Donald Trump

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Trump's odds are tumbling:
2016 US Presidential Election - Next President of the United States
Odds as of June 22 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -320
  • Donald Trump +260

Silly numbers and meaningless polls aside, you don't really think he's got a chance of winning, do you? Granted, I haven't got much faith in my countrymen as of late, but jeeeeeze....we haven't degenerated that far as a society, have we?? (Please say NO!)
Silly numbers and meaningless polls aside, you don't really think he's got a chance of winning, do you? Granted, I haven't got much faith in my countrymen as of late, but jeeeeeze....we haven't degenerated that far as a society, have we?? (Please say NO!)
No, there is no way that a hideous lout could be potus.

But I do take actual betting odds as a legit read on the pulse of the citizenry. There is $$$$ at stake and the best (greediest) minds are doing the calculations.
its psychopath vs narcissist America is primo global entertainment right now
Nah, it's easy to hate on Hillary but she is fact well credentialed, experienced in international relations and a senior US politician.

She is connected and respected enough that to view her as incompetent or dangerous is political folly.

Trump is a vile lout. He has zero chance he is a symbol of the discontent of the formerly privileged class, nothing more.
Nah, it's easy to hate on Hillary but she is fact well credentialed, experienced in international relations and a senior US politician.

She is connected and respected enough that to view her as incompetent or dangerous is political folly.

Trump is a vile lout. He has zero chance he is a symbol of the discontent of the formerly privileged class, nothing more.
exactly my point, both fuktards

sorry, you did it to yourself and i gave you every chance to condemn him.

i asked you point blank if you thought it was racist that he told obama to "go back to kenya". you made every excuse in the book for the guy.

i make no distinctions between those who spew racism and those who excuse it. the latter may even be worse.
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