R.I.P. nitro harley

@panhead Mad respect bro.

Don't let these fuxk ups muddle up your thoughts man. You sir, maintained chill throughout. Mostly.

Anyway. Dis iz Murica bro. Everybody deserves to feel even "more" special than ever body else at no cost. As long as they follow the most popular fuck up. It's all good tho. Eventually. We all meet the same fate. We should be chill in the peace and love. If you don't like the fuxk ups. You can simply avoid allowing them to muddle up your thoughts. At the end of the day. This place gonna be going on long after were gone and it ain't gonna be progressive. This world belongs to the fuxh ups who considerably outnumber any proper thought that ever was. It's the delusion. Make the best of it. It ain't gunna change bru. Ignorance and bliss are powerfully fiendish. Especially with a mob crowd. so special we are. I see the scars that make me. I think I'll just keeping on smokin and do my thing peacefully. With.

Peace and love.
So panhead, you keep questioning my methods for moderating this forum. I've been doing it for 10 years, and you've been gone for a year, so I will clearly explain my rationale.

I'm a radical social justice warrior. :lol:

is this like code for fuxk up?

"radical social justice warrior".

Seems like bro. Just keep getting stoned ya ignant ole fool. You ain't done a damn thing in your life but, be a pothead. A particularly charming ignant pothead tho, that did very well I might also add sir. Some serious spect for being a productive fuxk up pothead.

Peace and love and good weed bro.

Other than being a very successful gossipy, lying, character assassin troll online in character? Perhaps also a very successful weed dude. Exactly what other than those attributes that will certainly appeal to common Murican ignant trash. Exactly what do you leave behind that's worthy? Of your seemingly endless breaths and tenacity of being a little bitch. In my opinion.

Other than being a very successful gossipy, lying, character assassin troll online in character? Perhaps also a very successful weed dude. Exactly what other than those attributes that will certainly appeal to common Murican ignant trash. Exactly what do you leave behind that's worthy? Of your seemingly endless breaths and tenacity of being a little bitch. In my opinion.

desert dude, 6ohMax and dbkick like this
Just look at the cast of characters who liked this. Bunch of old bitter white dudes. Did I forget to say losers? I did. Please let me correct myself, the only people who liked this are a bunch of old bitter white loser dudes. Weak assholes who can only feel ok about themselves when stereotyping different people as sub human. Hold a mirror up to yourself and get a picture of what an old bitter white loser dude looks like. Laugh fuckin Out Loud

If I had a dime for every brain cell you have...I'd have ZERO dimes.
Thanks for the editorial suggestion, so,

desert dude, 6ohMax and dbkick like this
Just look at the cast of characters who liked this. Bunch of old bitter white dudes. Did I forget to say losers? I did. Please let me correct myself, the only people who liked this are a bunch of old bitter white loser dudes. Weak assholes who can only feel ok about themselves when stereotyping different people as sub human. Hold a mirror up to yourself and get a picture of what an old bitter white loser dude looks like. Laugh fuckin Out Loud

I left out Dumber than fuck, so let me correct myself. The only people who liked this are dumber than fuck old bitter white loser dudes. They should hold up a mirror to themselves and get a picture of what a dumber than fuck old bitter white loser dude looks like. Laugh fuckin Out Loud
And what makes you so special? From one loser to another you aren't shit.
So panhead, you keep questioning my methods for moderating this forum. I've been doing it for 10 years, and you've been gone for a year, so I will clearly explain my rationale.

I'm a radical social justice warrior. :lol:


That was highly uncool for sure , I question the hands off moderation of the sites most notorious troll & your response is to claim I question your moderation of the entire site .

Its not like I'm the 1st to question why he's allowed to act a savage , hundreds of members have questioned & complained about buck , as have a lot of moderators & at least 2 global mods I know for a fact have tried to ban him unsuccessfully .

Sorry to tell you but you've forgotten about the little guys , I'll end with that instead of fucking my holiday up .
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And if I got $1.25 for every inch your tiny weenis was long, I'd have $1.25.

I just said your tiny dick was 1 inch long.

You queers baits sure have an obsession with the Male genitalia area. I'm glad you are open about being gay.

Here, I have a shirt for you. Join UncleCuck in the next gay parade.....I'll be dressed like this

download (8).jpg


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@panhead Mad respect bro.

Don't let these fuxk ups muddle up your thoughts man. You sir, maintained chill throughout. Mostly.

Anyway. Dis iz Murica bro. Everybody deserves to feel even "more" special than ever body else at no cost. As long as they follow the most popular fuck up. It's all good tho. Eventually. We all meet the same fate. We should be chill in the peace and love. If you don't like the fuxk ups. You can simply avoid allowing them to muddle up your thoughts. At the end of the day. This place gonna be going on long after were gone and it ain't gonna be progressive. This world belongs to the fuxh ups who considerably outnumber any proper thought that ever was. It's the delusion. Make the best of it. It ain't gunna change bru. Ignorance and bliss are powerfully fiendish. Especially with a mob crowd. so special we are. I see the scars that make me. I think I'll just keeping on smokin and do my thing peacefully. With.

Peace and love.

I understand & apreciate what your saying more than most here know , the reason I question why bucks allowed to run off hundreds of members at will is because he's a fucking bully , when people stop checking bully's their bullshit becomes the new norm .

And to be bluntly honest what makes my blood boil is how its treated , whenever anybody questions why the fuck buck is allowed to act a savage its downplayed like its a one shot deal when its been a decade long nightmare with him , instead of dealing with the #1 problem member were told to put him on ignore , REALLY ?

Who the hell would even want to be the sites most hated member & be happy about it as he is , and that's the shit that gets my goad , he gets off on being a rotten troll , the members & staff know he loves being a troll & the few who are/were willing to address the problem have been overrode ,ran off or have just gave up .

Have a good holiday , everybody .
You queers baits sure have an obsession with the Male genitalia area. I'm glad you are open about being gay.

Here, I have a shirt for you. Join UncleCuck in the next gay parade.....I'll be dressed like this

View attachment 3724585

Do you ever watch the comedian Steven Crowder ? he's got a show called Louder with Crowder here in Michigan & he just did a podcast about the gay bakery deal , its a fucking hoot watching him ask for dick cakes in the Islamic bakery's in my home town where we shop all winter .
how was nitro's behavior good for the site?

I'm only responding to not be rude , not to stir the pot .

I don't know what happened with nitro but its not bucks job to make that call , I'm giving 100 to 1 odds there has been more complaints about buck than nitro .
You ok?

My brother in law is a psychiatrist. The first few posts were OK...but now it's OCD.

Don't fucking expect everyone to agree with your lunatic ranting...
It's not the cream of the crop here liking your shit. You read anything on this site the last 12 months?

So your brother in-law is a head shrinker , so what .

Your bro in law's job doesn't add weight to your words .

Matter of fact who the hell are you anyways , I don't even know you from Adam .