What did you accomplish today?

just saw a vid on giving up soap all together...in fact they say its better for u if u just shower with only water..who knew

got a buddy from africa who does this
abdule and his girl futtoo (sp? pronounced foot-to)

i was surprised when he told me..

but i don't wear deodorant and promise i don't stink..

i guess its like when we would tell immune compromised patients not to wash their hands
May be why he got infections all the time.

My son got one and I was told by the Dr to use warm soapy water to clean it.

I use soap on mine all the time.

Might be more pertinent to women since our bits are moist most of the time..when the pediatric nurse showed me how to bath my newborn she made it clear that I shouldn't use soap on her vagina when cleaning. .she even mentioned nightly bum cleanings with a cloth and water to remove the chemical residues from the packaged bum wipes..but I wash my baby in a mini bathtub so she's sitting in the soapy water anyways. .
That can't possibly work on oily skin...I must have a bar of Dial!

Skin and hair should be oily..our body does this for a reason. .retain moisture and repel bad stuff..even pubic hair has a purpose. .soap is for stank..removing ur natural oils just makes ur body make even more..wash my hair twice a week. .wash my body every second day..but I bath or shower daily..just to freshen up..baby barf stinks on skin lol
I'm talking about the comment stating male circumcision is to keep infections away thus making it medically necessary or deemed appropriate reason to chop 1/3 of your babies penis off

Where are female circumcision is deemed a horrible cruel act yet somehow that doesn't translate to boys because people aren't properly educated

Male babies don't magically not feel pain because they have a dick
Possibly because the motivation and value behind the circumscisions are completely dif. One is for "hygienic" pure
If you're circumcised, you can't dock another penis. Dudes that can dock are popular...

View attachment 3731791
what's up doc? That was sssooooo gross. but worth it to learn a new term. f'ing hilarious TD
Plus all the Jewish. . ..

All the Jewish?

@sunni Don't let it get you down. You did what you thought was right for your son. It's your kid, end of story. However as far as being informed, I wonder if you have read the "other" side? I have also read evidence supporting that intact penises run the risk of infection

but of course, The American Academy of Pediatrics must be wrong. This article argues that the CDC encourages circumscision b/c it lowers the risk of contracting many STD'shttp://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/news/20141202/cdc-endorses-circumcision-for-health-reasons?page=2
Man, I'd love to have half a dozen of those tomatoes right now.
Fried Green Tomatoes are Bomb !!

  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 cups panko (Japanese) bread crumbs
  • 5 medium green tomatoes, cut into 1/4-inch slices
  • Oil for deep-fat frying
  • Salt
  1. In three separate shallow bowls, place the flour, eggs and bread crumbs. Dip tomatoes in flour, then in eggs; coat with bread crumbs.
  2. In an electric skillet or deep-fat fryer, heat oil to 375°. Fry tomatoes, a few at a time, for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately. Yield: 10 servings.
Mrs. GWN & I'll be over around 19:00
Does that work for you?

I never tried them...and believe it or not, my daughter asked just yesterday if I knew how to make them. I'll copy the recipe for her and see if she makes them.
All the Jewish?

@sunni Don't let it get you down. You did what you thought was right for your son. It's your kid, end of story. However as far as being informed, I wonder if you have read the "other" side? I have also read evidence supporting that intact penises run the risk of infection

but of course, The American Academy of Pediatrics must be wrong. This article argues that the CDC encourages circumscision b/c it lowers the risk of contracting many STD'shttp://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/news/20141202/cdc-endorses-circumcision-for-health-reasons?page=2

Everybody looks intact with a condom on.
Might be more pertinent to women since our bits are moist most of the time..when the pediatric nurse showed me how to bath my newborn she made it clear that I shouldn't use soap on her vagina when cleaning. .she even mentioned nightly bum cleanings with a cloth and water to remove the chemical residues from the packaged bum wipes..but I wash my baby in a mini bathtub so she's sitting in the soapy water anyways. .
I didn't know about this and my daughter would sit in bubble baths when she was a baby. Turns out the soap travels up the urethera and can give them UTI's. This is because Girl's urethera's are much shorter than boys so it doesn't happen with boys.
I didn't know about this and my daughter would sit in bubble baths when she was a baby. Turns out the soap travels up the urethera and can give them UTI's. This is because Girl's urethera's are much shorter than boys so it doesn't happen with boys.

Ahh I was thinking vaginal opening but urethra makes more sense..after delivery I noticed my bladder infection lingered around. .must have been the baths. .nurse said my stitches would dissolve faster if I bathed twice a day..which I did..plus the squirt bottle after every pee..I still use that thing to freshen up ..seriously why do we use paper and not water like other countries. .no wonder north Americans smells like crotch rot...we just smear it around on paper and our genitals and call ourselves clean..bahahaha
Ahh I was thinking vaginal opening but urethra makes more sense..after delivery I noticed my bladder infection lingered around. .must have been the baths. .nurse said my stitches would dissolve faster if I bathed twice a day..which I did..plus the squirt bottle after every pee..I still use that thing to freshen up ..seriously why do we use paper and not water like other countries. .no wonder north Americans smells like crotch rot...we just smear it around on paper and our genitals and call ourselves clean..bahahaha
Use 4 heaping handfuls of epsom in your baths. Feels nice and promotes healing.

hub did it to help soothe his stiches and heal faster.
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Use 4 heaping handfuls of epsom in your baths. Feels nice and promotes healing.

hub did it to help soothe his stiches and heal faster.

I luv salt baths..found a company called happy hippo or something like that..anyhoo they have awesome scented Epsom salts..strawberries and cream.. orange creamsicle ..etc..so relaxing.

U got ur guy in a bath!!! Mine would never dare.."baths are for ladies "..per him..Meh his loss..
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He used soap. Its a bit different for men.
Your statement was soap is bad for genitalia not women genitalia. That's why all the guys said something.

OK its bad for women but they still make soap for women's parts.

I get what your saying though. I generally don't wear deodorant and shower every other day and if I do everyday I just wash under water unless I stink.

I have a clean diet.

Shit. Better not say that. Don't want to start that argument up again.
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