What did you accomplish today?

I smashed a few before i got a case...when i busted two in a row i made the move. View attachment 3732852

I might need one of these to prevent my ape hands from ruining more devices!

I got this phone a couple holidays ago, apparently it was 'high end' at the time. (?) Supposedly it's a 'larger model', but it still feels tiny and frail, to me.
I've only turned it on a few times and fiddled with the camera....


I woke up and had coffee. Watching the news and yet another terror attack. It sucks.

Getting sick of it. Had at appointment at the Dr. and got asked all these mental health questions. I asked if it was due to current events and the nurse said that it was. I asked if she was getting a lot of new depression cases and she would not say, but her eyes said it all. And this is from the reddest part of a swing state.
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LOL, the boy just won't stop will he? So, just who are the higher authorities he intends to call? The Feds cuz someone here said un-nice things about him?
When you get weary of dealing with it, I volunteer Sunni

Call 1-800-Smilodon! Single malt, double fang. Satisfaction guaranteed.


Getting sick of it. Had at appointment at the Dr. and got asked all these mental health questions. I asked if it was due to current events and the nurse said that it was. I asked if she was getting a lot of new depression cases and she would not say, but her eyes said it all. And this is from the reddest part of a swing state.
Yesterday I went for a drive with esther and there was a three car accident up the street at an intersection.

There was probably 10 people on each corner of the intersection and plenty of people parking nearby in cars.

I think people are concerned and watching everything.
Ahh I was thinking vaginal opening but urethra makes more sense..after delivery I noticed my bladder infection lingered around. .must have been the baths. .nurse said my stitches would dissolve faster if I bathed twice a day..which I did..plus the squirt bottle after every pee..I still use that thing to freshen up ..seriously why do we use paper and not water like other countries. .no wonder north Americans smells like crotch rot...we just smear it around on paper and our genitals and call ourselves clean..bahahaha
LOL I have wondered the same. Water shouldn't irritate your bladder, just products with perfume, bubble baths etc. Men can get uti's but since their urethera runs the length of their penis, it takes, too long for the bacteria to travel that far. Ours is so short, bam, we get that shit. Also, pee after sex the sterile qualities of the urine kill any bacteria. Cystitis is common among new moms, b/c you've irritated the bladder with the pregnancy, birth, hormones, etc.

Your statement was soap is bad for genitalia not women genitalia. That's why all the guys said something.

OK its bad for women but they still make soap for women's parts.

I get what your saying though. I generally don't wear deodorant and shower every other day and if I do everyday I just wash under water unless I stink.

I have a clean diet.

Shit. Better not say that. Don't want to start that argument up again.

Technically (and every woman has hear this) "the vagina is a self cleaning organ so using soaps and perfumes disturb the natural PH and blah blah blah" They make special cleansers, yes, but you really have to label read. @whitebb I am obsessive about my diet (clean eating, balanced ph in foods, etc) and honey I need to shower EVERY day. water can wash off BO. though. It's caused by our body's own, natural yeast and when it is released throughout pores it tends to form bacteria under armpits etc (also totally normal) but that's what causes it to smell. And diet can alter how strong OK end of rant

Didn't realize the thread got back on track before rant....

We are finally DONE w/ inside of house. All I have to do today is clean the interior then we can work on the exterior next week and it will be complete. That was a hard remodel
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