White people, particularly men:

Oh I'm sure you are thrilled Zeddd, because you idolize the sadistic, homo butt-raping biker in Pulp Fiction.

I picture you with one of those red ball gags in your mouth. :lol:

pure genius as a movie director and writer Quentin Tarantino.
Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction would be my 2 favorites. What do you think is his best flick?
Jackie Brown. All of Quentin's skill with Elmore Leonard's genius work as a backbone just hits an absolute sweet spot for me. And I know it wasn't asked, but Hateful Eight is by far his worst.
Oh come on AC! I've told you before to stop teasing the rednecks, I know it's tempting because they are typically idiots and their responses are so cute when they get teased. :lol:

I would rather be a red neck than a sixty something old hippy trying desperately to hold on to his youth. By the way, that hairdo makes you look like an old ugly lady.

Take George thorogoods advice.. get a hair cut and get a real job.
I think kill bill was the worst.

What really pissed me off about Kill Bill is that I went with a group of friends on the spur of the moment not realizing it was only half a film. When the credits started rolling I was like WTF!!! I got to pay double for this shit??
By the way, if whites are so oppressed how are we able to hold down a whole race of people the way some blacks say white America is keeping them from their full potential?
I would rather be a red neck than a sixty something old hippy trying desperately to hold on to his youth. By the way, that hairdo makes you look like an old ugly lady.

Take George thorogoods advice.. get a hair cut and get a real job.

Aren't you precious! Thanks for making my point. :lol:
