A Pro Palin Thread


New Member
well cc, i've accepted your wager. how about you? you gonna do as you say and leave for 6 months when mcpalin loses???
No Silky, not you. I only bet when I have something to gain. You're not nearly annoying enough, so it isn't equitable. Dank, Med, Garden Noman, etc....the boys.....with them I'll wager!:-o


New Member
cc ...

That was a terrific article. Thanks for posting it.

"By all rights, the Democrats should win this election. They will lose, I predict, because of the flawed character of their candidate."

The article pretty much sums up what I've been saying all along, and that is, if O'Bama loses, which he will, it will set the Progressive (Marxist) movement in this country back 50 years. If the Progressives can't get someone as articulate, slick and with the charming personality of O'Bama elected, who CAN they get elected? At this point, the best they can hope for would be an election between Hillary and Palin in 2012 ... and Sarah the Barracuda will eat Hillary for breakfast, then come back for seconds for lunch.


PS: I don't bet for money, but both the Dankster and Med-'O-Mao had offered me a bet of $100 each on the election. You might want to take their money. :bigjoint:



New Member
cc ...

That was a terrific article. Thanks for posting it.

"By all rights, the Democrats should win this election. They will lose, I predict, because of the flawed character of their candidate."

The article pretty much sums up what I've been saying all along, and that is, if O'Bama loses, which he will, it will set the Progressive (Marxist) movement in this country back 50 years. If the Progressives can't get someone as articulate, slick and with the charming personality of O'Bama elected, who CAN they get elected? At this point, the best they can hope for would be an election between Hillary and Palin in 2012 ... and Sarah the Barracuda will eat Hillary for breakfast, then come back for seconds for lunch.


PS: I don't bet for money, but both the Dankster and Med-'O-Mao had offered me a bet of $100 each on the election. You might want to take their money. :bigjoint:

Unless Diebold wins the election, Obama will win in a landslide. Paper trails are needed to contain the election process. I want a paper trail no matter who wins. We need fair elections to remain in the democratic realm. If elections are tampered with, we are no better than any dictatorship, and this country with their electronic voting machines can pull that off in a heartbeat. Paper trails. All the machines in Nv have paper trails, or at least they did last election, if they don't this one, I'm gonna squack to every elected official in the state.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
No Silky, not you. I only bet when I have something to gain. You're not nearly annoying enough, so it isn't equitable. Dank, Med, Garden Noman, etc....the boys.....with them I'll wager!:-o
LOL!!! o.k. i like you a little better now. that's a good one. atta boy girl!!


New Member
I watched the press conference myself. I actually sat right here in my house and watched it. That was the day that I became a true hater of Bush. All I could think is "my kid is going to be old enough for the draft in a few years and our president is starting a war with someone over that"?

CNN.com - Bush calls Saddam 'the guy who tried to kill my dad' - Sep. 27, 2002

And, in discussing the threat posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Bush said: "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." eat me.
That's a far cry from "We are going to war with Iraq BECAUSE Saddam tried to kill my dad, isn't it?



Well-Known Member
I want to say I love this woman.Thank god for her.I hope she succeeds in serving the people.She is a political genius and will eat Biden for lunch in the debates.


New Member
Biden is a true idiot in the finest definition of the word. The Democrat elites, including O'Bama and Biden, are vastly under estimating Palin. It is beyond their ability to fathom how a "Hockey Mom" from a "backwards" state like Alaska, could ever get this far, let alone being elected to a position one step away from president. Hey, like I mean ... O'Bama went to Harvard and Cornell ... and Palin "only" went to the University of Idaho. ~lol~

I'm tellin' you guys ... because of my training, I'm a VERY good judge of people. O'Bama has that smug, arrogant, elitist attitude written all over him. Contrast that to the open freshness of Palin. No contest. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Say, haven't Todd Palin and a bunch of others been subpoena'd in relation to corruption charges? (Along with some phone records too.) Why yes, they have.

Palin said she'd cooperate with the investigation, but she flip-flopped on that, and now she won't cooperate. I guess her word is as good as, umm, dog poop?


Active Member
Anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

I hope her down syndrome kid grows up to rape and impregnate one of her daughters.

I can't think of anything better than that. :finger:


New Member
Anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

I hope her down syndrome kid grows up to rape and impregnate one of her daughters.

I can't think of anything better than that. :finger:
Vi, I'm an excellent judge of character, as well. This "aboveyourpaygrade":rolleyes: guy is a true liberal. Stinkin, dirty, rotten, liberal. Would you concur?


Well-Known Member
Palin did nothing while she was in office but Beg for federal funds and tax the oil companies to give money to her people.. By any definition it's socialism.


New Member
Anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest. I hope her down syndrome kid grows up to rape and impregnate one of her daughters.I can't think of anything better than that. :finger:
Now there is a typical lefty making a typical lefty comment. This is the best of the support O'biden can expect. This attitude is portrayed in the public arena and is exactly why O'biden won't defeat Palin ... and, err ... err ... McCain. The average American hates negative thoughts like those AYI displayed above. Keep 'em coming lefties ... :-P



New Member
Vi, I'm an excellent judge of character, as well. This "aboveyourpaygrade":rolleyes: guy is a true liberal. Stinkin, dirty, rotten, liberal. Would you concur?
No question about it, cc. O'Biden is nothing more than a more articulate Dukakis. Palin is hanging all over his campaign like a cheap suit. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
She hired a high school friend to oversee the cattle industry in Alaska at $95k/year. The qualifications of her friend? She likes cows. Lol, that is hilarious. Hey, put me in charge of Alaska's IT infrastructure -- I like computers! Who would she pick as Secretary of Defense? An old high school friend that likes guns? Cronyism at its best.


New Member
Palin is what the repukes have for hope, and it's fading fast, in fact, it's just about over. When the facts about little Sarah come out, Biden will destroy her, Chew her up and spit her out, No sexism needed, just the facts maam, just the facts.


Well-Known Member
Biden has been consistantly wrong all the way back to Renaldo Magnus(Reagan) the great one! He will get smoked in the debates.He is always fuckin up.He just said a few days ago that The messiah should have pcked Hilary.He also said that if Sarah gets in it would be a "set back for women" are you fucking kidding?I thought liberals were for womens' rights. At a ralley the other day he told a wheelchair bound vetren to stand up.He was against the surge, which has been a total success.He said Obama was not ready and the presidency does not lend itself to on the job training.Guns,religion,babies.These people prey on the weak minded.Most do not even pay attention to the news.Most are uninformed about the world.Remember when The Messiah said"Bitter Americans cling to their guns and religion"this will not go over well.Or,when he said"I would not want my daughters to be punished w/a baby if they got pregnant".This is stupidity.At least have the brains to word this shit different.What about taxes?He says if you make under 250 you wont be taxed.What he doesnt tell you is that families that make 45 thousand and under pay NO TAXES.So please explain to me how they get a tax cut?Here let me.Since you can not give back to someone money they never had you have TO TAKE IT FROM(STEAL) SOMEONE ELSE.This is called income redistribution.Those people that our fucked up government wants to take it from is the very people who provide jobs and invest.The poor dont do shit.Right.So why the fuck would we give the poor and the so called middle class something for nothing.Please I urge you all to please educate your selves.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i think that raising taxes, for a time, may be a good thing. we're not going to be able to get out of this republican hole we got dumped into by cutting taxes. i can't believe that people don't understand that it takes money to run a country, especially a superpower. taxes are the cost of peace of mind and freedom. what are we supposed to run this country on, good intentions???