Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man

On the point of facts, everyone wants to moan about how dangerous a cop's job is. It's not even in the top 50 of fatality on the job statistics. Shit, the military rolled around for a couple decades in UN-armored hummers got blown the fuck up by IEDs and we finally got armored hummers then MRAPs which are like hummers on 10x steroids. Not a single cop has died to an IED and now the fucking cops have MRAPs. That's fucked.
It's statistically more dangerous to be stopped by the police than it is to be the police.
... it's pretty unfortunate though good police officers get labeled the same as bad ones

It's hardly unfortunate, but it is a result of not doing their job. When half the effort put forth by the "thin blue line" is making revenue for the courts, choosing which laws to enforce, campaigning for more military gear they clearly don't need, and keeping the crooked cops in business by not enforcing THOSE laws, the negativity is self-imposed.
Now this I can get behind.

You are still a racist right winger with a seemingly hateful/warped mindset, but I can see the value in a pig-basher.
Lol, right winger? Why would a right winger be for revolution and not the two party system? Only reason I like Trump is he's making the people rage. :)

Hateful a little but not racist I hang with Latinos, white people and a black guy as a Sicilian x Native but I will crack a racist joke or too but I get it right back being a mongrel.

But nothing I hate more than cops and politicians.
Lol, right winger? Why would a right winger be for revolution and not the two party system? Only reason I like Trump is he's making the people rage. :)

Hateful a little but not racist I hang with Latinos, white people and a black guy as a Sicilian x Native but I will crack a racist joke or too but I get it right back being a mongrel.

But nothing I hate more than cops and politicians.
I get it.
Sorry for busting your balls. Be safe out there...
Yep. Police want to go home after work, just like everyone else. If they respond to a call of a man threatening others with a gun, they are going to assume he has a gun.
No word on whether he actually had a gun, but I bet he was packing, given what I've heard so far.
It's legal to carry on Louisiana.