Indictment Countdown...

The government does not protect children from getting fucked by adults either with consent or not. The government prosecutes the offenders if they are caught.

And yes, I think black people should have the right to not associate with white people. Why do you think forcing interactions is the better course of action?

Are you going to demand I bake you a cake soon?
The government does not protect children from getting fucked by adults either with consent or not. The government prosecutes the offenders if they are caught.

And yes, I think black people should have the right to not associate with white people. Why do you think forcing interactions is the better course of action?

Are you going to demand I bake you a cake soon?
So without the goverment punishing offenders. You can fuck children without consequences?
Why do you want adults to have a legal right to fuck children?
Why are you a stupid racist ssshole?
Rob Roy proposes freedom from government and rulers.

You said in your post that this comes from the capitalist ruling class.

Could you explain the discrepancy?
No, he does not propose anything of the sort. He proposes the most rugged form of capitalism.

This ideology comes from the capitalist ruling class.

The discrepancy exists only in the feeble minds of the gullible morons who ascribe to this ideology.
No it doesn't. You just have nothing worthwhile to present. By all means though, ask me again what property is, since you don't know.

I may do whatever I chose to do with MY property. Would you agree or disagree that is axiomatic ?

I have a definition of what a property right is and what property is. I've asked you to define yours or deny mine, as a starting point. You seem reluctant to make that definition and appear to be covering your reluctance by trying to appear smug. Enlighten me? What is property and who can own it ?

Your statement that I have nothing worthwhile to present, is another diversion and leads me to believe again, that you are afraid you might contradict yourself, if you venture too far from your smugness.
So without the goverment punishing offenders. You can fuck children without consequences?
Why do you want adults to have a legal right to fuck children?
Why are you a stupid racist ssshole?

Aren't you the guy that wants to punish people for engaging in a consensual transaction of plant matter?

Now you also want the government to prevent people, who have the wherewithal to consent to something ,to be forcibly prevented from doing so?

It's a good thing you have skinny arms, if you had the ability to, you seem like the kind of guy that wants to forcibly run others lives for them.
I've asked you to define yours
You have asked me, and I quote verbatim, "what is property?". I do not go around with my own definitions to words. Words have meanings. Your definition is worthless. You may not simply do as you wish with your property as property rights come from gov't and you are by its laws bound to do with you wish with your property only insofar as it is legal.

You can not abolish gov't and yet retain the rights only afforded you by it. What you propose is only the privatization of state apparatus. You are not an anarchist.

To continue insisting I have not answered your question is to admit your question is loaded and that you're attempting to lead me to a falsehood by weak rhetoric.
Aren't you the guy that wants to punish people for engaging in a consensual transaction of plant matter?

Now you also want the government to prevent people, who have the wherewithal to consent to something ,to be forcibly prevented from doing so?

It's a good thing you have skinny arms, if you had the ability to, you seem like the kind of guy that wants to forcibly run others lives for them.
Got anything else wannabe child molester?
No, he does not propose anything of the sort. He proposes the most rugged form of capitalism.

This ideology comes from the capitalist ruling class.

The discrepancy exists only in the feeble minds of the gullible morons who ascribe to this ideology.

No, I propose voluntary interactions be the basis of a free market. This idea is subjugated and sometimes co-opted and reengineered by "the capitalist ruling class".

Perhaps you could put the bag of cheetohs down for a minute and tell me what is wrong with voluntary interactions and what is right with involuntary interactions.
You have asked me, and I quote verbatim, "what is property?". I do not go around with my own definitions to words. Words have meanings. Your definition is worthless. You may not simply do as you wish with your property as property rights come from gov't and you are by its laws bound to do with you wish with your property only insofar as it is legal.

You can not abolish gov't and yet retain the rights only afforded you by it. What you propose is only the privatization of state apparatus. You are not an anarchist.

To continue insisting I have not answered your question is to admit your question is loaded and that you're attempting to lead me to a falsehood by weak rhetoric.

I appreciate your reply, it has some substance, but I'm not quite clear on what you are saying...

Are you saying in the absence of a monopolistic government, that property or a property right cannot exist ?

Abolish government ? I'm not interested in abolishing your government, I'm interested in not being governed by it, without my individual consent.

Also, I'm interested in CREATING as many governments as is needed for people to be free. By that I mean "government" that isn't a central authority, rather a government(s) which can exist at the individual level if that is where it leads. In other words self determination is the end sought.
I appreciate your reply, it has some substance, but I'm not quite clear on what you are saying...

Are you saying in the absence of a monopolistic government, that property or a property right cannot exist ?

Abolish government ? I'm not interested in abolishing your government, I'm interested in not being governed by it, without my individual consent.

Also, I'm interested in CREATING as many governments as is needed for people to be free. By that I mean "government" that isn't a central authority, rather a government(s) which can exist at the individual level if that is where it leads. In other words self determination is the end sought.
You have just conceded to every point I made. So now we will focus on how you think an adult fucking a child is a voluntary exchange and that the coercive gov't punishing pedos is literally slavery.

Inb4 civil rights are compared to rape.
What did I tell you about opening your butthurt rant with bullshit? That gets you tl;dr'd. "Free-market" is another oxymoron, since privatization is only possible through gov't.

No, it isn't. Here let me give you an example proving you wrong....

A free market is merely consensual exchange, which predates central authority / most governments.

I participate in free market exchanges with friends and guess what, there is no government involved. They have a cabbage, I have a turnip, we make a deal. Your government gets nothing and has no involvement, They might like to get involved, and abridge the property rights of the people making the deal though by stealing a percentage and calling it "tax".
You have just conceded to every point I made. So now we will focus on how you think an adult fucking a child is a voluntary exchange and that the coercive gov't punishing pedos is literally slavery.

Inb4 civil rights are compared to rape.

Your fear is palpable. Come out from under the bed, and put that dust bunny covered cheetah down, mom will buy you more if you promise to look for a job, even a part time one.
I participate in free market exchanges with friends and guess what, there is no government involved.
That's not true at all. If it weren't for the gov't, you would have no land. Your community would be completely different and it is quite probably you would never have been born.

Your utopian BS doesn't apply to reality. Things are already privatized and it is BECAUSE gov't exists. You do nothing in the absence of gov't because gov't has existed and shaped history before you were a thought.
So without the goverment punishing offenders. You can fuck children without consequences?
Why do you want adults to have a legal right to fuck children?
Why are you a stupid racist ssshole?

The error in your idea, is you seek redress from the institution (coercion based government) which uses a nonconsensual relationship as a corner stone of its existence.

You are essentially saying, "we" need a central based authority to abuse people, to make sure nobody abuses people"
You will notice that these asshats have spent hours attacking a person's character and not even seconds discussing the political situation.

What a waste of time. I am gonna finish building the roof of my shed today.
That's not true at all. If it weren't for the gov't, you would have no land. Your community would be completely different and it is quite probably you would never have been born.

Your utopian BS doesn't apply to reality. Things are already privatized and it is BECAUSE gov't exists. You do nothing in the absence of gov't because gov't has existed and shaped history before you were a thought.

So, now you are an 'anarchist" arguing FOR a central authority ?

I agree with you that without a central coercion based authority, things would be different.

Reality is that UNTIL voluntary relationships become the norm and systemic coercion based governments are not, your ability to own anything is jeopardized.

Governments can dispossess / redistribute and show favoritism, but the idea that they can take control of property doesn't mean they created it.

Also, a clear and agreed definition of what "government" is would be good if we are to continue this discourse.