Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
sorry, you did it to yourself and i gave you every chance to condemn him.

i asked you point blank if you thought it was racist that he told obama to "go back to kenya". you made every excuse in the book for the guy.

i make no distinctions between those who spew racism and those who excuse it. the latter may even be worse.


Well-Known Member
afascist, racist, weed smoking woman married to a mexican man. now i've heard of it all.
Seems so, dude, sigh....I can no longer interact with her, I'm not sure she's mentally well.

If she IS in fact married to a Mexican/Mexican American man, I cannot begin to comprehend the support/adoration for Drumpf, and if she has kids with this man it's all the more sad - endorsing a monster that not only hates her husband but her kids, as well. :(

Sincerely, I just can't wrap my head/heart around it....


Well-Known Member
His mom is racist too then. She is against illegal immigration.

Oh snap!
i never said being against illegal immigration was racist.

i did say deporting 11 million people, many of whom have lived here nearly all their lives and may not even know they are illegal, is a fascist policy which you support.

and the illegal immigration thing does make it very easy to spot racists, as the racists here often slip up and just refer to 'mexicans' instead of illegal immigrants, showing you where their true concern is.

but you are racist for any number of reasons which have been discussed already.

go back to kenya.
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