(CBRN) Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear

Not really. Name one instance where you have heard of a Police Officer using cover fire to allow another Officer to move forward. And that's simple stuff.
That's not what I'm talking about. They are trained to perceive citizens the same way military are trained to perceive anyone in a hostile area. Throughout the 70's police changed from a community force to a controlling force. They ways they were taught to interact and handle the public changed. Remember how "To protect and serve" used to be on all police cars? Not one town around here has it anywhere on their cars anymore.

Our military does around the world, what police have done to you locally. You just don't generally see it, only the whitewashed version.
That's not what I'm talking about. They are trained to perceive citizens the same way military are trained to perceive anyone in a hostile area. Throughout the 70's police changed from a community force to a controlling force. They ways they were taught to interact and handle the public changed. Remember how "To protect and serve" used to be on all police cars? Not one town around here has it anywhere on their cars anymore.

Our military does around the world, what police have done to you locally. You just don't generally see it, only the whitewashed version.
Yeah, they do perceive regular citizens as enemies, that is why problems like Ferguson are happening. And that is also my point, I wouldn't ever want to treat other people in America like that, and the fact that they do makes them bad people. And I don't want to be a part of it.

I thought when you said that you were trying to make the point that being Law Enforcement would be just like being in the Military, sorry.
So being the machine behind the machine is fine with you?
We aren't even at war right now, and if we do go to war it would be with ISIS. It's not like we are going to invade a random country again. And being CBRN isn't even about fighting. Chemical weapons aren't used anymore, so it's not like America is going to be dropping Chemical attacks on anyone. The only time it would be part of an actual battle or something is if America goes to war with ISIS and ISIS uses Chemical weapons.
We aren't even at war right now, and if we do go to war it would be with ISIS. It's not like we are going to invade a random country again. And being CBRN isn't even about fighting. Chemical weapons aren't used anymore, so it's not like America is going to be dropping Chemical attacks on anyone. The only time it would be part of an actual battle or something is if America goes to war with ISIS and ISIS uses Chemical weapons.
They are attached to the front lines with infantry. You will not escape combat believe me.
And think about it, like with the Orlando attack, the Police did a good thing. But any other night they would have been happy to throw anyone in that club in jail for having an ecstasy tablet. Being CBRN I would never have to do anything like that to anyone.
The first day of the shooting I even saw a guy that had a shirt that said "Remember to Hydrate". That guy was definitely on Ecstasy. If the Police had met him any other night they would have caused problems for him.
What do you guys think about me joining the Army?
Don't know you, can't judge you, but from what i'v read about your life you need to go, maybe the courts for your law suits will think different about your appeal which is a joke correct ?

you'll disagree. :peace::leaf:
We need to
At the very least America needs to be arming the Peshmerga, but we should be making Field Hospitals and everything out there too. The only reason we aren't at war with them is because that is what they want and they can call it a Holy War if the West comes in to fight them. But eventually America will probably have to do something.
Every branch is trained in it.

You are not going to get into that unless you have a masters or PhD in chemistry or biochemical engineering.

That's the truth my man. I'm telling from what I know and I was in the military with a top secret clearance.
Not Army CBRN. No Degree required. I did see one other CBRN, I think it's Navy, and they require Degrees. But Army CBRN is just a 100 or higher in Skilled Technical on the ASVAB, and people say it's not even a hard test.
The last two encounters I've had with popo went well. It all depends on the situation. Not all popo are shitheads. You can identify the diks with attitude within seconds.
I wouldn't work for a Prosecutor, or any other form of Law Enforcement. They are just bad people.
Your history will not make you eligible for the military. They're much more picky about who they enlist.

And you won't have access to Google when you take the ASVAB.
My History? I have 0 Convictions. What would disqualify me?

And I wouldn't need Google, Lol. I have literally Written a Chemistry book, and I know how to code, and I know how to use electronics, I know a few things about cars, and I am able to figure out Synonyms and retain information from something I read. That is all I have to bee good at to get a 100 in Skilled Technical. And it goes up to 150 or higher, so I don't even have to get a perfect score.
Not Army CBRN. No Degree required. I did see one other CBRN, I think it's Navy, and they require Degrees. But Army CBRN is just a 100 or higher in Skilled Technical on the ASVAB, and people say it's not even a hard test.
It's mostly just a IQ and skills test. They have ASVAB books you can buy. I had aGed and I scored 89. If it wasn't for my criminal record I could've chose any job. But I chose infantry score needed 38
At the very least America needs to be arming the Peshmerga, but we should be making Field Hospitals and everything out there too. The only reason we aren't at war with them is because that is what they want and they can call it a Holy War if the West comes in to fight them. But eventually America will probably have to do something.
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