What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
So everybody but me has the weekend off as usual...we finished up most of the stonework yesterday, then I left early to go to the other remodeling site and told 2 guys to fill planter walls half way with excavated clay dirt. So they filled them all the way...typical...when I'm not here shit gets screwed up...

So I spent a couple hrs. digging out 14-16" and filling with $140 worth of Pro Mix I picked up this morning...


Then planted some leftover tomato and pepper plants I got at garden store...they've been in tiny plastic pots for 10-12 weeks, were root bound as fuck with yellow leaves...but I think I can get 'em goin'...I guess I learned something today...I'm always in a rush to pot up other plants...guess you don't have to be, if these survived for 3 month in tiny pots...I can surely go an extra week with my more important plants ;-)
We'll see how they do... fuckin' hot/humid...got my cardio for the day digging a wheeling away dirt...


Well-Known Member
That happens to me to on occasion. OK, you basically just paid me $85 to look at a lock on your gate. Nice lock. See you later.

In my younger days I use to just hop the fence. Them days are gone. Ain't no one got time for that shit.
Made $190 waiting for the person to show up.. Got paid to smoke and eat a breakfast burrito. Not bad
But this job is a pain in the ass. I tried to talk the guy into flex pipe but he wanted steel.. So I've been threading pipe and running it all day. 250ft of pipe.. Hope I'm done soon. Going to get wasted tonight


Well-Known Member
So everybody but me has the weekend off as usual...we finished up most of the stonework yesterday, then I left early to go to the other remodeling site and told 2 guys to fill planter walls half way with excavated clay dirt. So they filled them all the way...typical...when I'm not here shit gets screwed up...
View attachment 3733811

So I spent a couple hrs. digging out 14-16" and filling with $140 worth of Pro Mix I picked up this morning...

View attachment 3733813

Then planted some leftover tomato and pepper plants I got at garden store...they've been in tiny plastic pots for 10-12 weeks, were root bound as fuck with yellow leaves...but I think I can get 'em goin'...I guess I learned something today...I'm always in a rush to pot up other plants...guess you don't have to be, if these survived for 3 month in tiny pots...I can surely go an extra week with my more important plants ;-)
View attachment 3733817
We'll see how they do... fuckin' hot/humid...got my cardio for the day digging a wheeling away dirt...
What's a weekend?


Well-Known Member
did you shoot any pics of the Shelby today srh?
i just got home lol ill grab you one tomorrow if i pull it out of the garage. ill pull off my plate and get you some good ones..
i did get this in the mail today.. no idea what it was about. but i guess i won a court case i didnt even know about. thanks finshaggy! i live nowhere near that area lol.. im like 1500 miles away


Well-Known Member
also i thought id pay off 4 warrants

i didnt even know i had the 2 in elgin, i knew about the other 2 in bastrop co
they were from feb 2015, i honestly dont know what they wouldve been from

and btw, i was supposed to do a conference dilly idk in ny on monday, they told me a little while ago..
but there were some schedule conflicts i forgot about so i aint goin.. i was gonna hit up philly but you know, maybe sometime
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