Indictment Countdown...

The government does not protect children from getting fucked by adults either with consent or not. The government prosecutes the offenders if they are caught.

And yes, I think black people should have the right to not associate with white people. Why do you think forcing interactions is the better course of action?

Are you going to demand I bake you a cake soon?
Are you open for business to the public?
Fucking A right your gonna bake me a cake
The government does not protect children from getting fucked by adults either with consent or not. The government prosecutes the offenders if they are caught.

And yes, I think black people should have the right to not associate with white people. Why do you think forcing interactions is the better course of action?

Are you going to demand I bake you a cake soon?
so you support segregation ?

^^^ speaks for itself. 100 proof bought off lying politician (should be spelled poLIEtician)

^^^^ if it waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck.

^^^^ Go Rudy Go

^^^ Hottie MILF legal type, best info on the whole scandal.

Have the courage to watch them start to finish, before responding. Hillary supporters, I truly feel for you. But there is hope. Hope the FBI charges her for setting up her weak ass home server, in some sad attempt to keep her dirty dealings off the government radar.

Previous SOS's didn't use private servers, they only used a personal email account for personal matters. Hillary compromised the security of the USA, making state secrets easy to gather. Hackers had a field day.

Don't even get me started on the Clinton Foundation, which is just a money laundering slush fund. Drop a few millions in the Clinton Foundation, and big favors come your way.
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You can read her mind? This is a common claim among the right. NLX does the same thing. He claimed he could read the minds of the people in Baltimore and said they were going to burn the city down last Monday night. He even explained their reasoning and some of the people on the right thought it was a good idea. Too funny that.
She signed a document saying she knew.
To speak with such authority about what Hillary knew is a bit of a stretch. Sorry Pie, but nobody really knows what another person is thinking. But there you have it, you and NLX are claiming that special power. Along with being so certain about what happened in Benghazi because you read somebody's blog post about their wishful thinking of made up shit.

So, Trump says "there is no drought in California, OK?" What do you think about what he said?
notice how they avoid these questions.

here's another example.

@Flaming Pie , nitro harley said that obama should go back to kenya. do you think that what your ally and fellow trump supporter said was racist?

guaranteed non-response from the cowards.
It's amazing to me and impossible for me to understand. I am truly boggled by their lack of need for facts.