for mites (Keep it OUT of the root zone). I have a problem in flower? Guess what, it either completes without spraying or I tear down and start over.

In my book there is no *fixing* a problem in flower by spraying something on the plants or adding something to their root zone. I want clean cannabis. :)
