unclebuck- source your claim that "many of them are handcuffed or unarmed" because if that isn't talking out of your ass i don't know what is.
unclebuck- source your claim that "many of them are handcuffed or unarmed" because if that isn't talking out of your ass i don't know what is.

i'll wait until you cite the source(s) for this thread.

teaser: sandra bland, freddy gray, ezell ford, bettie jones, roy nelson.
then go with the 13%. it's still double. that's disproportionate.

go make me a subway sandwich.
But then I'd have to say one would really need to determine if those were statistically significant differences. We can't tell just by looking, can we?

I would say that's right in line with what the overall criminal rate is within the AA community.
But then I'd have to say one would really need to determine if those were statistically significant differences. We can't tell just by looking, can we?

I would say that's right in line with what the overall criminal rate is within the AA community.

oh, bigotednbushy. you don't mind playing the game of "smear the dead unarmed black guy", but you lose your shit once i point out that a nazi cop ate a bullet. i love exposing you.

you'd know all about what is and what is not statistically significant if you had stayed in college rather than dropping out to steal from your parents in order to feed your heroin addiction.
you're getting likes from a guy who said that he does not trust anything a black person says, the day after you called obama a kenyan muslim homo.

tell me again about how you are totally not racist.

Hunt the evidence up Bucky, or STFU.

Is it too hard for the 94K+ poster to do something like that?

Amazing that no matter what the topic, or which poster, it always boils down to racism.

Are you familiar w/the concept that the one who cries racist first, longest, and loudest is usually the closet racist that is afraid to come out?
Any racial type can be racist Bucky.
Any dictionary beside the democratic playbook recognizes that.

PS - Isn't it time for a new avatar too? The anthropomorphic representation of Bert-n-Ernie luvin is getting as old as the self portrait of loaf pinchage in the sig pic you were using before.
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oh, bigotednbushy. you don't mind playing the game of "smear the dead unarmed black guy", but you lose your shit once i point out that a nazi cop ate a bullet. i love exposing you.

Jeezus Bucky, even the girlfriend vid says he was armed and told the cop that it was legal CCW. Transcript of the vid has that statement as the 3rd one she utters, "He’s licensed to carry. He was trying to get out his ID and his wallet out his pocket and he let the officer know that he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm."

The Snopes link I posted went so far as to investigate it and said that even though it wasn't issued in that part of MN, it had been obtained in another part, "Although the names of gun permit holders are not public under state law, a source confirmed Castile was issued the permit when he lived in Robbinsdale."

Facts just hurt to look at, eh Bucky?

EDIT - I liked it at that time back in the day when it was just assumed you were packing.
Everyone was much more polite then.
You do know that restrictive firearm laws started as a way to keep those dangerous black men from having guns, don't you?
Jeezus Bucky, even the girlfriend vid says he was armed and told the cop that it was legal CCW. Transcript of the vid has that statement as the 3rd one she utters, "He’s licensed to carry. He was trying to get out his ID and his wallet out his pocket and he let the officer know that he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm."

The Snopes link I posted went so far as to investigate it and said that even though it wasn't issued in that part of MN, it had been obtained in another part, "Although the names of gun permit holders are not public under state law, a source confirmed Castile was issued the permit when he lived in Robbinsdale."

Facts just hurt to look at, eh Bucky?

EDIT - I liked it at that time back in the day when it was just assumed you were packing.
Everyone was much more polite then.
You do know that restrictive firearm laws started as a way to keep those dangerous black men from having guns, don't you?

ok, i suppose it is OK to shoot a black man as long as he has a gun on him legally. in that way, it is just as appropriate to shoot a cop as long as he has a gun on him legally.

thanks for joining me in supporting micah johnson! did you know he randomly shot 5 cops, and one of them was a white nationalist? of course, with sample size being so small, there's a good chance that even more than 20% of all cops are white nationalists.

oh how i love mocking the double standard when it comes to shooting black people.
so calling obama a kenyan muslim homo doesn't count? getting likes from a guy that doesn't trust people simply because they are black doesn't count? calling michelle obama a wookie doesn't count?
Proof Bucky, proof.

I just pointed out that you can't be trusted to keep to the facts in my following post and you present none now.
C'mon history queen, this is your favorite game and yet you won't play it w/ me?

Sounds like something a racist would do.

I alluded to obama not liking the "wookie cookie" and you extrapolate from that all the above.

Sounds like something a racist would say.

Congratulations Bucky.
You have graduated to being a racist, microcephalic, deceitful, hypocritical, and liberal tax dodger with penis envy who discriminates against muppets and costumed figures.

You should like this as graduation is something you've never gotten to do before.
Proof Bucky, proof.

I just pointed out that you can't be trusted to keep to the facts in my following post and you present none now.
C'mon history queen, this is your favorite game and yet you won't play it w/ me?

Sounds like something a racist would do.

I alluded to obama not liking the "wookie cookie" and you extrapolate from that all the above.

Sounds like something a racist would say.

Congratulations Bucky.
You have graduated to being a racist, microcephalic, deceitful, hypocritical, and liberal tax dodger with penis envy who discriminates against muppets and costumed figures.

You should like this as graduation is something you've never gotten to do before.

awwww, poor little racist hates being called what he is.

single tear sliding down my left cheek.
you don't mind playing the game of "smear the dead unarmed black guy"

Interesting how this magically becomes:

ok, i suppose it is OK to shoot a black man as long as he has a gun on him legally. in that way, it is just as appropriate to shoot a cop as long as he has a gun on him legally.

Good to know you support murders of any racial demographic and that you play the game of "smear the dead cop (of several)" where a black guy is involved.
Does it have any bearing that he was already an accomplished murderer that was trained AND transported (with your tax dollars) to another country where he was told to murder people of a similar skin tone?

Ah, what you're REALLY saying is he should have chosen the police as a career path! ;)
So, what happens when a black cop shoots a black person.
Is that like a tree falling in the woods and no one hearing it so it didn't REALLY happen?

When you are pointed out as lying and you try to twist the narrative yet again. Doesn't it get disheartening when people don't rise to the laughingly obvious bait you pander and point out your lies?

thanks for joining me in supporting micah johnson! did you know he randomly shot 5 cops, and one of them was a white nationalist? of course, with sample size being so small, there's a good chance that even more than 20% of all cops are white nationalists.
oh how i love mocking the double standard when it comes to shooting black people.
I support no murder w/o extreme circumstance in self defense of person or property.

Why should I support the 2nd baseman of the White Sox killing 5 cops since when I search for "micah johnson white supremacist" I get nothing about a cop that the guy in Dallas killed being a white supremacist as search assumes it's a bullshit combination because of the lack of evidence to support the search criteria and gives me the only other thing it can think of, the White Sox?
Racists usually like to pull the white supremacist attribution out of their ass when they can't make a good argument to support their view.

Does the fact that ~90% of your posts that I've seen have racially dividing themes, claims of homophobia, or personal attacks of such a creepy nature that it's fascinating just from their obscenely base nature mean there's a good chance you're a racist homosexual whose only semblance of life is posting to RUI since it only takes a fabricated 20% of cops to support your assumed view above?

I think it's a mix of that and the money that your trolling generates for the site (and by association, you) in post/visit count and thread length.
It's not like SEO principles are a foreign language to me, I've got friends that are into that and they know content tanks that drive an agenda much like you do.
If you wanna play, know your playground (as if what we say here has any relevance to any life but ours alone). :D

If anyone compares the tendency towards racism between us, do you think my paltry ~250 posts can compare to your 94K+ body of work and proven (lack of) content consisting mostly of attacks bourn of self loathing what do you think the conclusion will be?

Didn't people teach you that race baiting is part of racism?

C'mon, you're just itchin' to TLDR since real argument and evidence is a bit beyond ya to spin.
awwww, poor little racist hates being called what he is.

single tear sliding down my left cheek.

Good to know you abuse yourself in front of a mirror with a bulbous candlestick while posting and cry at the penultimate moment. Does the mascara run?
How's the skin suit coming?

Get back to lying Bucky, it's more entertaining.
Black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police...

But Roland G. Fryer Jr., the African-American author of the study and a professor of economics at Harvard - which examined more than 1,000 shootings in 10 major police departments, in Texas, Florida and California, was "surprised" to find that when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.
Black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police...

But Roland G. Fryer Jr., the African-American author of the study and a professor of economics at Harvard - which examined more than 1,000 shootings in 10 major police departments, in Texas, Florida and California, was "surprised" to find that when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.
while you provide a valid argument and sound facts, you know the usual suspects are going to ignore that and call you a racist/klan and present nothing more than ad hominem attacks while jerking each other off simply for not agreeing with them.