A Pro Palin Thread


New Member
Previously posted, minus this sentence, so it's not SPAM.

Explicit Sex Education Is Opposed by Most Parents in Survey - New York Time

The survey found that while most parents approved of their children being taught about using condoms and contraceptives to avoid pregnancy and disease, they did not want them being taught about masturbation, sexual fantasies and homosexuality and did not want middle schools' teaching children how to unroll condoms, all subjects in the sex education guidelines.

Palin backed abstinence-only education - First Read - msnbc.com

In an Eagle Forum Alaska questionnaire, Palin gave this response to the following question: Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

Palin: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

Levi Johnston: Bristol Palin's Baby Daddy Revealed (PHOTOS)

Bristol Palin's baby daddy has been revealed to be 18 year-old Levi Johnston. Sarah Palin announced that her 17 year-old daughter is five months pregnant Monday. Read More at HuffPost's Sarah Palin big news pag


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Palin: Iraq Is A War For Oil


In a recent BusinessWeek interview, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) admitted that she believes the Iraq war was fought because of oil:
We are a nation at war and in many [ways] the reasons for war are fights over energy sources, which is nonsensical when you consider that domestically we have the supplies ready to go.


New Member
Alaska's 'Frustrated' Governor Palin On Our 'Nonsensical' Energy Policy - Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over


IBD: Alaska was bought by the U.S. from Russia in 1867 specifically to ensure a supply of natural resources. How do Alaskans feel about the opposition from politicians representing the lower 48 to drilling for oil there?

Alaskans are frustrated because there is opposition in Congress to developing our vast amount of natural resources. We want to contribute more to the rest of the United States. We want to help secure the UnitedStates, and help us get off this reliance of foreign sources of energy.

It's a very nonsensical position we're in right now. We send President Bush and Secretary (of Energy Sam) Bodman overseas to ask the Saudis to ramp up production of crude oil so that hungry markets in America can be fed, (and) your sister state in Alaska has those resources. But these lands are locked up by Congress, and we are not allowed to drill to the degree America needs the development.

When we became a state 50 years ago, we struck a deal with the federal government where we said, "Let us in a union where we will be as self-sufficient as possible." And the federal government said, "Come in, you'll be our 49th state, and you'll do it by developing your God-given resources."

Fifty years later . . . we're living up to our end of the bargain, and now we need the rest of the U.S. to live up to their end of the bargain, to lead America toward energy independence. Alaska should be the leader of an energy policy that gets us there.


New Member
Anchorage Governor's Picnic:

Governor Sarah Palin and daughter, Piper, flanked by an original 49-star American flag, welcome Anchorage picnic-goers at the Governor’s 2008 Annual Picnic.


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Barrow Whaling Festival:

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (center) and Mayor Edward Itta (left) in Barrow, Alaska at the last day of the annual whaling festival.


New Member
Palin can't keep her own kids in line, how can she run the country? If her own family doesn't give a damn about her or what she believes in, how is anyone else expected to?


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Disability News | PatriciaEBauer.com News Archive Alaska governor sees ‘perfection’ in her new baby


Alaska governor Sarah Palin says she was initially “shocked” upon getting the prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome for her fifth child when she was four months pregnant. But she and her husband Todd (with baby Trig, left) never considered terminating the pregnancy
Once her husband got the news, he told her: “We shouldn’t be asking, ‘Why us?’ We should be saying, ‘Well, why not us?’”
… “We’ve both been very vocal about being pro-life,” Palin said. “We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential.”
… “I’m looking at him right now, and I see perfection,” Palin said. “Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?”
Trig Paxon Van Palin was born on April 18, and Palin went back to work three days later. Her implicit message: that a child with special needs would not hinder her professional commitments.​
“There is no reason to believe a woman can’t do it with a growing family,” she said. “My baby will not be at all or in any sense neglected.”



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Women on the Oregon Trail


[FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial] Women on the Oregon Trail[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial]It strikes me as I think of it now -- of course, I was a girl, too young then to know much about it -- but I think now the mothers on the road had to undergo more trial and suffering than anybody else. The men had a great deal of anxiety...but still, the mothers had the families.

- Martha Morrison Minto[/FONT][FONT=New York,MS Serif,Palatino,Times New Roman]

[/FONT][FONT=New York,MS Serif,Palatino,Times New Roman]Keeping everyone fed while traveling the Oregon Trail was no small challenge in an age when the first step in preparing fried chicken might very well have been to wring the chicken's neck. Women coped by sharing time-saving tricks such as using the embers of the campfire to slow-cook a kettle of beans for breakfast the next day or filling the butter churn before hanging it off the back of the wagon, as a rough road would bounce the wagon around enough to churn a small lump of butter for the evening meal. In the face of the limited kitchen facilities and ingredients available on the emigrant road, many women took a certain pride in springing culinary surprises such as preparing a birthday cake or a batch of cookies. Some were so pleased with themselves that they almost bragged to their diaries of small triumphs in the face of adversity.

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial]...wet up some light dough and rolled it out with a bottle and spread the strawberries over it and then rolled it up in a cloth and boiled it, and then with the juice of the strawberries and a little sugar and the last bit of nutmeg I had made quite a cup full of sauce to eat upon the dumplings... the dumplings were light as a cork and made quite a dessert.

- Mary Powers[/FONT][FONT=New York,MS Serif,Palatino,Times New Roman]

[/FONT][FONT=verdana,helvetica,arial]...when danger threatened and my services needed, I knew that if I couldn't shoot straight I could at least sound the alarm. ... I put on my husband's hat and overcoat, then grasping our old flintlock between my shaking hands I went forth into the darkness.

- Margaret Hecox[/FONT][FONT=New York,MS Serif,Palatino,Times New Roman]


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Palin's veto ax lops $268 million from budget: Top Stories | adn.com


She cut $43,000 from the budget for landscaping at Klatt Elementary in South Anchorage. A legislative document justified the money, saying "the risk of a child impaling themselves is substantial." Palin also vetoed a Homer Zamboni blade sharpener.

But some leading legislators said Palin went too far and also slashed money for fire stations, emergency services and needed road improvement projects.

Sitka Republican Sen. Bert Stedman said the state has a surplus that could expand by $9 billion over the coming year if oil prices stay at these heights.

"There's no fiscal reason for these heavy vetoes," said Stedman, who was the main architect of the capital budget in the Senate.

Stedman said there's also a good argument that projects are needed to stimulate the slowing economy and expand the labor pool to get ready for a natural gas pipeline.

"This is just politics," he said.

Anchorage Republican Rep. Kevin Meyer, Stedman's counterpart in the House, said Palin vetoed things she told legislators were safe.

"Those are obviously going to cause the most heartburn with legislators," Meyer said.

Palin insisted she was always clear with legislators that nothing was veto-proof. She said she expected pushback from legislators.
"It's never big enough for some lawmakers, it's never big enough for some local officials," Palin said.

• Many small grants to schools and nonprofits. Reason given: "Other funding options available."
• Anchorage Service high artificial football turf -- $1.5 million.
• Homer Electric Association transmission system upgrades -- $12.5 million
• Matanuska Electric Association transmission line to Point MacKenzie prison -- $25 million
• Ship Creek Salmon Learning Center -- $3.5 million
• Kenai Peninsula junk vehicle removal -- $400,000
• Ketchikan Little League batting cages -- $160,000
• Anchorage Covenant House expansion -- $1.1 million
• Anchorage Dolly Parton Imagination Library -- $90,000
• Hilltop Ski Area chairlift replacement -- $400,000
• Mat-Su shooting range -- $340,000
• KTOO FM & TV "Government Transparency Project" -- $100,000
• UAA sports arena planning and design -- $15 million
• Fire Island windmill farm -- $25 million
• Point MacKenzie railroad extension -- $17.5 million
• Mat-Su recycling center -- $1 million (cut from $2 million)
• UAA health sciences building -- $46 million
• Akutan airport -- $31 million
• South Denali visitor road project -- $8.9 million
• Fairbanks University Avenue widening -- $30 million
• Anchorage: connect Dowling-Old Seward-Minnesota -- $22.1 million
• Chefornak school renovation and addition -- $44 million
• Marshall school replacement -- $35 million
• Anchorage and Fairbanks sportfish hatcheries $62 million


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Palin touts stance on 'Bridge to Nowhere,' doesn't note flip-flop: Gov. Sarah Palin | adn.com


Bert Stedman, a Sitka Republican who represents Ketchikan in the state Senate, told the Ketchikan Daily News he was proud to see Palin picked for the vice-president's role, but disheartened by her reference to the bridge.

"In the role of governor, she should be pursuing a transportation policy that benefits the state of Alaska, (rather than) pandering to the southern 48," he said.


New Member
Is it considered spam when you start a thread and then continue to answer yourself over and over and over??? 14 posts it the pro Palin thread and only two others besides CCodiane posting. Refuckingdiculous


Well-Known Member
I don't know. I liked Paladins before they nerfed them. Now Rouges are the ones that need to be nerfed...

Whats that? Ooooooooo... Palin.... so this isn't a WoW thread. Never mind.


New Member
Is it considered spam when you start a thread and then continue to answer yourself over and over and over??? 14 posts it the pro Palin thread and only two others besides CCodiane posting. Refuckingdiculous
Please refer to post #1 and post #13.