White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Kasuti, post: 12653674, member: 924349"\] guys on the toilet...guys dicks...latent homosexual tendencies...[/QUOTE]

you sexualize my sig pic?


Well-Known Member
so you deserved to be incarcerated then? you were that scummy and worthless to society?

all rolli did was grow some weed.

what scummy shit did you do in order to earn your way in and become an aryan skinhead?
I was charged with assault on a govt official, and since I fucked the asshole up so badly it was considered a felony


Well-Known Member
I was charged with assault on a govt official, and since I fucked the asshole up so badly it was considered a felony
sounds like you are proud of being a violent felon, white boy.

now tell me why blacks are inferior according to you.


Well-Known Member
I don't take shit from anyone, and by the way I judge a man on what kind of man he is, not the color of his skin. What does skin pigment have to do with being a man?
you think skin color explains a whole lot, skinhead.

and you took a lot of shit for being a violent felon. got locked up and everything. that's probably where you became a skinhead aryan white supremacist.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure you are thrilled Zeddd, because you idolize the sadistic, homo butt-raping biker in Pulp Fiction.

I picture you with one of those red ball gags in your mouth. :lol:

im sorry you don't understand irony must be that ridiculous pony tail fuking with the fine vibrations you receive


Well-Known Member
At least I was man enough to serve my country, not like a leftwing pussy like you. Punks like you are too scared to pick up a gun and fight for what they believe in. And yes a medical discharge is the same as an honorable discharge when you are injured in combat, so go fuck yourself you punk ass cowrd
Which unit were you in? When did you deploy? Where did you deploy to?

I don't fucking believe you. You're completely full of shit and the funny thing is, you just googled that about a medical discharge because you were worried I would spot your bullshit. It doesn't take me long to know the character of a real soldier and you have never been one.


Well-Known Member
handbags at dawn this thread, hippies will have their cumuppence when Trump get in lmfao, he is your next pres


Well-Known Member
I was in the navy asshole and Thats all I'm willing to say. What the fuck would you know about service to ones country? All you and your buddies do is put down soldiers or seamen who risk their lives for pussies like you to be able to speak their mind freely without retribution from those you speak against

You are completely full of shit. There are a bunch of vets on this site who regularly post in politics. Some I get along with, some I don't. You made a big mistake claiming to be a service connected medical. You won't live this down you fucking poser, piece of shit skinhead.